Syrian rebels strike heart of Damascus

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Nov 20, 2011, 8:01:29 PM11/20/11
Perilous Times

Syrian rebels strike heart of Damascus

Syrian rebels struck at the heart of Damascus, firing rocket propelled grenades at the municipal headquarters of the ruling Ba'ath party in an attack that exposed the regime's vulnerability in its most heavily-fortified citadel.

The Ba'ath Party headquarters in Damascus was attacked by the Free Syrian Army Photo: AP

By Adrian Blomfield, Middle East Correspondent

12:01AM GMT 21 Nov 2011
The Telegraph UK

Fighters on motorcycles launched a volley of grenades at the building, a highly symbolic target in the centre of the city, shortly before dawn, according to activists aligned with the opposition.

The Free Syrian Army, an increasingly potent force of army deserters, claimed responsibility for the attack, the first of its kind in central Damascus, which has remained largely calm since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad erupted in March.

The Syrian government strongly denied any attack had taken place, although it could not explain why the area around the building had been sealed off. Residents nearby reported hearing a series of explosions and seeing a thick plume of smoke above the city. Fire engines were later seen speeding towards the scene.

The attack represents a shift in the Syrian Free Army's tactics, one that has clearly unnerved the regime.

Until last week, the rebel group, which was formed at the end of July, largely restricted itself to ambushes against police convoys along remote country roads, although fighters had also engaged the security forces during protests outside Damascus and Aleppo, Syria's two principal cities. Such incidents were given widespread coverage on state television, which portrayed them as terrorist attacks.

But in recent days the rebels have grown much bolder, launching a daring raid on an army barracks in southern Syria where they reportedly killed more than 30 soldiers. They then attacked the air force's intelligence headquarters on the outskirts of Damascus.

As in Sunday's operation, the damage caused is believed to have been limited, but the high-value symbolism of the two targets will not be lost on the Syrian people. The Ba'ath party and air force intelligence are both seen as among the regime's chief instruments of repression.

The rebels boasted that their attacks proved they could strike "anywhere and at any time". More significantly, they hope that such high-profile operations will convince soldiers who remain in the army, but are unhappy with the regime's response to the uprising, that they are strong enough to make defection a viable option.

The Free Syrian Army boasts it has as many 25,000 fighters in its ranks, a number challenged by its critics who say the true figure is closer to 1,000 – against an army that is more than 200,000 strong.

While not yet in a position to do more than harry the regime, the rebels are clearly beginning to unsettle the authorities. Tellingly, none of the three latest attacks was reported by state television.

Despite the growing threat, Mr Assad insisted this weekend that his regime remained impregnable and would emerge triumphant, saying he would resist both the rebels and growing international pressure against his regime.

"I assure you that Syria will not bow down and that it will continue to resist the pressure being imposed on it," he told The Sunday Times.

But his attempts to avert punitive action by Arab states appeared to be faltering. The Arab League on Sunday rejected Syria's attempts to impose restrictions over its demands to deploy 500 observers to the country to monitor a peace plan Mr Assad agreed to uphold, but has so far flouted.

The League voted to suspend Syria's membership last week, but then delayed the enforcement of its decision to give Mr Assad more time to show he was willing to end the violence. It could impose sanctions when the bloc's foreign ministers meet on Thursday.

In a sign that Mr Assad's political opponents are growing more organised, the principal Syrian opposition coalition, which has distanced itself from the tactics of the armed rebel groups, announced a manifesto yesterday for the country's transition to democratic rule.

It promised to establish a parliamentary republic and to hold elections for an assembly that would draft a new constitution within a year of Mr Assad's overthrow. The constitution would then be put before the people in a referendum, with a general election following shortly afterwards.

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