Strong Earthquake shakes Brazil

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Oct 9, 2010, 2:25:13 AM10/9/10
Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places

Strong Earthquake shakes Brazil


BRASILIA (Dow Jones)--An earthquake registering a 5.0 magnitude occurred in central Brazil Friday afternoon north of the country's federal district, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.

The agency said the tremor occurred at 2016 GMT. The epicenter was located 225 kilometers north of the nation's capital, Brasilia, at a depth of 14.8 kilometers.

There were no immediate reports of injuries from the event. Residents and office workers in Brasilia, however, reported small disturbances, such as shifting of furniture and books trembling on shelves.

Workers in some government buildings were directed to evacuate their workplaces and local authorities advised city residents to leave buildings if they suspected any structural damage from the event.

Earthquakes are not common in central Brazil. However, on Monday local authorities confirmed a 3.6 magnitude tremor in some cities in Goias state. The fault line that produced the latest events--located between the states of Goias and Tocantins--last produced seismic activity of greater than a 4.0 magnitude in 1992.
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