Snow Leopard

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Jon Stovell (a.k.a. Sesquipedalian)

Aug 22, 2009, 9:13:30 PM8/22/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
To use Quicksilver with Snow Leopard, download version b56a7 (or
later) from

Some plugins will not work.

If you encounter crashes once you have installed b56a7, try removing
Plugins.plist and the Plugins folder from ~/Library/Application
Support/Quicksilver before launching Quicksilver.

(Note: ~ stands for /Users/<your username>)


Aug 28, 2009, 7:25:45 AM8/28/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
I have downloaded the latest quicksilver to use with OS X 10.6 but
have run into a problem. When the "show in dock" option in preferences
is enable Quicksilver works they way it used to, but when "show in
dock" is disabled and I access the command interface via the keyboard
shortcut OS X switches to the spaces/desktop where I first opened the
command interface.

This leads to a continuous switching back and forth of desktops.


Aug 28, 2009, 10:47:39 AM8/28/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
Could it be that this is because Quicksilver's getting ahold of the
selection proxy object is actually done through a service?
If you look into you Services menu from any application, scroll down
to Quicksilver and find "Get Current Selection (Internal)" which by
default is mapped to Cmd+Esc.
There is even a preferences item to set an alternate hotkey for the
services menu entry but I cannot see from the source if it is used
right now.

Anyway I then stumbled across this from the Snow Leopard products

"The right service at the right time.

The Services menu in Mac OS X lets you use features of one application
while working in another. In Snow Leopard, services are more
simplified, streamlined, and helpful. The Services menu is contextual,
so it shows just the services appropriate for the application you’re
using or content you’re viewing rather than all available services.
You can access services with a right click of your mouse or Control-
click of your trackpad. You can configure the menu to show only the
services you want, and you can even create your own services using

Which means if you have Quicksilver behave like a standard app and
just tried getting the selection then QS is definitely the app in the
foreground and the selection proxy should work. If you have the dock
icon hidden QS would need a Services menu entry which is globally
available in all apps.

Brian McGonigle

Aug 28, 2009, 3:54:17 PM8/28/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver

I found that the following pluggins crashed QS on Snow Leopard, but
when removed QS was functional again:

Airport Module
File Tagging
Service Menu

I didn't have to remove the entire plugins folder or the
plugins.plist, just the offending plugin.

Everything else seemed ok,

On Aug 22, 9:13 pm, "Jon Stovell (a.k.a. Sesquipedalian)"
<> wrote:
> To use Quicksilver with Snow Leopard, download version b56a7 (or
> later) from


Aug 28, 2009, 3:33:00 PM8/28/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
QS B54 worked perfectly on 10.5.8, but QS b56a7 crashes on startup. It
still crashes even after I removed the entire appsuport subdirectory.
Any other insights?

Thanks, Matthew

On Aug 22, 9:13 pm, "Jon Stovell (a.k.a. Sesquipedalian)"
<> wrote:
> To use Quicksilver with Snow Leopard, download version b56a7 (or
> later) from


Aug 28, 2009, 5:39:48 PM8/28/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver

I had QS running perfectly before I updated to Snow Leopard today
morning. Bad decision.

QS doesn't work anymore. I tried following your instructions, but I
don't have a cache folder in application support.

Moreoever, when I start QS, it see the rotating QS on my screen and
then nothing opens (am assuming this is what you define as crashing)

What to do? I updated my QS to b56a7.


- ANdy!

Howard Melman

Aug 28, 2009, 6:06:19 PM8/28/09

Quicksilver stores all it's state in the following locations (~
represents your home folder):
~/Library/Application Support/Quicksilver/


Message has been deleted


Aug 28, 2009, 6:13:31 PM8/28/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
Hey all. I'm having yet additional issues. After upgrading to SL, I
downloaded and installed the latest build of QS. It runs just fine
the way it runs, but it doesn't run like the other build I had on
regular Leopard. The issues I'm having: The Catalog shows nothing
besides the base plugins can be installed so I'm missing a tremendous
amount of info/shortcuts there (e.g. Dictionary is not a base install
and it's not showing up for me to select it as additional). Also, and
more unnerving, QS is running like every other app now. It shows up
in the dock, the app switcher, and it has a menu like every other
app. On the other version when I had it set to load on startup, none
of this occurred. This is all since SL. Anyway to resolve these
issues? I love this app!

On Aug 22, 9:13 pm, "Jon Stovell (a.k.a. Sesquipedalian)"
<> wrote:
> To use Quicksilver with Snow Leopard, download version b56a7 (or
> later) from


Aug 28, 2009, 7:05:03 PM8/28/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
Thanks Howard,

Started working. I was doing something wrong. I owe you a beer

- Andy!

Howard Melman

Aug 28, 2009, 10:33:47 PM8/28/09
I'm not sure, but usually when someone says they don't have any of the
folders on their computer, they confuse /Library with ~/Library. You
want the one inside your home folder.


On Aug 28, 2009, at 6:15 PM, AndyK wrote:

> Hi Howard,
> Thanks for the reply. But I had done my homework. I don't have any of
> these folders on my computer. For some very strange reason :|
> Now, I ran console and started QS. This is the error message it gave
> me. I don't know what this means.
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] .scriptSuite warning for result
> type of command 'GetArgumentCount' in suite 'QuicksilverHandlers': the
> type NSNumber ('long') doesn't match the result Apple event code
> ('nmbr').
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM Quicksilver[11288] Prevented load of action (null)
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM [0x0-0x89089].com.blacktree.Quicksilver[11288]
> WirelessAttach: IOServiceOpen error: e00002c7
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM [0x0-0x89089].com.blacktree.Quicksilver[11288]
> Error: WirelessAttach: -2013261827
> 8/28/09 3:12:18 PM[472]
> ([0x0-0x89089].com.blacktree.Quicksilver[11288]) Exited with exit
> code: 255
> Thanks! I hope this helps?

> - Andy!
> On Aug 28, 3:06 pm, Howard Melman <> wrote:


Aug 29, 2009, 1:29:02 AM8/29/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
Thanks for the good information! But only the b54 works for me. the
b56a7 crashes on start every time. Even after I delete all 3
directories that you mentioned.


Aug 29, 2009, 2:19:35 AM8/29/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
A small issue. I am not sure if this is a QS thing.

a) BezelHUD no longer works as a skin. Sigh! The developer himself
said it's over.

b) This is quite major. Suppose i am in Space 1 (top left) and I have
a few apps open in that space. Now, if i move into space 2 (top
right), and invoke quicksilver, QS is invoked in space 1. Why is this
happening? If I invoke QS in space 3 (and i have 0 apps open in that
space), i am switched to space 1 where it opens.

This is incredibly annoying.


Switching to SL was a horrible decision. I have lost my QS.

Bien Cornejo

Aug 29, 2009, 4:32:18 PM8/29/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
I am having this same exact problem. Has anyone found a workaround or
a fix? Or is this going to have to be fixed in a new update?


Aug 29, 2009, 11:51:41 PM8/29/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
Brian M had it right.

I looked in Console and noticed that QS always quit when I started it,
and the message had to do with the "wireless."

So, I went into the plugins folder and renamed the Airport Module
plugin (I figured it had to do with wireless).

And now Quicksilver works.


Aug 29, 2009, 11:18:39 PM8/29/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
The workaround for the issue of QS jumping from the current space to
the space it was originally opened in when invoking the command window
it to turn on "Show icon in dock" in preferences. A bit annoying if
you don't want the icon in the dock, but better than the alternative
of it jumping to the space that QS was started in.


Bien Cornejo

Aug 30, 2009, 4:21:21 AM8/30/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
I was afraid of that. I use Command + Tab a lot and with it in the
Dock, it will show up in Command + Tab. Oh well... Maybe I will only
enable that to happen when I have a huge work load to do at one

Thanks, Brett.


Aug 30, 2009, 2:25:11 PM8/30/09
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
I found this issue, too, with the previous version of Quicksilver I
had installed... I tried assigning Quicksilver to "Every Space" in
System Preferences, but that didn't work, either.

After installing the newer version of Quicksilver from
(direct link:,
it now works. Make sure you've upgraded to the version labeled
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