-The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert

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Pastor Dale Morgan

Feb 26, 2011, 6:29:14 AM2/26/11
to Bible-Pro...@googlegroups.com
-The Weekly Persecution & Prayer Alert

The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada

Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Once we serve God surely we must go the way of the cross,
so I will not quarrel against the Lord for what has happened."
-- Pastor Quang, Vietnam

In this week's edition: reports from Vietnam, China, India, Cuba and Egypt

1. Update: Vietnamese priest facing imprisonment again
(Source: VOM-USA)

Father Nguyen Van Ly, a Vietnamese priest who has spent more than 15 years in prison, including time in solitary confinement, could soon be imprisoned again. The 64-year-old's last arrest was in February 2007, when he was detained for distributing material "harmful to the state." In March 2010, he was released to undergo a year's medical treatment after suffering two serious strokes that left him partially paralyzed. During his medical leave, authorities prevented him from giving interviews or meeting with activists. Police reportedly roughed up a U.S. diplomat who attempted to visit with him. Father Nguyen is scheduled to be re-admitted to prison on March 15. He has said that if he is indeed forced to return to prison, he will go on a hunger strike and refuse medical treatment as a means of protesting the injustice.

Pray authorities will not send Father Nguyen back to prison. Pray for continued healing for him. Ask God to equip him to stand firm in his faith in the face of oppression and to demonstrate unfailing trust in his Saviour. Pray he and Vietnamese believers facing similar trials will rest in the knowledge that the Good Shepherd walks with them at all times (Psalm 23).


2. Chinese Government planning increased regulations on Christian worship
(Sources: VOM-USA, China Daily Newspaper)

The Chinese government is reportedly planning to tighten regulations on Christian worship this year. China's State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA) has announced that it will "guide Protestants worshiping at unregistered churches into worshiping at government-sanctioned ones." A VOM source in China confirmed that during a detention in 2010, police told him they would stop being "nice" in 2011. The report also stated, "SARA will strengthen regulation of foreign nationals' group religious activities in China and resist foreign infiltration under the pretext of religion." This new policy could mean increased persecution of Christians in China, especially those who worship in unregistered churches. Christians faced similar pressure from the government before the 2008 Olympics, when several Christians were detained, forced from their homes and put under house arrest.

Pray Chinese Christians will continue to look to their God, knowing that He will give them courage and resolution in trial and opposition. Pray a new wave of intense pressure will not deter followers of Christ in China from proclaiming God's Word. Pray believers unjustly imprisoned will persevere in faith.


3. Pastor viciously assaulted in India
(Source: Compass Direct)

A 65-year-old pastor was recently the victim of a brutal assault by Hindu militants in Rajasthan state, India. On February 1, Pastor Hari Shankar Ninama was visiting his daughter in Ambarunda when her neighbor requested he pray for his 8-year-old son, who was ill. While Pastor Hari was praying, at least 10 Hindu militants stormed into the home. The militants beat the pastor, used abusive language against him and accused him of forcibly converting people. They also slapped his daughter and beat the sick boy's father. The militants forced the pastor onto a motorbike and drove to a location outside the village. There, they stripped off the pastor's clothes and beat him with wooden clubs. They threatened to kill him if he continued to spread Christianity. After stealing his watch, cell phone and a small amount of money, they fled, leaving him naked on the road. He walked five miles to the police station, where he filed a report. He was hospitalized and released on February 11, emotionally traumatized and still suffering bodily pain.

When the militants reportedly threatened to burn down the home of the pastor's daughter if police prosecute, the family dropped the investigation. The attack has caused fear among Christians in the village, and Pastor Hari's church has not held services since he was attacked. Pastor Hari, however, has said that even in his feeble state, he is determined to evangelize and pray for people wherever and whenever called.

Pray Pastor Hari will find strength in the tenderness and lasting care of his Heavenly Father as he recovers. Praise the Lord for his steadfast faith and commitment to sharing Christ, even amid great opposition. Pray God's protection on him and his family. Pray a spirit of power, love and trust, not fear, will govern Christians in this area and throughout India (2 Timothy 1:7).


4. Cuban Christians facing intense pressure
(Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide)

Christians continue to face opposition in Cuba. The government has reportedly shifted away from higher profile forms of oppression, such as threatening to destroy churches, to pressuring pastors and other Christian leaders. Church leaders -- both in and outside of the Cuban Council of Churches (CCC) that represents the Protestant Church -- report receiving frequent visits from state security agents and Cuban Communist Party officials. These visits and meetings seem to have the intent of intimidating church leaders by making them aware they are under close surveillance.

In October 2010, Pastor Homero Carbonell resigned as leader of La Trinidad First Baptist Church in Santa Clara after prolonged government pressure and threats. While he hoped giving up his leadership position would alleviate the demands on the congregation, there has reportedly been no change in the government's treatment. Pastor Carbonell, a respected high-level denominational leader, has denounced the government's spurious accusations against him in an open letter. He also wrote of the Religious Affairs Office's unjust treatment of the church over the past three years. It is suspected the intensity of the government pressure on the pastor and his congregation is related to the church's refusal to expel family members of political prisoners and members of human rights or pro-democracy groups.

Pray for boldness and endurance of faith for Christians in Cuba. Ask God to give them wisdom as they minister in an environment of pressure and opposition against Christ's followers. Pray religious freedom will be truly respected in Cuba.


5. Muslims abduct daughter of church contractor in Egypt
(Source: Assyrian International News Agency)

Muslims recently abducted an 18-year-old Egyptian Christian from her home. On February 19, a group of Muslims broke into a house belonging to a building contractor who constructed the St. Mary and St. Michael Church in the city of Giza. In November, the church was the site of severe clashes between State Security forces and Copts protesting over the closure of their church. Three Copts were killed and hundreds were injured and arrested. After barging into the family's house, the intruders wrote messages on the wall, including "Islam is the solution" and "The Church has to be demolished." They also wrote the names of the other family members on the wall before abducting the church contractor's daughter. Blood was later found on the stairs in the flat. There is considerable fear that the rest of the family will be targeted in further violence.

Pray this young Christian woman will be safely returned home. Pray her family will continue to look to Christ, entrusting all their cares and anxieties to Him in this time. Pray Christians in Egypt will be clothed in the Spirit of the Lord, reaching forth their hands in love, even to those who seek to harm and oppress them.

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