.The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Oct 1, 2011, 2:55:58 PM10/1/11
to Bible-Pro...@googlegroups.com
.The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert

The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada

 October 01, 2011

"You never know how much you really believe anything
until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you."
-- C.S. Lewis

In this week's edition: reports from Iran, Nigeria, West Bank and Laos

1. Update: Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani refuses to recant, faces execution
(Source: Compass Direct, Present Truth Ministries, Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, an Iranian pastor sentenced to death for apostasy in September 2010, refused to recant his faith during four court hearings held on September 25-28. He now faces an imminent verdict of the death sentence, which is expected to be issued within seven days. "They probably won't kill him today, but they can do it whenever they want," a source said. "Sometimes in Iran they call the family and deliver the body with the verdict."

In July, the Supreme Court instructed the Revolutionary Tribunal of Gilan Province to review Youcef's case to verify whether he was previously a practicing Muslim. At the recent hearings, the court in Rasht ruled that Pastor Youcef was not a practicing Muslim before becoming a Christian but that he remains guilty of apostasy because of his Muslim ancestry.

Please pray for continued strength and grace for Pastor Youcef. Pray that all charges against him will be dropped. Pray that Pastor Youcef will rely on the Lord to give him the words to say when he stands before accusing authorities (Matthew 10:19). Pray that Iranian authorities will act justly in this case.

A source in Iran has shared that it is critical for foreign governments to negotiate and engage in diplomacy with Iranian authorities about Nadarkhani's case, adding that Youcef's predicament could be more hopeful if they intervened. Please raise a voice on Pastor Youcef's behalf by writing Canada's Minister of Foreign Affairs, your local MP, and the Iranian embassy. For addresses and a sample letter you can use, go to www.tinyurl.com/nadarkhani.


2. Scores of Christians killed in Plateau state, Nigeria
(Source: Compass Direct)

Dozens of Christians have been killed by Muslim extremists in Nigeria's Plateau state in recent weeks. On September 4, eight members of a Christian family were shot and butchered with machetes in Tatu village. The next day, seven Christians were killed in the village of Zakalio. Another four Christians were murdered on September 5 after Muslims attacked the Christian communities of Dabwak Kuru and Farin Lamba. On September 8, extremists attacked Tsohon Foron village and killed 10 Christians. The following evening, Muslim attackers killed 14 believers, including a pregnant woman, in the village of Vwang Kogot. The Muslims, aided by men in Nigerian army military uniforms, then raided the village. A pastor in the area said, "No help or relief from the government has been received by our people.... We've just been living with the horror of not knowing what will happen next."

Pray that those who lost friends and family members will be filled with the joy that comes from knowing that they will see them again at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18). Pray that the perpetrators of these attacks will repent and come to faith in Christ. Pray for peace in Nigeria.


3. Lives touched through VBS program in the West Bank
(Source: VOM-USA)

Pastor Stephen Khoury, a VOM partner, successfully completed a summer VBS program in the Bethlehem suburb of Shepherd's Field, despite opposition from neighbours and local authorities. On the first day of the VBS, Stephen was accosted by a neighbourhood woman and her two sons, but the Holy Spirit enabled Stephen to respond wisely and to calm the woman. Over the course of the five-day event, the leaders' car tires were slashed and the building and grounds of the youth centre were vandalized. But Stephen and the other Christian workers were encouraged. "We had more than 78 kids come, and more than 25 kids from different religions received Christ," Stephen said. "Lives were changed forever." As a result of their VBS success, a new outreach meeting will be held each Friday at the centre.

Pray for those conducting outreach through the Shepherd's Field centre. Pray that they will not falter in sharing the message of Christ. Pray that the kids who accepted the gospel will grow in their faith each day. Pray that many more in the West Bank will hear the Good News and turn to Jesus.


4. Orphans under pressure in Laos
(Source: VOM-USA)

Eleven orphans in northern Laos are currently facing pressure from the principal of their orphanage to stop attending church. If they do not obey, the children may have to leave the orphanage.

After attending a local church and becoming a Christian, one of the orphans shared the gospel with his peers. Soon, 10 other orphans turned to Christ and began regularly attending church. When the principal heard of the conversions, he told the children multiple times to stop attending church. After pressuring the children with no results, the principal called the group to his office on August 19. He told them they must stop attending church or face the consequences. Seven of the orphans promised they would stop attending church, but none of them have renounced their faith. The remaining four orphans continue to attend church and refuse to bend under the pressure.

Please pray that God will protect these orphans, who depend entirely on government support. Pray that their example of steadfast faith will soften the hearts of those around them. Pray that these orphans will be upheld in prayer by the Christian community in Laos and around the world.

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