Israel 'cannot ignore' nuclear threat from Iran

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Nov 14, 2011, 8:34:25 AM11/14/11
Perilous Times

Israel 'cannot ignore' nuclear threat from Iran

Knesset member tells U.S. radio host inaction would be 'immoral'

Posted: November 13, 2011
8:00 pm Eastern

By Drew Zahn

Danny Danon, the deputy speaker of Israel's Knesset and member of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's political party, told a U.S. radio host the world "cannot ignore" the growing threat of a nuclear-armed Iran.

"We'd better wake up," Danon said when asked about a United Nations report concluding Iran is likely building an illicit nuclear program. "People in Washington and Europe don't understand the severity of the threat."

Danon was speaking to Aaron Klein, WND's Jerusalem bureau chief, on New York City's WABC  Radio during today's "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio."

Danon insisted the world only has two legitimate options for dealing with Iran, either "real, crippling sanctions" or "military action."

"The third option, to ignore what's happening in Iran," he said, "would be irresponsible and immoral."

Danon further stressed that not only Israel, but the entire world, is threatened by a nuclear-armed Iran, especially considering the nation's ties to organized terror.

"If Iran becomes nuclear," he said, "no one can tell where the first bomb will be used, whether it be in the Port of San Diego or the City of Tel Aviv."

Read more: Israel 'cannot ignore' nuclear threat from Iran

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