The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert

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Jan 22, 2012, 2:38:49 AM1/22/12
The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert

The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada

Thursday, January 19, 2012

"If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."
-- John 15:18-19 - ESV

In this week's edition: reports from Pakistan, India, China, Iran and Yemen.

1. Update: Christian sentenced to death in Pakistan fasting, praying and forgiving
(Source: VOM-USA, Atlas Shrugs)

Asia Bibi, a Christian wife and mother sentenced to die for allegedly committing blasphemy against Islam, says she has forgiven those who are persecuting her. She recently told a Pakistani journalist, who asked her a list of questions prepared by an American journalist, that she spends her time praying and fasting for her family and other persecuted Christians.

Asia is confined to a cell and is allowed to go outside 30 minutes each day. She sees her two daughters and husband one hour each week. Asia told her interviewer one of the prison workers recently tried to strangle her, and she must prepare her own food since it is feared she will be poisoned if workers in the prison prepare it. Life for All is supporting her family and has hired a lawyer to try and overturn the conviction. She says she is hopeful that she will be released, but there is a bounty of about $8,000 offered by the Islamic clerics to anyone who will kill her. Asia says she is content that her future is in God's hands and she will accept His will.

Please pray that Asia's young daughters and husband will rely on the Lord as a source of strength and hope. Pray that Asia's forgiving heart will be used by God to inspire others to forgive and show love. Please pray that the ongoing petition for Asia hosted by VOM-USA at will help lead to her release.


2. Karnataka most dangerous state in India for Christians
(Source: Compass Direct News)

Christmas and New Year's holidays in the south Indian state of Karnataka brought a dramatic increase in attacks on believers, and the state was identified as the most unsafe place for Christians for the third consecutive year.

There were 49 cases of violence and hostility against Christians in the state last year, according to the Evangelical Fellowship of India's annual report. The Global Council of Indian Christians reported there were at least six anti-Christian attacks between Christmas Eve and New Year's Day alone. Services and prayer meetings were disrupted and pastors and worshippers were harassed and physically abused by groups of suspected Hindu extremists. In one case on Christmas Day, about 20 people beat Christians, including women and children, with stones and wooden clubs as the believers celebrated at a house a few miles from the city of Mangalore. Injuries in the attacks included fractures, chest injuries and head trauma. Christians account for at least 2.3 percent of India's population, which is more than 1 billion.

Please pray that eruptions of violence will cease and the storm of hostility will be stilled in this troubled state. Please pray for the physical and emotional healing of those who have been attacked and harmed.  Please pray that Christians in Karnataka will be Christ's light and will overcome the spiritual darkness that is consuming this region.


3. Update: New year brings renewed efforts to prevent worship at Shouwang Church in China
(Source: ChinaAid)

Christian believers at Beijing Shouwang Church, who had arranged an outdoor worship service after the government continued to thwart their efforts to rent premises to worship indoors, were harassed, detained and prevented from worshipping together on January 1. The church has long been a target for the oppressive government. Believers report that at least 49 Christians were taken into custody either before they were able to depart for the outdoor service or as they made their way there. Most believers were sent to 13 local police stations. Many were released home late that night and all were released by January 3.

The church had rented three different locations to conduct indoor worship services, but by the evening of December 31, 2011, all three sites notified the church that they could not lease the space to the church and had to tear up the agreement as the result of government interference and pressure. Since then, China's state and domestic security have come out in force setting up guard stations and imposing martial law at the plaza where the outdoor service had been planned. Those who had been to the plaza in the past were confined to their homes by security guards, and pastors have been under house arrest.

Please pray that our brothers and sisters at Shouwang Church will be granted the freedom to worship indoors without fear of reprisal or harassment. Pray that these believers will continue to spread the gospel despite these trials as a testament to God's sovereign power and for His glory.


4. Update: Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani refuses to compromise faith for release
(Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani recently refused to state that the Muslim prophet Muhammad was a messenger sent by God despite the fact that it would have secured his release. On December 30, local authorities said they would release the pastor if he agreed to make the statement, but the pastor rejected the offer and remains in prison awaiting a final decision on his case. The request violates article 23 of the Iranian Constitution, which states that no one should be molested or taken to task simply for holding a certain belief.

The pastor at the Church of Iran was arrested in Rasht in 2009, and in September 2010, he was tried and found guilty of apostasy and sentenced to death. He was made three similar offers in 2011 where recanting his faith would have saved his life, but he refused each time. His case was eventually referred to Iran's Supreme Leader. Unconfirmed reports indicate that the case may have been passed on to the head of the Iranian judiciary, delaying execution for up to a year to allow time to convince the pastor to renounce his faith.

Please pray that Pastor Youcef's courage and faith will continue to be an example to the world that the Lord is more valuable than any earthly reward. Please pray that his steadfast resolve to protect the integrity of the gospel message will lead others to salvation. Please pray for his release.


5. Update: Pray for missing Christians in Yemen
(Source: Middle East Concern)

December 12, 2011, marked two-and-a-half years since the kidnapping of nine foreigners in Saada, north-west Yemen, three of whom were murdered shortly afterwards

There continues to be no news of Johannes and Sabine (a German couple), Simon (their son, age 3) or of Tony (a British man). Lydia and Anna (7 and 5, daughters of Johannes and Sabine) who were freed in May 2010 are with relatives in Germany and are reported to be in good health. It is reportedly a challenge for these relatives to function as Lydia and Anna's parents in light of their unique needs and in the context of the other children in their home.

Christians close to the situation are hopeful that the recent agreement to transfer power from President Saleh to the Vice President and the formation of a unity government may lead to the release of information about the four missing foreigners. These political changes have not yet led to much positive change in the country as a whole, and protests and violent clashes continue in many parts.

Pray that the missing four, assuming they are alive, will know the peace, presence and daily provision of Jesus and will be released unharmed. Please pray that the families and colleagues of those missing and murdered will know the peace of Jesus amidst continuing uncertainty. Pray that the perpetrators will be convicted by the Spirit and drawn to the forgiveness, love and true life offered by Jesus.

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