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Local variables

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Ing. Wolfgang Bures

Jan 14, 2001, 6:18:10 AM1/14/01
Delphi destroy local objects automatically, right?

Procedure TMain.test;


// Do Soemthing
List.Destroy; //neccessary?

Do I have to destroy the object or is it O.K. to rely on delphi to do it?


Markus Dommann

Jan 14, 2001, 6:50:59 AM1/14/01
to Ing. Wolfgang Bures
It is necessary to free objects. (Use Free not Destroy!!!) I would write
your code like this:

Procedure TMain.test;
List: TStringList;
List := TStringList.Create;

// Do Soemthing


Jan 14, 2001, 6:33:38 AM1/14/01
When your program finishes using an object, it must explicitly free the
Don't call the destroy directly; use the free method.
Delphi does not have an automatic garbage collection.

The German Delphi Help (Keywords Destroy/Free) says:
"Es ist nicht ratsam, Destroy direkt aufzurufen. Verwenden Sie statt dessen
Free. Free überprüft, ob das Objekt nicht bereits freigegeben wurde, und
ruft Destroy nur bei Bedarf auf.
Mit Free wird ein Objekt freigegeben. Wenn die Objektinstanz nicht NIL ist,
wird Destroy aufgerufen. Alle zur Laufzeit instantiierten Objekte, die
keinen Eigentümer besitzen, sollten mit einem Aufruf von Free aufgelöst
werden, damit sowohl das Objekt als auch der zugehörige Speicher korrekt
freigegeben wird."


Ing. Wolfgang Bures <> schrieb in im Newsbeitrag:

| Delphi destroy local objects automatically, right?
| Procedure TMain.test;
| var
| List:TStringList;
| begin;
| List:=TStringList.Create;
| // Do Soemthing

| List.Destroy; file://neccessary?

Morten Ludvigsen (2-People Software)

Jan 14, 2001, 7:00:14 AM1/14/01
Delphi does not destroy local objects automatically. So the answer to
your question is that it is necessary to destroy the local object
before leaving the procedure. However I would always use
<object>.Free, and not <object>.Destroy. The Free destroys the object
only if the object variable does not contain nil.
Also I would put a try...finally in there to ensure that the object is
actually freed:

procedure TMain.test;

List : TStringList;


List := TStringList.Create;
// Do Soemthing

List.Free; // Necessary!!!



Morten Ludvigsen
2-People Software

Manuel Algora

Jan 15, 2001, 1:42:30 PM1/15/01
On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 12:18:10 +0100, "Ing. Wolfgang Bures"
<> wrote:

>Delphi destroy local objects automatically, right?

There are no local objects.

>Procedure TMain.test;
> List:TStringList;

What you have created here is not a local object, but a local
variable, List, which is a pointer to a TStringList. It is just 4
bytes long, like any pointer.

> List:=TStringList.Create;

Here *you* create (instantiate) the object. It is here that memory is
assigned to hold the object, and the adress of this memory is passed
back by the constructor (Create), and stored in List by your

So it stands to reason that *you*, again, should free the memory
assigned for the object instantiation.

Manuel Algora

Mike Walsh

Jan 15, 2001, 3:22:26 PM1/15/01
Hello all,

I'd like to add my own two cents here with a question.

I completely agree with the point of using the scope of the objects, but
several make a point of the original poster using free instead of destroy.
In actuality, I always use the fre also (in the hope that Borland will fix
this problem and I won't have to change my code), but is it really critical
to do in a local variable situation like this? The free only checks that the
var object is not nill, not that it was created. In a local procedure,
there's usually junk in the local variable, so calling the free makes no
difference. This is one bug that has irked me since the turbo pascal days.

Mike Walsh

Paul Baker

Jan 15, 2001, 3:27:47 PM1/15/01
> >Delphi destroy local objects automatically, right?
> There are no local objects.
> >Procedure TMain.test;
> >
> >var
> > List:TStringList;
> What you have created here is not a local object, but a local
> variable, List, which is a pointer to a TStringList. It is just 4
> bytes long, like any pointer.

I think this is the part the original poster was getting confused about.
These 4 bytes are either a register or on the stack, so the variable will
indeed be discarded, in a sense, when it goes out of scope. But all that
means is that you no longer have a pointer to the object *you* created,
because that pointer went out of scope. You still need to free the object
*you* created, and so you'd better either do so in the procedure that
created it or pass it on to somewhere else that is sure to free it.

Paul :)

Robert Kuhlmann

Jan 15, 2001, 6:41:21 PM1/15/01
Hi Mike,

it's a typical requirement of C- and VB-programmers to Delphi, that
garbage collection should happen automatically. But why should it?
A local object-variable doesn't always have to hold a seperate instance.
I often use local object-variables to hold newly created objects, that
are to be added to lists or collections. Before I add them to those
lists (even TObjectList) I don't want to typecast them or reach them
only via the last pointer in the list (not thread safe though).
So a local variable of the correct type helps initialize and handle the
new instance before it gets inserted somewhere else.
<sarcasm on>
Now PLEASE don't let Delphi destroy my fine new object if the procedure
exits - PLEASE.
<sarcasm off>
I think it would be a task, too comlex and time consuming for a (fast)
compiler. It would have to distinguish between the author's intentions
and errors, by analyzing what happens to instances, assigned to local

In addition it leads to very clear code if you write

MyNewObject := TAnyClass.Create;
<Do nasty things with MyObject here>
MyNewObject.Free; //FreeAndNil absolutely obsolete here

Only, and asolutely exclusive, in this situation, I want the object to
be destoyed on exit.

And again: IT'S NOT A BUG. No one ever said, Delphi would clean up
memory on exit, except the local stack. And as we all know, objects
don't reside on the stack but on the heap (just pointers to objects may
reside on the stack).


Ing. Wolfgang Bures

Jan 16, 2001, 3:07:07 AM1/16/01
Thanks for all the contributions. After reading the postings I really feel
like a fool knowing EXACTLY that those objects arent on the stack and only
the stack beeing cleaned. So please forgive the stupid question.

"Ing. Wolfgang Bures" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

Mike Walsh

Jan 16, 2001, 8:00:55 AM1/16/01

I think you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that I wanted Delphi to do GC.
The code I write looks a lot like the stuff you put in. What I was referring
to was the fact that the local variables have junk in them when the
procedure starts up. For example, if you take your procedure and comment out
the extra lines and the declaration part, in a local procedure you'll
probably get an AV

{MyNewObject := TAnyClass.Create;}

{<Do nasty things with MyObject here>}
MyNewObject.Free; //FreeAndNil absolutely obsolete here

and BTW, personally, I'm not a C or VB programmer. I've tried both, but
prefer Delphi.


Robert Kuhlmann

Jan 16, 2001, 5:06:58 PM1/16/01
Hi Wolfgang,

did you hear anybody saying it's a *stupid* question? It's a point that
comes up again and again and needs to be discussed (obviously).


Robert Kuhlmann

Jan 16, 2001, 5:04:24 PM1/16/01
Hi Mike,

>...I've tried both, but
> prefer Delphi.
That's all I wanted to hear :-))

Maybe I still didn't get your argument. Freeing a local variable (of
type object-pointer) is the worst case of coming to know, that it didn't
get initialized.

Okay, you could argue, object-pointers should have to be initialzed with
NIL, Integers with 0 and so forth. But sometimes (and more often than
you might think) it's wasted time to intialize local variables in
general and automatic. E.g.: the local variable shall hold the result of
a function call (whatever result it will be). If it is initialized
first, where's the advantage?
On the other hand, sober initialization in source means to document the
preconditions explicitely instead of trusting the compiler.


Ing. Wolfgang Bures

Jan 17, 2001, 3:36:36 AM1/17/01
> did you hear anybody saying it's a *stupid* question?
Myself when reading the first answers!

It's a point that
> comes up again and again and needs to be discussed (obviously).

> Bye
> Robert

Mike Walsh

Jan 17, 2001, 8:34:57 AM1/17/01
That's what learning is all about. Even the best of us are subject to brain
freezes where things we knew intimately, for some reason won't come to mind
when we need them.

Mike Walsh

Mike Walsh

Jan 17, 2001, 8:33:23 AM1/17/01

I think my biggest problem was the fact the I had a rough day the other day,
and felt in the mode to argue with someone.

The point I was trying to make is that...

1) Why are people so insistant that programmers use the free statement
within a local scope variable? Since free only checks for a nil on the
object pointer, and since local vars aren't initialized, this is no better
than using destroy in this case. On the other hand, if you want to be able
to cut and paste, and move your code around (for changing circumstances, for
example) it's better to use the methods that are more reliable (even if only
a little)

2) I prefer to use code like you posted, I feel without a doubt that it is
better coding, and far less likely for errors. It would be better to
emphasize the better coding style with the try blocks and explain the uses
and limitations of free.


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