London braces for 3rd subway strike over job cuts

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Nov 2, 2010, 9:58:34 AM11/2/10
Perilous Times

London braces for 3rd subway strike over job cuts

The Associated Press
Tuesday, November 2, 2010; 5:02 AM

LONDON -- Britain's capital is bracing for its third subway strike in as many months over planned cuts to London's transit network.

Transport for London, which runs the subway, said Tuesday that the 24-hour strike would restrict train service and close some stations. The previous strike, held last month, cut services by 40 percent. A fourth strike is planned for Nov. 29.

Two major transport unions say they're taking action to protect the jobs of 650 ticket staff and 150 station managers.

Mayor Boris Johnson called the strike "pointless," while the unions accuse him of reneging on his election pledges.

London also faces a firefighters' strike scheduled for Friday.
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