Strong 6.2 earthquake rattles Vanuatu - USGS

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Jul 22, 2010, 10:13:58 AM7/22/10
Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places

Strong 6.2 earthquake rattles Vanuatu - USGS

    * From: AFP
    * July 22, 2010 4:26PM

A STRONG 6.2 earthquake shook the Pacific nation of Vanuatu on Thursday but there was no immediate tsunami warning, scientists say.

The quake struck at a depth of 35km about 120km from the town of Luganville on Santo island, the US Geological Survey said. There was no alert from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.

Vanuatu lies in the "Pacific Ring of Fire" known for its seismic and volcanic activity. On July 2, a 6.4 earthquake hit a similar distance from Luganville without causing serious damage.
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