Philippine volcano erupts, shoots steam and ash

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Perilous Times

Philippine volcano erupts,  shoots steam and ash

The Associated Press
Saturday, November 6, 2010; 12:55 AM

MANILA, Philippines -- A volcano in the Philippines has released a plume of steam and ash but scientists say a major eruption is possible.

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology says Saturday's activity at Bulusan volcano was caused by groundwater interacting with hot rocks and not rising magma. The cloud of steam and ash rose 1,980 feet (600 meters) and fell over areas as far as six miles (10 kilometers) from the mountain.

The institute says there could be more hydrothermal disturbances and has warned people to keep away from a 2.5-mile (4-kilometer) permanent danger zone around Bulusan's summit.

Bulusan is one of the country's 23 active volcanoes. It is located about 240 miles (380 kilometers) southeast of Manila.
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