Back-to-back earthquakes rattle California Valley

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Jun 13, 2010, 8:48:50 AM6/13/10
Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places

Back-to-back earthquakes rattle California Valley

Desert Sun staff reports • June 13, 2010

Back-to-back earthquakes hit about 15 miles northwest of Borrego Springs tonight and rattled the Coachella Valley.

The first was a 4.9-magnitude quake that hit at 8:08 p.m. about 15 miles from Borrego Springs. That’s 26 miles southwest of Indio and 32 miles southeast of Palm Springs.

The second was less than one minute later and registered as a 4.5-magnitude quake in the same spot.

U.S. Geological Survey originally recorded the first quake as 4.8-magnitude, downgraded it about 30 minutes later and finally upgraded it to a 4.9.

Katherine Slaymen said she felt the quakes while working at the Starbucks near Interstate 10 and Washington Street.

"It was like a quick shake, and afterward it was a bit wobbly," she said.

But Slaymen added that not everyone in the coffee shop felt the quake. "Other people didn't notice," she said.

Slaymen estimated the shaking she felt lasted for about 20 seconds but added that it didn't cause any major rattling of items or equipment at the coffee shop.

Residents as far as Anaheim and Newhall, which is 206 miles from the epicenter, also reported feeling it.

A San Diego County sheriff’s dispatcher described the quake as a “quick jolt” and said no one had called in to report damage or injuries.
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