I am wondering if anyone knows of anything that resembles a joint_view
of a pair of maps.
typedef mpl::int_<1> key1_;
typedef mpl::int_<2> key2_;
typedef pair<key1_,int> pair1_;
typedef pair<key2_,int> pair2_;
typedef map<pair1_> map1_;
typedef map<pair2_> map2_;
map1_ m1( make_pair<key1_>(1) );
map2_ m2( make_pair<key2_>(2) );
typedef joint_view<
> jv_;
// not supposed to compile (?), yet it does:
jv_ view(m1,m2);
// but not this:
// at_key<key1_>(view)
// I have no choice (?) but create a new map,
// although view helps a bit for initializing it:
typedef map<
> map3_;
map3_ m3 = fusion::as_map(view);
int n1 = fusion::at_key<key1_>(m3);
BOOST_ASSERT(n1 == 1);
int n2 = fusion::at_key<key2_>(m3);
BOOST_ASSERT(n2 == 2);
Boost-users mailing list
You could try my c++0x-port of Boost.Fusion. My implementation correctly
preserves the category. You can find the code in the sandbox
er schrieb:
Thank you.
I guess it wouldn't be a good idea for me to mix files from
c++0x-port and boost.
To those who support fusion: would it be wise to place a feature request
for this, then?
Either way, for now you can workaround your issue by providing your own
extension implementations for
fusion::extension::has_key_impl<fusion::joint_view_tag> and
fusion::extension::at_key_impl<fusion::joint_view_tag>, or, even better,
wrap the joint_view up in another view which implements both (forward
and associative) extension backends.
er schrieb:
> I guess it wouldn't be a good idea for me to mix files from
> c++0x-port and boost.
Yes, please. Christopher, would you be interested to port to
current fusion? That would provide a seamless integration from
the current code to the future 0x code.
Joel de Guzman
Joel de Guzman schrieb:
> Yes, please. Christopher, would you be interested to port to
> current fusion? That would provide a seamless integration from
> the current code to the future 0x code.
> Regards,
Thanks, but the workaround you are suggesting is not obvious to me.
Maybe you can help? I have started here :
template <>
template<typename Seq1,typename Seq2,typename Key>
struct at_key_impl<joint_view_tag>::apply<
typedef joint_view<Seq1,Seq2> jv_;
typedef fusion::result_of::has_key<Seq1,Key> has_key1_;
typedef typename mpl::if_<
>::type seq_;
typedef typename result_of::at_key<seq_,Key>::type type;
static type
call(jv_& m)
// return m.at_impl(mpl::identity<Key>());