[Boston Haskell] Monday, October 24th, 7-9pm in the MIT CSAIL Reading Room

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Edward Kmett

Oct 11, 2011, 11:51:07 AM10/11/11
to BostonHaskell
The next Boston Haskell meeting will be Monday, October 24th from 7pm to 9pm at our usual location, the MIT CSAIL Reading Room (32-G882, which is a room on the 8th floor of the Gates Tower of the MIT's Stata Center at 32 Vassar St in Cambridge, MA).

There will be two talks:

First, I'll be giving a talk on the state of trifecta, my parser combinator library for Haskell, and where it is going from here.

Then Dan Doel has agreed to talk a bit about homotopy type theory and directed type theory (also here). If you are interested in type systems, these are both very interesting areas of active research.

There will be refreshments (and pizza!) provided during the break by ClariFI and of course, if you'd like to stick around, a number of us tend to head down to the CBC afterwards and socialize.

If you would like to give a talk or if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email the mailing list here at bostonhaskell@googlegroups.com or contact me personally at ekm...@gmail.com


Adam Chlipala

Oct 11, 2011, 6:15:31 PM10/11/11
to boston...@googlegroups.com
Edward Kmett wrote:
> The next Boston Haskell meeting will be Monday, October 24th from 7pm
> to 9pm at our usual location, the MIT CSAIL Reading Room (32-G882,
> which is a room on the 8th floor of the Gates Tower of the MIT's Stata
> Center at 32 Vassar St in Cambridge, MA).

Some folks going to this meeting may also be interested in the inaugural
meeting of the new MIT PL Seminar on the same day from 4-5:30, in
32-G575 (same building, lower floor). The speaker is Assaf Kfoury from
Boston University, on "A Domain-Specific Language for Incremental and
Modular Design of Large-Scale Verifiably-Safe Flow Networks."

More information at this monster URL:

Also, we have a mailing list for PL Seminar announcements:

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