Australia: Plague of Locusts set to swarm Victorian region of Mallee

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Nov 8, 2010, 2:18:21 PM11/8/10
Plagues, Pestilences and Diseases

Australia: Plague of Locusts set to swarm Victorian region of Mallee

    * From: AAP
    * November 08, 2010 8:38PM

A SUDDEN burst of summery heat could launch swarms of locusts in Victoria's northwest this week, authorities warn.

Samples of locusts taken in parts of the Mallee region in the state's northwestern corner suggest locusts are about to swarm, Department of Primary Industries (DPI) entomologist and Australian Plague Locust Commissioner Gordon Berg says.

Most recent locust samples collected in the remote region, occupied by grain farming and large tracts of semi-arid national parks, suggest locusts there are in their final stages of development and will start flying with predicted high temperatures.

"Locusts could start swarming by the end of this week," Mr Berg said.

"Landholders in the Mallee need to spray now - there's not a moment to lose.

"There are already isolated reports of small pockets of fledging locusts in the Mildura region and it's only a matter of time before they start to fly.

Sightings of fledgling locusts must be reported immediately to DPI, Mr Berg said.

Landowners who sight locust hoppers on their property are legally bound to spray them, he said.

DPI is carrying out aerial and ground surveillance over a wide area between Bendigo and Mildura,

At least 25 new bands of locust hoppers were identified in aerial surveillance.

Ground crews have been spraying locusts in the Murray Sunset and Hattah Kulkyne national parks.

DPI has received more than 5,800 reports of locust activity this season.

Report locust sightings to the DPI website or by phoning 1300 135 559.

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