Strong Earthquake strikes off Tonga, Samoa

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Jul 25, 2010, 5:55:26 AM7/25/10
Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places

Strong Earthquake strikes off Tonga, Samoa

The Associated Press
Sunday, July 25, 2010; 1:33 AM

CANBERRA, Australia -- The U.S. Geological Survey says an earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 6 has struck the South Pacific off the coasts of Tonga, Samoa and American Samoa.

There have been no immediate reports of damage and no tsunami was triggered.

The quake struck Sunday afternoon and was centered at sea 147 miles (237 kilometers) southwest of Apia in Samoa and 252 miles (405 kilometers) north of Neiafu in Tonga. It was at a depth of 25 miles (41 kilometers).

Residents of Apia and Neiafu told The Associated Press that they didn't notice it.

A magnitude 8 earthquake close to Samoa on Sept. 29 killed 34 people in American Samoa, 183 in Samoa and nine in Tonga, when tsunami waves up to 46 feet (14 meters) high crashed ashore.

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