Israeli Architect of 'peace process' admits it's mistaken - Peres is still main champion of land-for-peace formula

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Dec 1, 2010, 3:48:16 PM12/1/10
Perilous Times

Israeli Architect of 'peace process' admits it's mistaken - Peres is still main champion of land-for-peace formula

Posted: November 30, 2010
1:23 pm Eastern

By Aaron Klein
News From Israel

Israeli President Shimon Peres listens during the Peace and Beyond in the Middle East discussion at the sixth annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative on September 21, 2010 in New York. The Initiative brings together numerous current and former heads of state who make commitments to address global issues such as poverty, environment and social conditions

JERUSALEM – President Shimon Peres admitted the Oslo peace process with the Palestinians was based on a mistaken premise, according to classified documents released by WikiLeaks and reviewed.

The admission, quoted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, may be a bombshell to most Israelis since Peres is considered the architect of the Oslo process and currently is its main champion in the Jewish state.

Oslo refers to the 1993 Oslo Accords, which call on Israel to relinquish territory to the Palestinians in exchange for promises of peace. The process continues with ongoing talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

An April 2007 cable of a conversation Netanyahu had with Congressman Gary Ackerman relates the supposed admission from Peres. Netanyahu at the time was Israeli opposition leader while Peres was the country's vice prime minister.

"Netanyahu commented that Shimon Peres had admitted to him that the Oslo process had been based on a mistaken economic premise, and as a result European and U.S. assistance to the Palestinians had gone to create a bloated bureaucracy, with PA employees looking to the international community to meet their payroll," stated the cable.

Netanyahu went on to slam the government of Ehud Olmert, who at the time was prime minister, for its "stupid" failures during the Second Lebanon War in 2006 against Hezbollah. He also called Olmert's party, Kadima, a "fake party."

Speaking of the war in Lebanon, Netanyahu was quoted as saying, "If the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) had used a flanking move by a superior ground force, it could have won easily. Instead, Israel 'dripped troops into their gunsights,' an approach [Netanyahu] termed 'stupid.'"

Netanyahu was quoted saying, "Kadima members are realizing they cannot allow Olmert to stay in power, but Kadima itself might collapse since it was a 'fake party.'"
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