genes with similar expression profiles.

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Jul 22, 2009, 10:36:32 AM7/22/09
to BioGPS
The new GNF looks and feels better than the old version. good work to
those who have developed it. I do have one question though: how does
one show genes that have a similar tissue expression profile as seen
in your searched for gene. this used to be a very useful easily
accessible function in the old version.

i.e. if I search for a liver specific CYP gene, how does one list all
the other genes that match the CYP gene's tissue expression profile?

many thanks in advance for help.

Andrew Su

Jul 22, 2009, 2:14:56 PM7/22/09
to JD, BioGPS
Hi JD,

Thanks for your question. I'm happy to report that the
search-by-correlation feature is currently in development, so hopefully
we'll have the feature rolled out sometime soon. But sorry, no specific
timeline we're ready to report yet...

In the mean time, you are welcome to download the raw data at and run the correlations locally.

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