Australia: Fremantle Hospital shuts down as Noro-Virus infects patients

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Sep 22, 2010, 10:19:42 AM9/22/10
Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases

Australia:  Fremantle Hospital shuts down as Noro-Virus infects patients

    * From: AAP
    * September 22, 2010 7:13PM

A NORO-VIRUS has infected up to 25 people at Fremantle Hospital in Western Australia, forcing its closure

Fremantle Hospital Acting Executive Director Ruth Letts said the virus causes severe vomiting and diarrhoea in susceptible patients.

She said patients who were affected were being treated with fluids if they required rehydration.

"Norovirus is an infectious form of gastroenteritis and spreads rapidly which is why we must take additional precautions closing down to isolate the infected patients," she said.

Opposition spokesman Roger Cook said the virus outbreak was a sign of a hospital system under pressure.

"Fremantle Hospital was already struggling with the demand from emergency department presentations and transfers," he said.

But Health Minister Kim Hames said the virus was not deadly and the hospital will only hopefully be closed  for a short time.

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