The Weekly Email By Betsy 07-10-07

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betsy beijing

não lida,
10 de jul. de 2007, 02:33:3710/07/2007
howdy everyone,

if betsy were a russian novelist, she'd be tolstoy.  that means she's long winded and takes longer than is necessary to get to her point, but is not as talented as dosteovsky.  then again, how many people can say they've written a fifteen hundred page book?  and how many people can say they've written a 5000 word weekly email?  not dosteovsky. and not pat mccarthy. 

WEEKLY ITEM #1:  The Weekly Schedule

Tuesday July 3, Practice, 7.30, Gu Lou. 
back at the outdoor facility near deshengmen.  we'll be focusing on the big D.  no, not dan shupp.  defense.  go to the google group for directions, or call jason 1391 050 6194. 

Thursday June 5, Pick Up, 8-10, Gu Lou.
bonus points if your errant pull hits the drum tower.  smart money is on char.

Sunday July 8, Summer League, TongZhou
Summer league has been renamed the beijing weekly rave.  wait by your cell phone.  sunday morning you'll receive a time and location.  the code word to get in is godzilla.  go to mr. e if you have any questions.

lunch time poll:

beijing ultimate plot lines most likely to appear in the final harry potter book:

a) harry's long lost squib of a brother, jamie, arrives at hogwarts, challenges malfoy to a freestyle skiing duel, and wins using a cat out the window daffy twister aerial.

b) donald finally gets his long anticipated first kiss with professor mcgonagall.

c) shen gets mistaken for a hairy-tonsilled skrewt in hagrid's care for magical creatures class, until vomit stains give him away.

d) gemma gets hired to be the new defense against the dark arts professor, but no one believes her character because her british accent is even worse than kevin costner's.

WEEKLY ITEM #2: Summer League Update

did you guys count how many people were at city league last week? betsy did.  and she counted 164 people, if you include all the players, the friends of players, the bus drivers, the side line fans, the clean up crew and the body doubles created by betsy's massive hangover.  what betsy doesn't understand is why her team was playing with three discs at a time.  luckily everyone was happy if betsy caught the middle one.  i guess we were playing with canadian rules.

on field one, the b funk all stars played team groovy.  this game was dominated by the b funk, and was really pretty embarrassing for chris b, charmian, and crew.  luckily for them a scoring malfunction and the fact jason was distracted by showing off for his girlfriend on the sidelines led to a gross miscarriage of justice. team groovy 13 -- b funk 6

on field two, betsy is not sure exactly what happened, because she wasn't involved in that game.  but it seemed to be a hard fought battle on both sides.  betsy noticed that jamie made a poor decision long but got bailed out by one of his teammates.  she also saw brady throw a turnover.  i'm sure it was the only one.  somehow team boogie pulled out the victory. team boogie 12 -- team disco 10

please note.  a new rule has been enacted, which will take effect immediately.  doc is no longer allowed to throw scoobers or hammers.  anyone who was harmed by an errant throw from doc should please contact matt flynn at

if any one has any questions or comments, you can contact tracie at  email complaints directly to

this weeks birthdays:  on wednesday, andrea turns 19 years old, meaning that ryan is officially no longer interested.  congratulations andrea.  and david joiner turns 47 on friday.  wow, it seems like only yesterday david turned 40. happy birthday to both of you.

now is the time in the weekly email when betsy gives her weekly shout outs, and call outs.  remember, you want to get shouted out, but you don't want to get called out.

a shout out to tina, our new transportation coordinator.  you may have noticed that we had three vans this sunday.  that's the way tina rolls.  if you want to reserve your spot on one of those limos for next week, get in touch with tina immediately.

a call out to reid.  he knows why.

a shout out to zoe and the og for the play of the weekend.  beautiful huck and catch that helped put the b fun all stars way ahead in their game against team groovy.

a call out to chip, who was thoroughly embarrassed when our van driver whipped out a cassette tape with far groovier tunes than what he was playing on his boom box.  time to add to your repetoire, chip.  betsy suggests the cd stores on xin jie koh.

a shout out to the frisbee gods, who keep bailing us out with new fields every time we lose our old ones.  whoever has stored up all this good karma, keep doing what you're doing.

a call out to weather gods, who insist on ruining our weekend fun with rain.  why, weather gods, do you keep tormenting us with your silver iodide laced temper tantrums?


every week, betsy gets a lot of emails inviting her out on dates, complementing her on her leadership skills, asking her ultimate related questions, and wanting to know who she is.  the mailbag is where she answers these questions.  as always, these are real letters from real readers.

Letter #1:

dear betsy,

i heard there is a beijing ultimate committee.  would you mind informing me who's on it?


dear myrock,

sure.  the beijing utlimate committee is:

betsy--president for life
jason cox--scapegoat
tracie carlsund--hall monitor
barbie reid--venture capitalist
doc tobin--first tiger
ryan perez--sergeant at arms


Letter #2:

dear betsy,

what did the bra say to the hat?

nick m.

dear nick m.,

you go on ahead, i'll give these two a lift.

Letter #3:

dear betsy,

what are the eligibility rules for foreign players in beijing?

sweating over my visa status,
nicolas the french man

dear nicolas,

not to worry.  beijing ultimate carries a foreign player exception for one person from each nation out side of china or north america.  currently, you are the only french player in beijing, so you are welcomed with open arms.  if french rob comes back however, there's going to be a problem.

other foreign players exceptions include:

klass--the netherlands
gemma--the u.k.*
michelle--new zealand
julio--costa rica

now that leo and christian are gone, we are currently looking for new skandanavian players to increase the number of hot, and seriously hot players in beijing.

*note: the advisory board for oversees players recently ruled that char counts as a domestic player thanks to her hong kong parentage.  however, guy was recently deported, and gemma will hold the u.k. spot for as long as she resides in beijing.


WEEKLY RUMOR THAT MUST BE TRUE: has anyone ever wondered why char is never around on weeknights or on saturday or anytime really outside of a couple hours on sunday afternoon?  well betsy has the answer.  it turns out that char loves to reenact medieval fantasy battles.  every weekend she and her "church" friends go out to beijing's country side and act out scenes from the lord of the rings movies.  here's a picture.  char is standing in the middle of the back row:

please don't bring it up with char.  she's quite embarrassed and will deny to your face that she likes to dress up in armor and fight with big padded sticks pretending to be orcs and hobbits.

WEEKLY ITEM #4:  Social Calender

saturday july 14th, house warming party at jamie potter's.  all food and drink will be provided.  email the list for details, and please post letting everyone know exactly how you will be getting to jamie's. 

sometime in the next week, transformers, east gate cinema.
chip and doc are arranging a screening of the new robotastic movie, transformers.  stay tuned for more details.


WEEKLY QUIZ:  for you newbies, the weekly quiz is a game where betsy asks a few simple questions, and it's your job to provide the correct answers.  as always, googling is prohibited.  this week's winner will receive a free guided tour of the u.s. ambassador's house, including the bedroom, courtesy of clark randt.

this week's category, former beijing ultimate player scavenger hunt:

what five pre-2006 beijing ultimate players have been mentioned in this email.  when answering, you must insult or embarrass each one of them properly.

as for last week's question, although candice had an attractive answer with jason, clare, and donald, betsy would much rather see chris win the prize. so his answer, shen, sandy, and donald, is the winner. 

chris b wins a date with clare's sister, bethany.  congratulations to both of you. reid, please contact the winners for venue information.


next wednesday, at some tbd time, and tbd place, we will be holding an open meeting to discuss beijing ultimate.  an email has already been sent out to the group.  anyone who is concerned about the future of beijing ultimate, or anyone who just wants to watch gabe w. go on a rampage, please do your utmost to attend.  we are especially looking for more involvement in helping to run beijing ultimate, so anyone with free time on your hands, please think about how you can start earning your keep.  contact doc, jason, tracie or barbie for more details.


which brings us finally to your moment of zen:

catch you on the field,

Jamieson S. Potter

não lida,
10 de jul. de 2007, 03:08:2510/07/2007



I was looking for Char in the Lord of the Ring re-enactment and seems that Doc also partakes (front, fourth from the left).




Donald De Bona

não lida,
10 de jul. de 2007, 04:34:1810/07/2007
Here's my entry:

1) pat mccarthy - Jamie Potter hates Pat because he shuts down his bar
game. Everyone likes Pat because of this and it is impossible to
insult him. I guess he looks kind of funny.

2) Dan Shupp - Everyone's favorite overgrown man-child. Don't play
with his toys or he will become petulant and crush you.

3) Matt Flynn - My couch still smells funny, but C's old apt. smells funnier

4) David Joiner - I heard that he and betsy had a thing, but betsy
cheated on him with Pat McCarthy

5) Christian - Christian had to move to Korea after sleeping with all
available women in Beijing not taken by Ryan. Rumor has it that he's
back for round two.

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