Radiation from Japanese nuclear plant detected in China

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Mar 27, 2011, 6:14:41 AM3/27/11
to Bible-Pro...@googlegroups.com
Perilous Times

Radiation from Japanese nuclear plant detected in China

By the CNN Wire Staff
March 27, 2011 1:26 a.m. EDT


    * Varying levels of radiation are detected in China, an agency in that nation reports
    * The U.S. Embassy is distributing potassium iodide pills to its citizens in Japan
    * Japan hasn't banned seafood sales, though China did prohibit such imports

Tokyo, Japan (CNN) -- Varying levels
of radioactive iodine were detected Saturday in China's Heilongjiang province, a Chinese government agency told state-run media.

The  rise in radiation, which authorities determined had emanated from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, China's National Nuclear Emergency Coordination Committee said, according to Xinhua.

Previously, similar levels of radiation from the embattled Japanese nuclear plant had been reported as far away as Sweden and the United States.

In addition, other nations are acting to ensure that their citizens in Japan don't suffer any ill effects from nuclear fall-out.

The U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, for instance, noted on its website Saturday that it would continue "to make potassium iodide tablets available to private U.S. citizens who have not been able to obtain it from their physician, employer or other sources." This medication that can counter the harmful effects of radioactive iodine when it gets into the body through the air, water or other means, health officials say.

While Japanese authorities have distributed some such pills to people who lived closed to the embattled power plant, they have not been made available to the general public.

Other nations, including China and the United States, have already restricted certain types of produce, seafood and other items from certain sections of Japan that potentially could be contaminated with radiation.

Japan's government has banned the shipment of raw milk, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, turnip and various other leafy vegetables that were farmed in the Fukushima prefecture, which is home to the stricken nuclear plant, according to a report released Saturday night by Japan's nuclear and industrial safety agency.

In addition, the distribution of spinach, kakina, parsley and raw milk from Ibaraki prefecture is now prohibited, as have sales of spinach and kakina from Tochigi and Gunma prefectures.

Japanese authorities have not yet banned any seafood, despite official reports of alarmingly high levels of radiation in the waters near the embattled power plant.

Yet a Chinese government agency, in an announcement Thursday on its website, prohibited the import of "aquatic animals and aquatic products," among other items, that came from the Japanese prefectures of Fukushima, Tochigi, Gunma, Ibaraki, and Chiba.
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