The Weekly Email By Betsy--8-22-07

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betsy beijing

22 Aug 2007, 12:13:49 am22/8/07
hey frisbee freaks,

remember this feeling:  "oh my god, there's no email.  betsy has forsaken us.  we're all doomed!"  because next time you take betsy for granted, you may find yourselves pondering life without betsy...permanently!!!

WEEKLY ITEM #1:  The Weekly Schedule

Tuesday Aug 21, Practice, 7.30, Gu Lou.
it's donald's birthday, so practice is cancelled out of respect for his awesomeness.

Thursday Aug 23, Pick Up, 7-9, Gu Lou.
last session of deshengmen pick up with clean air until the olympics in 2008.  i'd highly advise coming out this week, because once they turn back on all the factories, you probably won't be able to see a frisbee in your hand, let alone flying through the air, for the next calendar year.

Sunday July 8, Summer League, happy valley
Meet at DZM at 1.30.  i repeat, 1.30.  this week is finals.  it may be a foregone conclusion that the b-funk all stars are the most talented and best looking collection of summer leaguers to hit the fields since the hai tian dynasty of 2004, but we still have to go through the formality of playing the finals.  so bring your friends, bring your relatives, bring your dependents and wards.  this sunday should be the greatest day of frisbee ever.  


lunch time poll:  what was the most memorable moment of league this year:

a) the fabulous moments spent at rickshaw after the games, beijing's newest and greatest bar and restaurant, where the food is delicious, the service is meticulous, and the atmosphere is electric.

b) the time nick killed a man with a high release forehand that went careening into the stands.

c) league?  what league?  oh, you mean the fact we have been wearing color coded t-shirts was somehow tied to an ongoing competition involving four teams.  i thought it was just part of zahlen's plans of world domination for five ultimate.  who won?

d) team funky coming from behind to upset the clearly stacked but complacent team boogie to win their semi final match, and essentially the championship. why even bother playing the final?  it's like the nba, where everyone knows the western conference champion is going to win every year.  who can even remember the last time the eastern confernence has won?  it's probably been like 20 years.  no wonder the nba sucks.


WEEKLY ITEM #2: Summer League Update

this week we are starting games at 3.00 so that we can end early and go have our party at rickshaw.  see below for details on what jamie thinks about this.

if any one has any questions or comments, you can contact tracie at  email complaints directly to


every week, betsy gets a lot of emails inviting her out on dates, complementing her on her leadership skills, asking her ultimate related questions, and wanting to know who she is.  the mailbag is where she answers these questions.  as always, these are real letters from real readers.

Letter #1:

dear betsy,

who are you?


dear jen,

it's been a few weeks since i've gotten one of these.  you might have noticed me flirting with mark this past week. i heard you are friends with him.  he's dreamy.


Letter #2

dear betsy,

why is this week's email so short.


dear barbie,

this week's email is so short because yesterday was donald's birthday, and betsy was busy making sure it was a birthday he would never forget.  if you think you can do better barbie, why don't you try writing the weekly email for a few weeks.  it ain't easy.


WEEKLY RUMOR THAT MUST BE TRUE:  has anyone noticed that no one has seen brady and peggy together for the past month?  it turns out they are on a break so they've divvied up frisbee days between them.  anyone interested in hitting on peggy this sunday is going to have to fight ryan for the privilege.  i say it's worth it.

WEEKLY ITEM #4:  Social Calendar

jamie potter was looking forward to a big frisbee party this saturday night.  apparently no one else wanted to see jamie get really drunk and try to molest doc, so no party saturday night.  instead, to celebrate league, we will be having a dignified gathering of adults at rickshaw immediately after league finals.


WEEKLY QUIZ:  for you newbies, the weekly quiz is a game where betsy provides a lyric, and it's your job to provide the song name and artist.  as always, googling is prohibited.  this week's winner will receive one hundred beijing ultimate discs, at the bargain basement price of 99 kuai each.  that's basically buy 99 discs, get one free.  it's like we're literally giving these things away.

this weeks genre: the 60's

Some people, they like to go out dancing
And other peoples, they have to work, just watch me now!
And theres even some evil mothers
Well theyre gonna tell you that everything is just dirt
Yknow that, women, never really faint
And that villains always blink their eyes, woo!
And that, yknow, children are the only ones who blush!
And that, life is just to die!
And, everyone who ever had a heart
They wouldn't turn around and break it
And anyone who ever played a part
Oh wouldn't turn around and hate it!

as for last week's question, brady was the only person to come close to the right answer, with bring the noise by public enemy, with an assist from anthrax.  actually, it's bring da noize, but whatever.  brady, you win a month's worth of free rides with sandy, and it's convenient too because you guys live right next door to each other.  
This week's 11th edition rule:

 It is recommended that additional lines are established at three and five meters from the perimeter lines surrounding the playing field.

   1. Spectators and gear should remain behind the five-meter line to keep the perimeter safe and clear during play.
   2. Competitors and coaches should remain behind the three-meter line to allow play adjacent to the playing field.

If play is obstructed by competitors, coaches, spectators or objects within five meters of the playing field, any obstructed player or thrower in possession may call this violation. Play resumes at the stall count reached plus one, or 9 if over 8.

which brings us finally to your moment of zen:

catch you on the field,

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