Swarm of 18 earthquakes shakes Redlands California

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Feb 19, 2010, 8:04:31 PM2/19/10
to Bible-Pro...@googlegroups.com
Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places

Swarm of 18 earthquakes shakes Redlands California

February 19, 2010 |  1:53 pm

A series of 18 earthquakes shook Friday near Redlands, but there were no immediate reports of damage, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

“Most of them were small, so they wouldn’t have been felt,” said Paul Caruso, a geophysicist with the agency's National Earthquake Information Center.

Most of the tremors registered around a magnitude 2.0, but four were larger than a magnitude 3.0, Caruso said.

One of the stronger tremors, a magnitude 3.4, was recorded at 11:53 a.m. and was felt in Loma Linda, Caruso said. It was rapidly followed by other tremors, at least one exceeding magnitude 3.0.

“These are pretty small, but people will see them,” Caruso said. “They’ll see their chandeliers sway back and forth. Or if they have a pool, they might see waves, that sort of thing.”

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