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Problem on memory leak with TADOQuery

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Sara T.

non lue,
25 juil. 2005, 07:48:2425/07/2005
Does anybody find this?

I have something to create and destroy this object (TADOQuery) a lot of
times, I found TADOQuery does not release the memory and eats memory until
the machine becomes out of memory.

I thought the several people found this problem (I search in the google) but
nobody answer.

Again, it anybody finds the solutions, lindy post it.

Sara T.

Viatcheslav V. Vassiliev

non lue,
25 juil. 2005, 16:12:2825/07/2005
How do you determine memory leaks? What DBMS you use and does leak occur in
application or in DBMS?

Vassiliev V. V. - using .Net objects in Delphi for Win32 +
ADO.Net - The fastest way to access MS SQL Server,
MS Jet (Access) and Interbase (through OLEDB)

"Sara T." <> сообщил/сообщила в новостях следующее:


non lue,
26 juil. 2005, 08:01:5626/07/2005

It would be easier to tell something if you post some code.

Sara T.

non lue,
26 juil. 2005, 10:01:3226/07/2005
I'm using an simple ADOQuery with:
AdoQuery1.SQL.Add('select * from myTable');

Every call I lose memory.

I found the same question in Google but nobody answers.

Sara T.

"Pieter" <> wrote in message


non lue,
26 juil. 2005, 11:02:1726/07/2005

Here is a way:

Create a Connection class (Connection.cpp) with a TADOQuery and a method like (not tested):

Connection :: Connection ()
//set your connection string here.
ADOQuery1->ConnectioString = ...
//Or you can set the connection string in de object inspector

TADOQuery *Connection :: open(String stmtSQL)
try {
} catch (Exception &e) {
ShowMessage (e.Message);
return ADOQuery1;

you can call this class by:
//include header
#include "Connection.h"

TADOQuery *qry = new TADOQuery(Application);
Connection *con = new Connection();

String SQL = "SELECT * FROM myTable"
qry = con->open(SQL);
//do something with the query;

//delete adoquery en connection
delete qry;
delete con;

Good luck.

Sara T.

non lue,
26 juil. 2005, 12:40:5526/07/2005
I will try and let you the response.
But I don't understand why it could be worked.

Sara T.

"pieter" <> wrote in message


non lue,
26 juil. 2005, 23:56:4626/07/2005
Sara T. wrote:
> I have something to create and destroy this object (TADOQuery) a lot
> of times, I found TADOQuery does not release the
> memory and eats memory until the machine becomes out of memory.
> I'm using an simple ADOQuery with:
> AdoQuery1.Close;
> AdoQuery1.Sql.Clear;
> AdoQuery1.SQL.Add('select * from myTable');
> AdoQuery1.Open;
> Every call I lose memory. I found the same question in Google but
> nobody answers.

Some month ago:
D7, ADODB unit.
we use Jedi or memcheck to track if memory is lost or not. This tools
say that there is a problem in adodb unit when the tadoquery is freed.
So we checked the source code of the vcl and made some modifications:

destructor TADOCommand.Destroy;
// we modified like this ==>
Connection := nil;
FCommandObject := nil;
// we modified : end
inherited Destroy;

{ // this is the original source code
Connection := nil;
FCommandObject := nil;

destructor TADOQuery.Destroy;
// we modified like this ==>
// we modified : end
inherited Destroy;

// FreeAndNil(FSQL); // original source code

Now: no more memory problem.
Do you think we can used our modifications? Do you agree with that?
These fixes are already present in D7 Update 1.
I've just passed the Delphi 7 update 1.
The VCL has not changed, the problem still exists.
-------- End of quotation -----------------------
I.e. original VCL src calls "inherited Destroy;" before some other
statements. It's not so good practice but pascal allows it and in theory
no leaks present here... Try to patch ADOdb.pas as described above.
QualityCentral #8837

I guess "memory leak" needs no further explanation ;) See steps how to
reproduce... I've traced the memory leak down to
WideStringField.GetAsVariant() in DB.pas. See workaround for possible fix.

(Tested with English D7 Build 8.1)
1. Create a MS-Access 2000 MDB containing a table "Table1" with a string
column named "Column1". Add a few records to that table (actual column
text doesn't matter)
2. Create a new Delphi application. Drop a TADOConnection and a
TADOTable on the form and connect them to "Table1" in the Access database
3. Drop a TButton and add the following lines to it's OnClick event
handler, which basically just accesses the first two rows of the table
alternatingly and reads them into a variable type Variant:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
v: Variant;
repeat // forever
v := ADOTable1.FieldByName('Column1').Value;
v := ADOTable1.FieldByName('Column1').Value;
until False;

4. Compile the application and run it (outside Delphi). Watch memory
consumption in the Windows task manager.

memory consumption increased endlessly before the fix (I interrupted the
process at 100 MB) , and after the fix, it never goes over a certain
limit (10 MB in my test app). I've tested it with MemProof. For both
"Live Pointers" and "Virtual Memory", the peak size keeps increasing


Instead of using
DataSet.FieldValues['myfield'] or
use one of the following workarounds:

1) TWideStringField(DataSet.FieldValues['myfield']).Value, which
retrieves the field value as WideString and not as Variant.

2) Use the following function
GetWideString(DataSet.FieldByName('myfield') as TWideStringField) to
retrieve the value as Variant without leaking memory.

function GetWideString(field: TWideStringField): Variant;
S: WideString;
if field.DataSet.GetFieldData(field, @S, False)
then Result := S;
else Result := Null;

IMHO 2) is also a possible fix for Delphi's VCL.
TWideStringField.GetAsVariant() and my workaround function above differ
only in 2 points, both of which cause a memory leak:
- S is declared as PWideChar instead of WideString
- Instead of simply using "Result := S", the following code is used.
TVarData(Result).VOleStr := PWideChar(S);
TVarData(Result).VType := varOleStr;

I don't understand Delphi's memory management of WideStrings well enough
to tell where exactly the memory leaks come from, but this workaround
seems to fix them.
Does anyone know about memory leak issue in TADOQuery? I've search in
Google and Google Groups and I found only very little info about this,
although the problem is spot on. SysString is not released after closing
and freeing ADO Query. I found one workaround from QualityCentral #8837
but there's another that I couldn't fix. The code is very simple:

adoQuery := TADOQuery.Create(nil);
adoQuery.Connection := adoConnection;
adoQuery.Prepared := True;
adoQuery.SQL.Add('SELECT Title, Description ');
adoQuery.SQL.Add('FROM User WHERE Id = ' + IntToStr(Self.FUserId));
adoQuery.SQL.Clear(); // <-Clear before Close??? (AlexB)

On MemProof this will yield SysString not freed resources from deep
inside TCustomADODataSet. The last three entries on the stack is like this:

system.pas WStrFromPWCharLen
variants.pas VarFromWStr
adodb.pas TCustomADODataSet::InternalInitFieldDefs

If I put this snippet in an iteration the number of SysString unreleased
will go up. Does anyone know any workaround/resolution for this issue?
(without answer...)
Another tips:
SetProcessWorkingSetSize(GetCurrentProcess(), DWORD(-1), DWORD(-1));

after test. This will trim working memory set. If this helps, there is
no memory leak, if not - use MemCheck or other tool to find a leak.
Get TBetterADODataSet (free) and test again. It is said to fix some
problems in the original.

Good lack ...

Sara T.

non lue,
1 août 2005, 01:30:4301/08/2005
Somebody fixed somecode in ADODB.pas, why Borland does not provide any hot
fix to solve?

Sara T.

"AlexB" <> wrote in message


non lue,
1 août 2005, 22:41:2901/08/2005
Sara T. wrote:
> Somebody fixed somecode in ADODB.pas, why Borland does not provide any hot
> fix to solve?

Ask Borland not us :)
In Quality Central you can see a lot of bugs without fix since old
versions (5 - 4 - 3 ...)


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