Australia: Plague Locusts hits Melbourne streets

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Nov 12, 2010, 12:25:18 AM11/12/10
Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases

Australia: Plague Locusts hits Melbourne streets

    * From: AAP
    * November 12, 2010 9:38AM

A PLAGUE of locusts that has been detected in regional Victoria and New South Wales has now arrived in Melbourne.

A spokeswoman for the State Public Information Officer says there have been reports in the last few hours of locust sightings around Melbourne, including East Melbourne, Carlton and Doncaster East.

"We've had lots of reports this morning,'' the spokeswoman said.

"The hot northerly wind has been a perfect vehicle for them to be flown into Melbourne.

"One of our staff who lives in Carlton has brought one and it has got a date with our entomologist this morning.''

The locust plague is predicted to be the worst in 30 years, with billions of the creatures hatching in NSW and Victoria and threatening billions of dollars of winter crop.

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