The Weekly Email By Betsy--5-19-09

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May 19, 2009, 1:15:17 AM5/19/09
to Beijing Ultimate
fantastic plastic fanatics,

besty loves everyone in beijing ultimate the same, whether you are
sexy or ugly, good or evil, sandy or tao. this weekend was special
though, and she was struck by something unknown to her; pride for
others than herself. china nationals was impressive and thought-
provoking. one thought in particular: if big brother ever loses to
high school kids, everyone is off the team and it will be replaced by
high school kids. that gavin is so dreamy.

WEEKLY ITEM #1: The Weekly Schedule

Every Tuesday, Pick Up, 8-10, Deshengmen

Saturday May 23, Big Brother practice, location and time TDB

Sunday May 24, Spring League Hat Tournament and BBQ
bus from dzm at 11:15am. duff promised plenty of coke at the bbq.
betsy was going to make a joke about getting seven on the line, or
whites vs darks, but doesn’t want to provoke mini hulk from his winter
slumber. who’s a good hulky. you are. you’re a good hulk.

every week, betsy gets a lot of emails inviting her out on dates,
complementing her on her leadership skills, asking her ultimate
questions, and wanting to know who she is. the mailbag is where she
these questions. as always, these are real letters from real

Letter #1:

hi betsy,
have you seen my bunny? or my panda backpack? they are not lost or
anything, they are just both really cute.


dear p-nut,
that’s sweet. tell me more.


Letter # 2:

dear betsy,
i know tao is an easy target. he’s kinda awkward, generally says
silly things, likes to play with battlestar galactica dolls, and is a
blogger. but I miss being the center of attention every week. has my
time passed?

missing the old days,

dear sandy,
you’re right about tao. but don’t forget, he’s also pretty bad at
other things too, like badminton and bowling. don’t worry, he can’t
keep it up forever. eventually he’ll start doing some less awkward
things and betsy will give him a rest. hang in there.


Letter #3:

dear betsy,
i heard both big brother teams got squashed in the first round on
saturday. obviously i wasn’t there, but seriously, what gives?

can’t wait for shanghai!
ken 2.0

dear ken 2.0,
betsy was too busy with your mom to make those games so she has no
idea what happened. but if anyone ever brings it up again, betsy will
deflect by making a mom joke.


now is the time in the weekly email when betsy gives her weekly shout
outs, and call outs. remember, you want to get shouted out, but you
don't want to get called out.

a shout out to zahlen. now where’s betsy’s free case-it gear?

a shout out to jeff. infinity. you win. betsy will have* your
babies now.

a call out to shen. we all know you’re really a foreigner. just
because you pull your shorts up to your nipples, doesn’t make you
chinese. you need the wife-beater rolled up to your shoulders too.

a shout out to tao. despite not giving betsy’s team a first game on
sunday, she was mildly impressed by your efforts. whenceforth you get
a pass for the rest of this week’s e-mail. savor it.

a call out to doc. yellow makes you look gay. everyone knows green
peeps are the best.

a shout out to lincoln. or aaron. betsy forgets which.

a call out to the other one.


WEEKLY ITEM #3: Lunch time Poll
which of these are the main reason big brother is going to dominate at
a) big brother’s unstoppable roster of women, you all make betsy
want to experiment more.
b) a)
c) both of the above.

which brings us finally to your moment of zen… a baby picture from
doc’s modeling days:

he peaked at three, it was all downhill from there.

catch you on the field,

* betsy will not have your babies.

Lauren Reed

May 19, 2009, 6:14:45 AM5/19/09
to Betsy, Beijing Ultimate
Wow. I feel as if betsy has revealed doc's vunerable side to display to all. i am so touched.

Indiana sure knows how to raise 'em right, eh? I remember wearing my first peeps costume all the time.....or was that my mother trying to suffocate me with a massive stuffed animal? You never can tell with Indiana.


May 19, 2009, 10:09:27 AM5/19/09
to Beijing Ultimate
Betsy, you forgot my favorite favorite moment of the weekend: Doc
getting skyed by the high school chick on a big huck. Which also
coincides with the weekend's best heckle... Charlotte: "You didn't
even try!"


May 19, 2009, 11:18:40 AM5/19/09
to Beijing Ultimate
I just want to point out Mike Shyu posted 17 Facebook albums from this
weekend, exceeding his nine or so for Jeju and 11 for Kunming.

Although six of those albums are just variations of the same picture
of him skying that dude on Hong Kong in finals -- some red-scaled,
some zoomed in, some in sepia...
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