Strong earthquake strikes eastern Turkey

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Jun 23, 2011, 7:19:08 PM6/23/11
Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places

Strong earthquake strikes eastern Turkey

ISTANBUL, June 23 | Thu Jun 23, 2011 4:12am EDT

ISTANBUL, June 23 (Reuters) - A 5.4 magnitude earthquake struck Elazig province in eastern Turkey on Thursday and was felt in the neighbouring province of Diyarbakir.

There were no immediate reports of large-scale damage.

In March 2010 a 6.0 magnitude earthquake in Elazig killed 51 villagers in the sparsely populated area.

Turkey, crossed by many faultlines, frequently suffers earthquakes. An earthquake measuring 7.4 killed about 18,000 people in August 1999.
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