Clipboard History triggers unwantedly

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mason k

Mar 8, 2008, 2:11:07 PM3/8/08
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
Hi all. I am using "Ankur's" b55 (3814) build. I set it up using
that multi-step rubric that is floating which includes the

defaults write com.blacktree.Quicksilver "Cutting Edge Features" -bool
defaults write com.blacktree.Quicksilver "Feature Level" 3


The first time I did it, it messed up and would not let me open the
triggers pane. I zapped and tried the same steps, and now it seems to
be fairly stable, but there is one serious problem. After I set up my
clipboard history trigger, the history window started popping up all
over the place. It triggers when the QS app first loads at login, it
triggers when I quit almost any application, and it sometimes triggers
for other reasons that I haven't yet determined. I can press the
hotkey to get it to hide again, but this is the kind of annoyance that
I want quicksilver to solve, not create.

The hotkey is ctrl-shft-W, and it isn't an issue of having overloaded
the "quit application" key. The history also triggers if I exit the
window with a mouse.

I've read of one other person having this problem, at least. I wonder
if anyone else has, or has a clue why it's happening?

mason k

Mar 8, 2008, 2:15:27 PM3/8/08
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
Found one discussion on this (after I post, of course)

The fix indicated there does not work for me. If I position my
history slightly of screen, the next time it is invoked, its location
has changed so that its edge is flush with the side of the screen, and
it doesn't disappear. I.E., when I drag it to overlap, it does zip
away when I release the mouse, but when I invoke it next time, it
doesn't zip away.

Alexey Ermakov

Mar 8, 2008, 5:04:46 PM3/8/08
On Sat, Mar 8, 2008 at 5:11 PM, mason k <> wrote:
> After I set up my
> clipboard history trigger, the history window started popping up all
> over the place. It triggers when the QS app first loads at login, it
> triggers when I quit almost any application, and it sometimes triggers
> for other reasons that I haven't yet determined. I can press the
> hotkey to get it to hide again, but this is the kind of annoyance that
> I want quicksilver to solve, not create.

Try deleting shelf and/or clipboard plugins, restarting qs,
reinstalling them and restarting qs again. Works for me every time
these windows decide to start showing up.

Bradley Wagner

Mar 12, 2008, 3:40:02 AM3/12/08
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
I had this exact same problem deleting shelf/clipboard, restarting qs,
and reinstalling does not fix it. Its definitely not a hotkey issue as
it also happens when navigating to File > Quit. Man, that's annoying.


On Mar 8, 1:04 pm, "Alexey Ermakov" <> wrote:


Mar 17, 2008, 4:45:35 PM3/17/08
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
This happens to me too, every time an app quits, either by keyboard
shortcut, or menu->quit the clipboard history pops up.


Mar 31, 2008, 4:19:09 PM3/31/08
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
Everyone's favorite mystery bug. Now my shelf is doing the dance,
while my history is just dandy.


Apr 2, 2008, 8:48:05 AM4/2/08
to Blacktree: Quicksilver
It annoyed me enough that I switched to using PTHPasteboard.
Which works just fine as a replacement to the Clipboard and Shelf
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