Re: [Boost-users] libXXX

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Jan 26, 2008, 3:21:49 PM1/26/08

I'm also having the same problem after installing from the BoostPro Installer
with VC9.

Just going off the basic example, my program is:

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

#ifdef WIN32
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int main()
std::string line;
boost::regex pat( "^Subject: (Re: |Aw: )*(.*)" );

while (std::cin)
std::getline(std::cin, line);
boost::smatch matches;
if (boost::regex_match(line, matches, pat))
std::cout << matches[2] << std::endl;

And I'm getting:
libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(instances.obj) : error LNK2019:
unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __thiscall
std::_Container_base::_Orphan_all(void)const "
(__imp_?_Orphan_all@_Container_base@std@@QBEXXZ) referenced in function
"public: class std::vector<struct boost::sub_match<char const *>,class
std::allocator<struct boost::sub_match<char const *> > > & __thiscall
std::vector<struct boost::sub_match<char const *>,class
std::allocator<struct boost::sub_match<char const *> > >::operator=(class
std::vector<struct boost::sub_match<char const *>,class
std::allocator<struct boost::sub_match<char const *> > > const &)"
libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(instances.obj) : error LNK2019:
unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall
(__imp_??1_Container_base@std@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "public:
__thiscall std::_Vector_val<struct boost::sub_match<char const *>,class
std::allocator<struct boost::sub_match<char const *> >
>::~_Vector_val<struct boost::sub_match<char const *>,class
std::allocator<struct boost::sub_match<char const *> > >(void)"
libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(instances.obj) : error LNK2019:
unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall
(__imp_??0_Container_base@std@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "protected:
__thiscall std::_Vector_val<struct boost::sub_match<char const *>,class
std::allocator<struct boost::sub_match<char const *> > >::_Vector_val<struct
boost::sub_match<char const *>,class std::allocator<struct
boost::sub_match<char const *> > >(class std::allocator<struct
boost::sub_match<char const *> >)"
libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(instances.obj) : error LNK2019:
unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __thiscall
std::_Container_base::_Swap_all(class std::_Container_base &)const "
(__imp_?_Swap_all@_Container_base@std@@QBEXAAV12@@Z) referenced in function
"public: void __thiscall std::vector<struct boost::sub_match<char const
*>,class std::allocator<struct boost::sub_match<char const *> >
>::swap(class std::vector<struct boost::sub_match<char const *>,class
std::allocator<struct boost::sub_match<char const *> > > &)"
libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(instances.obj) : error LNK2019:
unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: class
std::_String_iterator<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class
std::allocator<char> > __thiscall std::basic_string<char,struct
std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >::insert(class
std::_String_iterator<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class
std::allocator<char> >,char)"
referenced in function "public: struct boost::re_detail::re_syntax_base *
__thiscall boost::re_detail::basic_regex_creator<char,struct
boost::regex_traits<char,class boost::w32_regex_traits<char> >
>::append_set(class boost::re_detail::basic_char_set<char,struct
boost::regex_traits<char,class boost::w32_regex_traits<char> > > const
&,struct boost::mpl::bool_<0> *)"
C:\Documents and Settings\corwin\My Documents\Visual Studio
2008\Projects\Bella\Debug\Bella.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 5 unresolved

David Randolph Palmer wrote:
> I was able to build everything, but now get link errors, anyone know the
> answer?
> Dave
> Build Log Rebuild started: Project: example, Configuration:
> Debug|Win32
> Command Lines Creating temporary file "c:\Users\dad\Documents\Visual
> Studio 2008\Projects\example\example\Debug\RSP00001227165100.rsp" with
> contents
> [
> /Od /I "C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_34_1" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D
> "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /FD /EHa /MDd /Fo"Debug\\" /Fd"Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3
> /c /Zi /clr /TP /FU
> "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.dll" /FU
> "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Data.dll" /FU
> "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.XML.dll"
> ".\example.cpp"
> ".\AssemblyInfo.cpp"
> ]
> Creating command line "cl.exe @"c:\Users\dad\Documents\Visual Studio
> 2008\Projects\example\example\Debug\RSP00001227165100.rsp" /nologo
> /errorReport:prompt"
> Creating temporary file "c:\Users\dad\Documents\Visual Studio
> 2008\Projects\example\example\Debug\RSP00001327165100.rsp" with contents
> [
> /Od /I "C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_34_1" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D
> "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /FD /EHa /MDd /Yc"stdafx.h" /Fp"Debug\example.pch"
> /Fo"Debug\\" /Fd"Debug\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi /clr /TP /FU
> "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.dll" /FU
> "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Data.dll" /FU
> "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.XML.dll"
> ".\stdafx.cpp"
> ]
> Creating command line "cl.exe @"c:\Users\dad\Documents\Visual Studio
> 2008\Projects\example\example\Debug\RSP00001327165100.rsp" /nologo
> /errorReport:prompt"
> Creating command line "rc.exe /d "_UNICODE" /d "UNICODE"
> /fo"Debug/app.res" ".\app.rc""
> Creating temporary file "c:\Users\dad\Documents\Visual Studio
> 2008\Projects\example\example\Debug\RSP00001427165100.rsp" with contents
> [
> /OUT:"C:\Users\dad\Documents\Visual Studio
> 2008\Projects\example\Debug\example.exe" /INCREMENTAL /LIBPATH:"C:\Program
> Files\boost\boost_1_34_1\lib" /LIBPATH:"C:\Program
> Files\boost\boost_1_34_1\lib\\" /MANIFEST
> /MANIFESTFILE:"Debug\example.exe.intermediate.manifest"
> /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /DEBUG /ASSEMBLYDEBUG
> /PDB:"C:\Users\dad\Documents\Visual Studio
> 2008\Projects\example\Debug\example.pdb" /DYNAMICBASE /FIXED:No /NXCOMPAT
> /MACHINE:X86 ".\Debug\AssemblyInfo.obj"
> ".\Debug\example.obj"
> ".\Debug\stdafx.obj"
> ".\Debug\app.res"
> ]
> Creating command line "link.exe @"c:\Users\dad\Documents\Visual Studio
> 2008\Projects\example\example\Debug\RSP00001427165100.rsp" /NOLOGO
> Output Window Compiling...
> stdafx.cpp
> Compiling...
> example.cpp
> Unknown compiler version - please run the configure tests and report the
> results
> AssemblyInfo.cpp
> Generating Code...
> Compiling resources...
> Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.0
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
> Linking...
> libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(usinstances.obj) : error LNK2019:
> unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __thiscall
> std::_Container_base::_Orphan_all(void)const "
> (__imp_?_Orphan_all@_Container_base@std@@QBEXXZ) referenced in function
> "public: class std::vector,class std::allocator > > & __thiscall
> std::vector,class std::allocator > >::operator=(class std::vector,class
> std::allocator > > const &)"
> (??4?$vector@U?$sub_match@PBG@boost@@V?$allocator@U?$sub_match@PBG@boost@@@std@@@std@@QAEAAV01@ABV01@@Z)
> libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(instances.obj) : error LNK2001:
> unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __thiscall
> std::_Container_base::_Orphan_all(void)const "
> (__imp_?_Orphan_all@_Container_base@std@@QBEXXZ)
> libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(usinstances.obj) : error LNK2019:
> unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall
> std::_Container_base::~_Container_base(void)"
> (__imp_??1_Container_base@std@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "public:
> __thiscall std::_Vector_val,class std::allocator > >::~_Vector_val,class
> std::allocator > >(void)"
> (??1?$_Vector_val@U?$sub_match@PBG@boost@@V?$allocator@U?$sub_match@PBG@boost@@@std@@@std@@QAE@XZ)
> libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(instances.obj) : error LNK2001:
> unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall
> std::_Container_base::~_Container_base(void)"
> (__imp_??1_Container_base@std@@QAE@XZ)
> libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(usinstances.obj) : error LNK2019:
> unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall
> std::_Container_base::_Container_base(void)"
> (__imp_??0_Container_base@std@@QAE@XZ) referenced in function "protected:
> __thiscall std::_Vector_val,class std::allocator > >::_Vector_val,class
> std::allocator > >(class std::allocator >)"
> (??0?$_Vector_val@U?$sub_match@PBG@boost@@V?$allocator@U?$sub_match@PBG@boost@@@std@@@std@@IAE@V?$allocator@U?$sub_match@PBG@boost@@@1@@Z)
> libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(instances.obj) : error LNK2001:
> unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: __thiscall
> std::_Container_base::_Container_base(void)"
> (__imp_??0_Container_base@std@@QAE@XZ)
> libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(usinstances.obj) : error LNK2019:
> unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __thiscall
> std::_Container_base::_Swap_all(class std::_Container_base &)const "
> (__imp_?_Swap_all@_Container_base@std@@QBEXAAV12@@Z) referenced in
> function "public: void __thiscall std::vector,class std::allocator >
> >::swap(class std::vector,class std::allocator > > &)"
> (?swap@?$vector@U?$sub_match@PBG@boost@@V?$allocator@U?$sub_match@PBG@boost@@@std@@@std@@QAEXAAV12@@Z)
> libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(instances.obj) : error LNK2001:
> unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: void __thiscall
> std::_Container_base::_Swap_all(class std::_Container_base &)const "
> (__imp_?_Swap_all@_Container_base@std@@QBEXAAV12@@Z)
> libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(usinstances.obj) : error LNK2019:
> unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: class
> std::_String_iterator,class std::allocator > __thiscall
> std::basic_string,class std::allocator >::insert(class
> std::_String_iterator,class std::allocator >,unsigned short)"
> (__imp_?insert@?$basic_string@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@std@@QAE?AV?$_String_iterator@GU?$char_traits@G@std@@V?$allocator@G@2@@2@V32@G@Z)
> referenced in function "public: struct boost::re_detail::re_syntax_base *
> __thiscall boost::re_detail::basic_regex_creator > >::append_set(class
> boost::re_detail::basic_char_set > > const &,struct boost::mpl::bool_<0>
> *)"
> (?append_set@?$basic_regex_creator@GU?$regex_traits@GV?$w32_regex_traits@G@boost@@@boost@@@re_detail@boost@@QAEPAUre_syntax_base@23@ABV?$basic_char_set@GU?$regex_traits@GV?$w32_regex_traits@G@boost@@@boost@@@23@PAU?$bool_@$0A@@mpl@3@@Z)
> libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(instances.obj) : error LNK2019:
> unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: class
> std::_String_iterator,class std::allocator > __thiscall
> std::basic_string,class std::allocator >::insert(class
> std::_String_iterator,class std::allocator >,char)"
> (__imp_?insert@?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@QAE?AV?$_String_iterator@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@2@V32@D@Z)
> referenced in function "public: struct boost::re_detail::re_syntax_base *
> __thiscall boost::re_detail::basic_regex_creator > >::append_set(class
> boost::re_detail::basic_char_set > > const &,struct boost::mpl::bool_<0>
> *)"
> (?append_set@?$basic_regex_creator@DU?$regex_traits@DV?$w32_regex_traits@D@boost@@@boost@@@re_detail@boost@@QAEPAUre_syntax_base@23@ABV?$basic_char_set@DU?$regex_traits@DV?$w32_regex_traits@D@boost@@@boost@@@23@PAU?$bool_@$0A@@mpl@3@@Z)
> C:\Users\dad\Documents\Visual Studio
> 2008\Projects\example\Debug\example.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 6
> unresolved externals
> Results Build log was saved at "file://c:\Users\dad\Documents\Visual
> Studio 2008\Projects\example\example\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
> example - 11 error(s), 0 warning(s)
> David Randolph Palmer wrote:
>> Same issues, I can nspeak to it over the weekend if you would like.
>>> I am having a problems with the boost libs I have build the names does
>>> not
>>> start with lib
>>> When I build boost using bjam "-sTOOLS=vc9" install
>>> I got a bunch of .lib files in c:\boost\lib e.g.
>>> boost_thread-vc90-mt-1_35.lib
>>> but when I build my library against tghis if fails to link since it
>>> needs
>>> a file libboost_thread-vc90-mt-1_35.lib
>>> What am I doing wrong?
>>> I am using boost from subversion, Windows Vista and Visual Studio 2008
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Lars
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David R. Palmer

Jan 26, 2008, 7:49:37 PM1/26/08
Note Kevlar, you are trying to link against version 8 lib's

libboost_regex-*vc80*-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(instances.obj) : error LNK2019: "

Download and replace auto_link.hpp (most likely found here) C:\Program
Files\boost\boost_1_34_1\boost\config with the one from

Also your user-config.jam file if you want to rebuild all the libraries
needs these lines;

# MSVC configuration
using msvc : 9.0 : "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio
9.0/VC/bin/cl.exe" ;
# C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin

This file needs to be in the user default directory in Vista. So the
Kevlar directory, if that is your Vista Log In name.

Also if you read this post, it will also list a couple other fixes I
made, thanks to Greorgy Jikia, about half way down the post.


Kevlar wrote:
> I'm also having the same problem after installing from the BoostPro Installer
> with VC9.
> Just going off the basic example, my program is:
> #include "stdafx.h"
> #include <boost/regex.hpp>
> #include <iostream>
> #include <string>
> using namespace std;
> #ifdef WIN32
> int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
> #else
> int main()
> #endif
> {
> std::string line;
> boost::regex pat( "^Subject: (Re: |Aw: )*(.*)" );
> while (std::cin)
> {
> std::getline(std::cin, line);
> boost::smatch matches;
> if (boost::regex_match(line, matches, pat))
> std::cout << matches[2] << std::endl;
> }
> }
> And I'm getting:
> Linking...
> libboost_regex-vc80-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(instances.obj) : error LNK2019:



Jan 27, 2008, 11:04:46 AM1/27/08

Thanks, that did the trick. Now when people google the error, they will come
accross this thread with the solution (like I did).

Of course after changing the auto_link to point at the vc90 libs, it was
necessary to recompile them all, but that was possible after the change to
the user_config.

David Randolph Palmer wrote:
> Note Kevlar, you are trying to link against version 8 lib's
> "Linking...
> libboost_regex-*vc80*-mt-gd-1_34_1.lib(instances.obj) : error LNK2019: "
> Download and replace auto_link.hpp (most likely found here) C:\Program
> Files\boost\boost_1_34_1\boost\config with the one from

> *snip*

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Sent from the Boost - Users mailing list archive at


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