Aliens and UFO's are nothing more then the Physical Manifestations of Devils and Demons

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Sep 15, 2009, 8:41:07 PM9/15/09
Aliens and UFO's are nothing more then the Physical Manifestations of
Devils and Demons

Demons and Devils (Extraterrestrials) Tremble at the Name of Jesus Christ*

By Dr. Stephen Yulish - September 14, 2009

“There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch and every
split second is claimed by God and countered by Satan” C. S. Lewis

As I alluded to in last week’s article, The Looming Great Harpazo
Deception (9/07/09), I believe in UFOs and in extraterrestrials. I do
not believe that either I am delusional or am I hallucinating. I do
believe that the government is covering up these phenomena even though
they are being bewitched as to its real meaning. This deception is part
of the spiritual war between God and Satan as CS Lewis says. These are
therefore serious topics.

As I wrote about last week, the Bible speaks about the interaction
between fallen angels and earth women. The sons of God were fallen angel
demonic cohorts of Satan. How do we know this?

“The Sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan
was among them” (Job 1: 6 and Job 2:1).

They saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and took them as wives
for themselves (Genesis 6:2) and beget children, the nephilim, who were
on the earth in those days and also afterward (Genesis 6:10). Thus, not
only were there Nephilim in the days of Noah but also later in the days
that the Jews went into the Promised Land (Numbers 13:33).
Contrary to a great deal of traditional church doctrine and customary
teachings at seminaries, modern day scholars like W.F. Albright, FJ
Dake, John Walvoord and others believe in this fallen angel concept. In
my humble estimation, one cannot truly understand spiritual warfare with
demons or the true meaning of extraterrestrials unless one accepts this
hypothesis. These fallen angels are now masquerading as ETs and in some
so called UFO experimentation abduction cases are apparently still
intermingling with human females.

The Jewish apocryphal writers of the Apocalypse of Baruch and The
Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs as well as the early Jewish
theologian Philo of Alexandria and early Christian theologians like
Justin Martyr, Iranaeus, Tertullian, Eusebius, Ambrose, and many
anti-Nicene fathers also believed that these angels (the Sons of God)
had fallen into impure love of virgins and were subjugated by the flesh
and beget children.. Don’t let some scholars and/or pastors (as my
former Baptist preacher once rebuked me that this was not what he
learned at Dallas Theological Seminary) tell you that early Jews and
Christians believed that the sons of God in Genesis were actually the
sons of Seth and were therefore human not angels. The Book of Job
clearly disproves this idea as I pointed out earlier.

Josephus, the Jewish historian on earth more than 2000 years ago wrote
about fallen angels and earth women in his Antiquities of the Jews. In
1949 when the Dead Sea Scrollswere discovered there appeared the Genesis
Apocrophon manuscript which was written in the Second Century BC and
which also spoke about celestial beings from the sky that had come to
earth and mated with human females. This manuscript thus unintentionally
links both the fallen angels in Genesis with the concept of
extraterrestrials from space in their UFOS.

The word for these hybrid children, often known as nephilim, (Genesis
6:4) is often mistranslated as a result of King James Bible to mean
giants. The Hebrew word actually derives from the root naphal which
means fallen. The Greek Septuagint (Greek translation of the Old
Testament) translated it and called them gegenes which means earthborn
and probably morphed into the English word giants.

The Bible goes on to say that these angels who did not keep their domain
but abandoned their proper abode (the heavenlies), God has kept in
eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day because
they went after strange flesh (human). They are exhibited as an example
by undergoing the punishment of eternal fire (Jude7). God did not spare
these angels when they sinned but cast them into the earth and condemned
them to the pits of darkness (Tartarus) reserved for judgment (2 Peter 2:4).
That is why God brought the Great Flood to wipe out all vestiges of the
nephilim to preserve the coming pure bloodline of Jesus.

In the three days between His crucifixion and His physical resurrection
from the dead, after He had died for all our sins, once and for all, for
the just and the unjust, in order that He might bring us to God, having
been put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, Christ also
went to made a proclamation to these fallen angels now in prison who had
been disobedient. He proclaimed His triumph over them and over hell,
death, the grave and Satan (1 Peter 3:18-20).

When He has disarmed the rulers (these fallen angels), He made a public
display of them having triumphed over them (Colossians 2:15). This is
significant because He told His followers that just as was in these days
of Noah (with fallen angels) so shall it be also when the Son of Man is
revealed in His Second Coming (Luke 17:28-30). Today’s world is also
full of the same sins of debauchery and depravity as it was in Noah’s
time. So, look up because your redemption draws near (Luke 21:28).
Also, please never forget that

“The demons (ETs) also believe that God is one and tremble” (James 2:19).
"Whenever unclean spirits behold Christ they fall down" (Mark 3:11).

This is because there is hostility between God (Jesus) and demons that
goes back to the Garden of Eden and the Fall of man.

“There shall be enmity between you and the woman and between your seed
and her seed. For she shall bruise you on he head and you shall bruise
him on the heel” (Genesis 3:15).

“The Son of God appeared so that He might disarm the works of the devil”
(1 John 3:8).

“The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet [Genesis 3:15]”
(Romans 16:20).
“Submit to God. Resist the Devil and He will flee from you” (James 4:7).

Call out the name of Jesus!

As I stated before in 1 Peter 3:18-20 and in Colossians 2:15, Jesus made
a public display of His triumph over these fallen angels. Therefore,
don’t you think that these demons and their cohorts feared and trembled
when they saw Christ (James 2:19)? God highly exalted Christ and
bestowed on Him the name which is above every other name; at the name of
Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord of
those on heaven, on earth and under the earth (these fallen angels in
bondage) (Philippians 2:9-11).

Next time some demon or fallen angel extraterrestrial comes after you,
call out the name of Jesus Christ and they will flee (James 4:7).

There is salvation in no other name (Acts 4:12); not Moses nor Mohammed
nor Mary nor Buddha nor Vishnu nor Joseph Smith. Only the highly exalted
name of Christ will ward off the demons.

Further proof of this is the following which ties together my thesis of
the connection between UFOs and the powerful name of Jesus. It is the
CE4 Research Group based in Cocoa, Florida on the Space Coast near the
Kennedy Space Center. They refer to themselves as an UFO and Alien
Investigations and Alien Abduction Termination Team. The President is
Joe Jordan who is also the MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) State Section
Director and Field Investigator for Brevard County, Florida. He along
with Guy Malone of the Alien Resistance Group headquartered in Roswell,
New Mexico and Dr. Chris Ward of Logos Christian Fellowship of Leesburg,
FL make up the CE4 Research group which is the first group to publish
documented cases (over 50) on their website of
abductions being halted by calling on the name and authority of Jesus
Christ. The Ce4 Research Group is the investigative and counseling arm
of the group

These men are all born again, Bible believing Christians like I am but
they are experts in abduction cases and can counsel you on how to use
the name of Jesus Christ to ward off these attacks. Check them out. Tell
Joe that I sent you. You won’t be sorry.
Thus remember that extraterrestrial i.e. fallen angel demons flee at the
name of Jesus Christ because it is the name above all names and the only
name by which a person can be saved.

Stephen Yulish PhD has a BA in Human Evolution and a MA and a PHD in
History. He was a Professor at the University of Arizona and later a
Jewish community professional. In spite of all of this, he accepted
Jesus Christ in 1988 after a series of revelatory visions and a dream.
He now has MS but still serves the Lord everyday through his writings.

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