
已查看 90 次


2009年8月25日 15:53:282009/8/25
收件人 BGG Down

2009年8月25日 16:07:492009/8/25
收件人 BGG Down
It's down for me too.

On Aug 25, 3:53 pm, Guantanamo <> wrote:
> :(


2009年8月25日 16:19:532009/8/25
收件人 BGG Down
I'm sure they're implementing every one of the changes that people
asked for in the "what would you like to see changed" thread. :oP

(This could take a while.)

On Aug 25, 1:07 pm, "" <>


2009年8月25日 16:20:082009/8/25
收件人 BGG Down
Yup, it's down.

On Aug 25, 4:07 pm, "" <>


2009年8月25日 16:13:412009/8/25
收件人 BGG Down
You can still access their images. See html below.

<title>Race for the Galaxy Card List</title>



Ever wanted a complete browser view of ALL the "Race for the Galaxy"
cards (through the first expansion) with no extra overhead? Here you

Good Dimensions to use:

For Overview (not reading small text): width = 220 and height = 308
For Detailed View (can see explantion text): width = 300 and height =

For your own dimensions, I recommend keeping the height/width ratio
such that: (height = width * 1.4)


Written by BGG user "Sappington"
Images scanned by BGG user "Red Turtle"
List of BGG image IDs provided by BGG users "the majestic moose" and

"Race for the Galaxy" by Tom Lehman


<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 354518' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 356848' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 356847' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451438' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 356852' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340468' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 354517' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451441' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341376' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341710' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340466' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340904' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 356846' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451435' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340448' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341705' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 354516' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340758' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340443' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340438' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340474' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340442' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340912' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340760' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451444' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341709' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 356836' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340490' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 354961' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340753' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341095' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340994' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340449' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340446' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451433' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340906' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340998' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 354962' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 353147' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340487' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451464' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340437' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451465' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 357389' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 356855' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 356809' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 357619' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 353127' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 356849' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341377' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451449' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 356850' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451448' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 357618' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340909' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 353881' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451452' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341712' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 357386' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451427' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340462' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341381' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340439' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 357384' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 357620' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451457' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340486' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341380' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451458' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341379' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451422' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340440' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451460' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340465' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 357387' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 357607' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340453' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340761' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340911' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 353148' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 353133' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 353124' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341713' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340469' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340450' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 356833' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340755' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341092' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340451' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341744' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 357388' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 354529' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 356854' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451430' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341096' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341094' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 356851' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 356853' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451454' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 354958' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 353882' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341093' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 353885' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 354957' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 353883' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451424' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451455' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 356379' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 341378' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 353130' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340452' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 357610' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 340464' width=220 height=308/>
<img src=''
alt='BGG ID = 451456' width=220 height=308/>


2009年8月25日 16:16:402009/8/25
收件人 BGG Down
It's been a bad week for BGG, it's been down more than up for me. As a
website administrator myself I understand the problems that crop up
and can't imagine the pain of running a site as large as BGG. Good
luck Aldie.


2009年8月25日 17:37:372009/8/25
收件人 BGG Down
That's because is using on Amazon S3 storage
service. The web server is what's apparently down for maintenance.
Since it's actually redirecting to and serving a web page, I can only
assume it's actual maintenance, scheduled or not I don't know. Bad
timing for me though, was gathering files to have printed in color on
heavy card stock at Office Depot for Power Grid. ><

On Aug 25, 3:13 pm, Sappington <> wrote:
> You can still access their images.  See html below.
> <body>
> <html>
> <title>Race for the Galaxy Card List</title>
> <!--
> ::snip::
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