Call for papers for Gothenburg 2010: IFLA Knowledge Management Section

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Dec 9, 2009, 11:51:15 AM12/9/09

(Apologies for cross-posting)

Call for papers of Knowledge Management Section

IFLA Knowledge Management (KM) Section provides an international platform for professional communication and understanding of the significance of KM for libraries. It gives a voice to KM on a global scale and follows the developments in KM, promoting its practical implementation within the global library community.

The 2010 WLIC Conference: 

The annual IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) provides an opportunity to present innovative models, case studies and research about Knowledge Management.

Delegates and speakers from all parts of the world come together to discuss new developments and successful practice. The conference motto for the 2010 Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden is "Open access to knowledge - promoting sustainable progress." This theme highlights two core functions of KM: Providing access to knowledge for all stakeholders of an organization or company, as well as preserving knowledge to guarantee sustainability.

IFLA Knowledge Management Section invites librarians and knowledge managers to submit proposals for papers in a 2-hour session at WLIC Gothenburg, 10-15 Aug 2010.

The KM Conference Programme

The Voice of Global KM is the section’s theme for 2010.  For our 2010 programmes in Gothenburg we are looking for speakers who can highlight, from a global perspective, how access to knowledge is being enhanced.  The process of creating, sharing and applying operational knowledge is crucial for any organization or company.   If the organization or company is active on a global scale, barriers of language, culture, technology and geographical distance provide additional challenges.

We invite presentations that showcase:

-           Knowledge creation and knowledge sharing across boundaries of language, culture and technology

-           Innovative use of technology to support knowledge sharing, joint research and learning (workplace learning, E-learning)

-           Case studies in application of Knowledge Management tools which support the success of the organization or company

-           We especially invite globally active NGO’s, intergovernmental organizations like European Union, as well as global companies.


Important Dates and Timelines


Please send an abstract of approximately 500 words, in English, no later than January 31, 2010 to: Agnes Hajdu Barat, Programme Chair ( Both abstracts and full papers should be submitted as a MS Word file by e-mail.  The abstracts will be reviewed by Programme Committee members of the Knowledge Management Section.

Please attach a summary of the proposed paper, curriculum vitae of the author(s), contact details, professional affiliation(s), and a brief statement on their career(s). Also, a digital photograph(s) would be useful.

Proposed papers must be original and not have been published elsewhere.   Please attach a declaration about originality of the proposed paper and verify that it has not been published anywhere.


Successful applicants will be notified by the end of February, 2010.

The selected presenters for the program at the Gothenburg conference will be asked to submit a formal paper (for inclusion on the IFLA conference website) no later than
May 1, 2010. Papers can be submitted in one of the official IFLA working languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish.  Papers should be submitted with a one-page abstract in English. Papers should not be longer than 20 pages.  Papers must be original and not have been published elsewhere.  Selected papers may be nominated by the Section for inclusion in an IFLA publication.

Presentation at the Conference:

A maximum of 20 minutes will be allowed for the presentation of each paper during the Section's session in Gothenburg. Please note, although every effort will be made to provide simultaneous interpretation into other IFLA languages, its availability may not be possible. Therefore presenters are encouraged to use a PowerPoint in English to facilitate understanding of the ideas presented.  The PowerPoint for the presentation should be submitted to the Program Chair by 1 July, 2010.

At least one of the authors of the paper must present the paper. Please send a promissory note with your signature verifying intent to attend the IFLA Conference in Gothenburg to the Program Chair.

Unfortunately, the Programme Committee has no funds to assist prospective authors: abstracts should only be submitted on the understanding that the expenses of attending the Milan conference (including travel, expenses and conference fee) will be the responsibility of the author(s)/presenter(s) of accepted papers.  Some national professional associations may be able to help fund certain expenses, and a small number of grants for conference.

Prof.dr.Ágnes Hajdu Barát
Chair of KM Program Committee in Gothenburg
Past-Secretary of IFLA KM Section 

Institute of Adult Education
University of Szeged Gyula Juhász Faculty of Education
Address: Szeged, Szilléri sgt. 12. 6723 HUNGARY
Telephone/fax: ++36 62 474 255

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