UK: Christmas terrorist cell trained in Pakistan

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Dec 23, 2010, 3:03:15 AM12/23/10
Perilous Times

UK: Christmas terrorist cell trained in Pakistan

Members of an alleged terrorist cell planning suicide attacks on Christmas shoppers in London received training in Pakistan, sources say.

By Duncan Gardham, Security Correspondent 5:15PM GMT 22 Dec 2010
The Telegraph UK

The group is described as “al-Qaeda inspired” because no firm intelligence has emerged about links they may have made with the terrorist group in Pakistan.

It is understood the arrested men have not been communicating with al-Qaeda commanders while in this country.

However security sources told the Daily Telegraph it was unlikely that they did not at least attempt to make contact with al-Qaeda while they were abroad and may have received advice and training.

Investigators believe that it is significant that although most of the cell is British with Bangladeshi origins, they chose to travel to Pakistan.

The cell is thought to be associated with the banned extremist groups al-Muhajiroun and Islam4UK in Britain, as well as being followers of the al-Qaeda preacher Anwar al-Awlaki based in Yemen.

The 12 suspects, aged between 17 and 28, were held during early morning raids by unarmed officers in London, Cardiff, Stoke-on-Trent and Birmingham on Monday.

The main operators are said to have been in Stoke and Cardiff, with “significant activity” in East London.

The gang is said to have been planning a “spectacular” attack on commercial sites such as banks and shops along with “iconic” sites in London.

They were arrested after months of surveillance by MI5 as they prepared to launch their attacks in the week before Christmas, sources said.

A warrant of further detention has been granted to question the men, who are being held at police stations around the country, until Boxing Day.

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