Canada: Sharp earthquake rattles Quebec

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Jul 25, 2010, 5:40:38 AM7/25/10
Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places

Canada: Sharp earthquake rattles Quebec

Published: July 24, 2010 at 3:30 PM

QUEBEC CITY, July 24 (UPI) -- A 4.1-magnitude earthquake hit the Quebec City area, but there were no reports of serious damage, authorities said.

The Geological Survey of Canada said the quake, centered in Laurier Station southwest of the city, struck at 1:24 p.m. Friday, Canadian Broadcasting Corp. News reported.

Local residents say they felt sharp shaking for several seconds.

Fred Conron of Cap Rouge said he was napping and thought his wife was trying to shake him awake.

"But when I looked around there was no one here, and then the bed was still moving," he said.

Conron said there was no damage and the quake lasted just a couple of seconds.

Last month a 5.0-magnitude quake damaged roads and several buildings in western Quebec and southern and eastern Ontario, the CBC said.
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