Rash of Wildfires Continue to sweep Florida

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Feb 5, 2012, 1:57:15 AM2/5/12
to Bible-Pro...@googlegroups.com

Rash of Wildfires Continue to sweep Florida 

Homes threatened, people evacuated

By Sebastian Del Marmol
|  Saturday, Feb 4, 2012  |  Updated 12:34 PM EST
          Burns at US-1 and Card Sound Rd.

The rash of wildfires in South Florida continues with news of a blaze Saturday near US 1 and Card Sound Road on the way to the Florida Keys.

According to Susan Ethridge of Florida Forest Service the wildfire has already burned 5-acres and is growing.

She said 49 homes and one bar were threatened and that 10 people have already been evacuated.

Miami-Dade Fire Rescue units are already on the scene combating the fire as are Florida Forest Service officials.

Ethridge says that a cause for the fire has not yet been determined but that it is difficult to put out because of dry conditions.

“The wind is so high that it is making it difficult to handle,” she added.

More details to come.
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