Raw sushi squashi-spam burgers are a multivitamin, mineral, amino acid
lead-free combination oil designed
for use in Down syndrome, premature balding and acne, and recommended by the
Japanese motor racing federation, Pokemon fraternity and Nintendo Widows
association. They help immune function, muscle tone, level of alertness and
claim some modest improvement at taking fast curves in the wet. Also very
good for piles, dodgy sprockets and loose big ends. Ploduct may contain
traces of peanuts, insecticide, sperm whale testicle and genetically
modified soy-bran extract. Not to be applied tropically.
Is not a cure for Down syndrome or nasty simian thingy-gummies! It can be
obtained from Nippon Nutrition- a subdivision of Psychotropic By-product
Petrochemical Industries, Matsuyama, Japan. We take cheques or postal orders
in Yugoslav Dinars only.
The web site is
(Seven air miles per packet purchased - never knowingly undersold)
Acting Prof.Kay San, PHD, Univ. Konichiwa (1947)
(father of Ping, Pang and Pong, the amazing trapeze triplets)