Swarm of 9 Earthquakes shakes Nevada

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Sep 30, 2010, 8:18:33 PM9/30/10
to Bible-Pro...@googlegroups.com
Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places

Swarm of 9 Earthquakes shakes Nevada

Thursday, September 30, 2010 - 19:50

Nevada had a few earthquakes today. A total number of 9 earthquakes in one day ranging between 2 and 4 magnitude on the Richter scale. The biggest earthquake was 4.3 magnitude.

The earthquakes did not cause any damage or injury and some people are wondering whether or not this is normal. It is normal earthquakes in that area, maybe not as many in one day.

Some people believe this is just tremors for a big earthquake to hit soon but that theory can not be supported. Twitter is again today busy with people predicting earthquakes but people simply can not normally predict earthquakes.

The 4.3 Magnitude earthquake was at a distance of:

60 km (40 miles) WNW of Beatty, Nevada
65 km (40 miles) SSW of Goldfield, Nevada
225 km (140 miles) WNW of Las Vegas, Nevada
305 km (190 miles) SE of CARSON CITY, Nevada

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