Strong earthquake hits N. India

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Jun 20, 2011, 4:21:32 PM6/20/11
Great Earthquakes In Diverse Places

Strong earthquake hits N. India

Monday, June 20, 2011, 12:39

New Delhi: Strong earthquake tremors were felt across many regions of North India on Monday.

The epicentre of the quake was near Chamoli in Uttarakhand and the intensity, as per preliminary reports was 4.9 on the Richter scale. The epicentre was about 130 km northeast of Dehradun and 303 km from New Delhi.

Besides Uttarakhand, tremors were felt in Saharanpur, Meerut, Shimla and as far as Ghaziabad near Delhi.

As per the US Geological Survey, the earthquake hit at 11:57:18 am IST, at a depth of 13.1 km from surface level.

Earlier on April 4 this year, an earthquake measuring 5.7 on the Richter scale and with epicentre in Nepal had shook parts of north India, including Delhi.
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