Wicked Wall Of Water Continues To Moves Across Southeast Australia

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Jan 26, 2011, 6:08:14 PM1/26/11
to Bible-Pro...@googlegroups.com
Perilous Times and Climate Change

Wicked Wall Of Water Continues To Moves Across Southeast Australia

Last Updated: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 | 12:20 PM ET

CBC News

People cling to railings and metal fences on a flooded street in Toowoomba, Queensland, during a flash flood on Jan. 10. The latest flooding has hit Victoria state.People cling to railings and metal fences on a flooded street in Toowoomba, Queensland, during a flash flood on Jan. 10. The latest flooding has hit Victoria state. (ABC/Associated Press)

A Wicked Wall of Floodwaters crept across southeastern Australia Wednesday, inundating farms and houses as the country's flood crisis brought fresh misery to rural towns.

The muddy waters pushing through Victoria state have swamped dozens of homes this week in small communities outside Swan Hill, a town 340 kilometres northwest of the Victorian state capital of Melbourne that is the next major community in the water's path.

The swollen Loddon and Murray rivers meet at Swan Hill, and waters there are expected to peak next week. About 70 properties have been inundated in communities east of Swan Hill in the past week.

Australia's flood crisis began with record rains in November that left huge parts of the northeastern state of Queensland under water, killing 35 people, damaging or destroying 30,000 homes and businesses and causing at least $3 billion in damage to crops and lost coal exports. Brisbane, the country's third-largest city, was swamped for days.

The flood disaster is now moving across southeast Victoria, where driving rains have forced swollen rivers over their banks. The inland sea formed by the floodwaters is 90 kilometres long and 40 kilometres wide.

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