Buildings set ablaze in Greece debt riots

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Feb 12, 2012, 9:52:26 PM2/12/12
Perilous Times

Buildings set ablaze in Greece debt riots

    February 13, 2012 8:51AM

RIOTS have engulfed central Athens with at least 10 buildings in flames in mass protests as MPs prepared for a historic parliamentary vote on harsh austerity measures needed to keep the country solvent and within the eurozone.

TV footage showed a three-storey corner building completely consumed by flames with riot officers looking on from the street, and firefighters trying to douse the blaze.

A closed cinema, a bank, a mobile phone dealership, a glassware store and a cafeteria were among the burning buildings, the fire department said. There were no reports of people trapped inside.

Since May 2010, Greece has survived on a 110 billion euro bailout from its European partners and the International Monetary Fund.

When that proved insufficient, a new rescue loan package worth a further 130 billion euros was decided - combined with a massive bond swap deal that will write off half the country's privately held debt.

But for both deals to materialise, Greece has to persuade its deeply sceptical creditors that it has the will and ability to implement spending cuts and public sector reforms that will end years of fiscal profligacy and tame gaping budget deficits.

Protesters set bonfires in front of parliament and dozens of riot police formed lines to try to deter them from trying to make a run on parliament.

Clouds of tear gas drifted across the square in front of parliament. Many in the crowd wore gas masks and had their faces covered, while others carried Greek flags and carried banners.

Several protesters and police have been injured, while an unspecified number of suspected rioters were detained, authorities said.

Clashes erupted after more than 100,000 protesters marched to parliament to rally against drastic austerity cuts that will axe one in five public service jobs and slash the minimum wage by more than a fifth.

Riot police fired dozens of tear gas volleys at rioting youths, who attacked them with firebombs, fireworks and chunks of marble smashed off the fronts of luxury hotels, banks and department stores. Streets were strewn with stones and rubble, while terrified passers-by sought refuge in hotel lounges and cafeterias.

Prime Minister Lucas Papademos's government - an unlikely coalition of the majority Socialists and their main foes, the conservative New Democracy - was expected to carry the vote, even by a narrow margin.

Combined, they control 236 of parliament's 300 seats, although at least 20 MPs from both main parties said they would not back the new private sector wage cuts, pension reductions and public service layoffs dictated by the draft austerity program.
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