New Zealand: Auckland jolted by earthquake

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Jul 1, 2011, 6:41:14 PM7/1/11
Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places

New Zealand: Auckland jolted by earthquake

Last updated 21:30 01/07/2011

Aucklanders were shaken by a magnitude-2.9 earthquake at 9.09pm tonight.

The earthquake was centred just off Mission Bay at a depth of 9km, and felt across Remuera, the North Shore and east Auckland.

There were no reports of damage.

GeoNet duty seismologist Lara Bland said Auckland was not a very seismically active area, so tonight's quake was unusual.

In 2007, the region experienced a series of small quakes, and Bland said there was a possibility this could be the start of a similar pattern.

''There's small bouts of activity now and then,'' she said.

Bland also said it was ''very doubtful'' the activity in Christchurch caused last night's Auckland quake.

Did you feel the earthquake? Let us know here

National list MP Dr Jackie Blue, who lives in Auckland's St Mary's Bay, said the earthquake "felt like a gush of wind had gone over the roof".

"There was a big jolt and Auckland doesn't get earthquakes, so this was scary,'' Dr Blue said.

''It's quite scary given what has happened in Christchurch and to think it could happen to Aucklanders is worrying and unnerving.''

Auckland weather analyst Philip Duncan said the quake was ''tiny'' compared with the aftershocks in quake-stricken Christchurch.

The largest earthquake known to have affected the Auckland region was a magnitude-6.0 jolt centred near the mouth of the Waikato River on June 24, 1891.

It brought down a chimney in Auckland's Onehunga district, but otherwise caused only minor damage to fragile items and plasterwork.
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