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Marty McGuire

Mar 3, 2011, 3:55:39 PM3/3/11
to Baltimore Node MakerBot Users Group
While we all (probably) know each other from the Node, I thought it
would be a good idea to introduce ourselves with respect to this

I'm Marty! I became a MakerBot operator back in September 2009 when I
got a Cupcake CNC and became obsessed with it. I've been improving my
bot, prints, and skills since then, and even joined MakerBot as a web
developer in September of 2010!

I generally love to tinker and experiment with a lot of the latest
upgrades (the MK6 stepper extruder is so great!) and awesome prints on
Thingiverse. Recently, I've also been having a lot of fun hacking up
new software to make use of the Unicorn pen plotter toolhead for the

I would like to see the Node MUG foster an active Baltimore community
of 'bot operators, enthusiasts, 3D designers, RepRappers, etc. It's a
good opportunity for us to meet and to swap knowledge/tools/tips/

So... who are you? What do you hope to learn or accomplish as a
MakerBot user? Post your introductions to this thread.



Mar 3, 2011, 4:42:10 PM3/3/11
to Baltimore Node MakerBot Users Group
I'm Todd. I've being 3d design as a hobby since 1996, and print 3d
objects on a daily basis. I use shapeways, ponoko, and quickparts to
print, but now that we have an in-house 3d printer, i'll use that
too! The parts made by different processes look and behave
differently, and while the parts from the makerbot are not as nice as
the more expensive ones, it is much faster and cheaper to use it.

I know in the future 3d printing and digital fabrication is going to
be way more mainstream, and I'd like to get as close to the pulse of
the industry as possible. Being a part of a MakerBot users group
will help with this. It's neat to see a 3d printer actually infront
of you working making something you just designed. Now if i could
only get this one fixed...

Amy Hurst

Mar 3, 2011, 5:15:54 PM3/3/11
to Baltimore Node MakerBot Users Group
I am Amy Hurst, an assistant professor at UMBC in the Information
Systems Department.

I got my Thing-O-Matic for the Information Systems Prototyping and
Design Lab (the PaD) at UMBC. My goal is to leverage tools like the
MakerBot to empower individuals to build their own Assistive

I would like to see the Node MUG be an active community of MakerBot
operators sharing their achievements, failures, and questions. For
example, it would be great to have people to share configuration
questions with, or maybe even share materials.

I am a fairly recent MakerBot operator, but am enjoying learning how
to use it, and look forward to sharing this knowledge with my


Mark Huson

Mar 4, 2011, 11:01:41 AM3/4/11
to, Amy Hurst
I'm Mark and am on this list because I ponied up some cash to buy the node's makerbot. I have never designed something, never printed something in 3d, never assembled a makerbot, but i like beer.

I would like to design something, print something in 3d, maybe assemble a makerbot, and continue to enjoy beer. #winning


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Mar 8, 2011, 5:02:55 PM3/8/11
I'm Max and I have a strong interest in the Makerbot/3D printers in general.  I am particularly interested in learning more about this group and the node.  I live near the Baltimore area and have owned a Cupcake CNC for the last couple of years.  I recently designed components for and upgraded the machine to significantly reduce z-deck wobble resulting in some really good prints compared to pre-mods.  Ooze is still a major problem for me as I haven't moved to a stepper extruder yet.

I would like to know what other mods people have been doing to their machines to improve print quality.  I've also started a new project to design a 3D printer as I am tired of the limited print area of the cupcake.  (I have a working prototype of a linear drive, but little more.)  It m be nice to get some feedback or tips from those that might have more experience in the area than I.

My background is in digital electronics (I do it for a living), but I have also do a lot 3D work and modeling as a hobbyist.  (
My preferred 3D modeler is wings3d.


Mar 20, 2011, 5:42:25 PM3/20/11
to Baltimore Node MakerBot Users Group
Hey I'm Brian,

Totally new to rapid prototyping, but extremely interested in putting
a reprap together asap. While I haven't done anything with node yet,
I hope to be out to an open hack soon to meet some like minded

My main interest in the reprap is to design human/machine interfaces
as intuitive to use as possible. Still not sure exactly what this
means, but I'm still on the dive deeper.

I look forward to meeting/collaborating with you all soon.


Apr 17, 2011, 10:16:51 AM4/17/11
to Baltimore Node MakerBot Users Group
Good Morning,

I'm Jonathan and I am not from the aforementioned Node, only stumbling
into this group from Makerbot's list of MUGs.

I've been off-and-on involved for roughly three years ago (prior to
Makerbot, even). My first experiences were on a Bits-from-Bytes laser-
cut Darwin kit and a Makerbot Cupcake (Batch 2, Serial #24), both
attempts failed due to the issues with the original RepRap-derived
extruder design. I could get the extruders to feed for a few seconds
before jamming and no amount of remachining could get it to last any
longer. I eventually gave up and ignored the community for a while.

With the improved hot-end of the Mk5/Mk6 extruder (and the less wobbly
z-axis), I bought back in with a Thing-O-Matic (#3874, illustrated a month or two
ago. It's been printing like a champ, eating through the spools of
ABS I accumulated during my previous attempts. I'll looking to print
up a glow-in-the-dark Mendel for the larger build volume and, well, a
glow-in-the-dark machine just sounds awesome. But at this point, I
figure I should just check in to see what people are up to.

For my day job, I work full-time as an electrical engineer while
finishing up a Ph.D. part-time. My experience has traveled through IC
fab, embedded systems (MCUs), and is currently in signal processing
(on FPGAs). I am fluent in C, C++, VHDL, MATLAB, and C#.

P.S. Cupcake #24 is still around if someone wants to get a low-numered
Makerbot running. The next owner would probably want to get a new
extruder (presumably a Mk5 since the first gen Makerbot electronics
don't have a slot for a fourth stepper) and a heated platform.

Marty McGuire

Apr 18, 2011, 9:07:45 AM4/18/11
Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for dropping in to say "Hi".  Glad to hear that your Thing-O-Matic is churning along!

It's awesome that you have Cupcake #24!  That was one of the first bots from batch 2, if the lineage page is right.

If I remember correctly, the electronics for that batch required some SMT soldering, but should be using the Gen3 electronics, which can support a MK6 stepstruder with a special cable and firmware.


Jonathan McGee

Apr 18, 2011, 10:31:39 AM4/18/11
Batch II is even laser-written into the wood.  Hell, scroll down to #24 on the list and see whose name is attached.  I remember that page from years ago, but assumed it had disappeared.
The electronics at the time were shipped as bare PCBs and needed to be assembled.  Having done lots of SMT assembly at work, I found it to be the easier (even relaxing) part of the assembly.  Given the number of problems other people had, and the cheapness SMT can be machine assembled, I'm hardly surprised they started shipping them preassembled.
Interesting to see that they have hacked up the original electronics to support another stepper controller.  I had simply assumed they simply used the pair of DC motor drivers on the extruder board as generic H-bridges and stepped them by hand.

Michael Gibbons

May 2, 2011, 8:39:10 AM5/2/11
to Baltimore Node MakerBot Users Group
Just joined the group minutes ago.

My name is Michael Gibbons attended Saturday’s Mini-Maker Faire by BWI
and found out about this users group.

Hoping to find out what DIY 3D printer is right for me.

Background: 14+ years experience with creative 3D design. About ten
years ago I was contacted by an engineer in Utah that liked my designs
and wanted to have some custom ones produced. It took a while but
eventually found the proper conversion tool to produce the needed STL
files. And these were carved out of aluminum.

Eventually our collaborative creative work was published in 3D Artist
Magazine in 2001.

In 2008 picked up a floor model Roland MDX-15 in 2008. Since then
I’ve been carving blue wax into positive molds. (See some projects
here on DeviantArt )

A month ago started looking into to find out if there was a
clever way of getting around milling limitations. In the reprap forum
found out about the mini-maker faire. Decided to go to find out all
the particulars that I just couldn’t find out online.

Got a chance to meet several of you guys over there and was able to at
least see and feel the fine detail work the cupcake can produce.

Max Corbin

May 4, 2011, 11:41:28 AM5/4/11
Welcome!  I'm sure there several knowledgeable people around in here if you have any questions about the Makerbots.  I have the cupcake CNC version and a heavy user of the wings3D environment. 


Michael Gibbons

May 6, 2011, 1:20:20 PM5/6/11
to Baltimore Node MakerBot Users Group
Thank you so much Max. Are there ongoing 3D printing gatherings in
the Baltimore/DC area?

On May 4, 11:41 am, Max Corbin <> wrote:
> Welcome!  I'm sure there several knowledgeable people around in here if you
> have any questions about the Makerbots.  I have the cupcake CNC version
> and a heavy user of the wings3D environment.

Anderson Ta

May 6, 2011, 1:56:53 PM5/6/11
Michael (and everyone),

It's Andy, the RepRap table dude from RobotFest. The Node does hold
MUG(MakerBot Users Group and RUG (Reprap Users Group) meetups

Last time I was talking to Marty (he's the one who has organized the
last two meet ups in the area, which was at the NODE), he was thinking
of doing it on a more frequent basis, maybe every month (might be
wishful thinking)?

I for one would like to do something on a more frequent basis as well,
seems like a lot of folks are coming out of the woodworks with
interest in 3D printing lately. More folks interested in 3D printing
is a good thing!

I work in the nearby fab lab, Fab Lab Baltimore, and if you want to
swing by and talk 3D printing (or anything really), do feel free to
swing by and chat.

- Andy

Max Corbin

May 6, 2011, 6:28:09 PM5/6/11

They have occasional meetings at the Baltimore Node.  I do not know if they occur regularly. I have only been to one so far.  It would be nice to have them on a regular basis.

Marty McGuire

May 7, 2011, 11:14:45 AM5/7/11
We had a meetings in collaboration with the Baltimore/DC Area RepRap Users Group at the Node in Feb and March but skipped April because of Robot Fest.  I'll try to get something together for the end of May, as well.  I just need to see what my schedule is going to be like.

I think it would be cool if we had a presentation or two at these meetings.  Anybody have any particular projects, tips & tricks, techniques, or other topics they'd like to do a ~10 minute talk about?


Anderson Ta

May 8, 2011, 1:35:03 AM5/8/11

Count me in. As for a talk, I'd be willing to but I don't really have
a topic of choice. Maybe we can figure out what people are interested
in knowing/hearing about?

- Andy

On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 11:14 AM, Marty McGuire <> wrote:
> We had a meetings in collaboration with the Baltimore/DC Area RepRap Users
> Group at the Node in Feb and March but skipped April because of Robot Fest.
>  I'll try to get something together for the end of May, as well.  I just
> need to see what my schedule is going to be like.
> I think it would be cool if we had a presentation or two at these meetings.
>  Anybody have any particular projects, tips & tricks, techniques, or other
> topics they'd like to do a ~10 minute talk about?
> Thanks,
> Marty

jerry w

May 8, 2011, 10:54:32 AM5/8/11
I'm Jerry, and met Max at the second day of RobotFest2011
and got his photo (admittedly only 2D :-) on the Robot-Fest
google group)
talked with him a little bit before the slackers from RobotFest
dragged on in the second day :-)
and a little during the HackABot competition
about printing the RobotFest logo and the issues with doing the
arms (separately then they might turn?).
Later talking the Gary wondering about making that a kit,
and adding LED eyes, RFID, microcontrolling something
like blinking, sound and movement?
and other cool roboty type things.

I don't own a MakerBot, but went a couple years ago
to my first RobotFest with HacDC and saw their RepRap
and have been drooling for a while...

I'd like clear ink, and to see what goes on in those gears
during operation...

Oh, and cheaper 3D printers... :-)

Jerry W

David Brelsford

Mar 6, 2012, 2:49:26 PM3/6/12
So, this page is pretty old, and I am wondering if there are any new operators out there ,and of there werre going to be any more meetups? I just got a makerbot (#6383) and am having fun- even though I do not have things dialed in yet. 

I am a bit of a hobbyist, and so I have plans on using this for my main hobby (remote control submarines) and all my other random hobbies that my wife hates. Now I am adding the MakerBot to the list.

I am also very lucky, in that I have convinced my school to buy a replicator. So I am anxiously awaiting that delivery (2 months from now).

Every time I am about to type my Bio, I keep wanting to type the dialogue from the Most interesting man in the world commercials. My words carry weight that would break a less interesting mans jaw. When I swim, dolphins appear. My goatee alone has experienced more then most men's entire bodies......stuff like that- and it's all true btw.

But seriously, I am a teacher in Baltimore city, and ultimately going to be trying to use this in my classes, and expose this stuff to my 7th graders. the MakerBot will join the Replicator, and hopefully we will have a blast, without setting anything on fire. 

dave brelsford

Matthew Forr

Mar 7, 2012, 8:32:24 AM3/7/12
Hey Dave, nice to meet you. Out of curiosity where are you teaching? I've been consulting with Howard County Library System on a new 'techie hangout space' and keep pushing them to add a makerbot to the space. If you develop any curriculum/content geared towards 7th graders they would probably love it if you shared.

PS I don't know the answers to your other questions. Apparently there is a shapeways meetup that draws a lot of people.

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Mar 15, 2012, 8:34:09 AM3/15/12
Sort of as an aside to the previous postings...

RobotFest2012 is coming up in about a month,
so updating a little of the status and intro information
provided about a year ago. (in Reston, VA, just starting up)
and NoVARRG RepRap Group are doing a second build,
and I've plunked down some money to finally
make a 3D printer...  Parts are coming in, or here!
but I've not been to the Labs yet to see any of it,
(motorcycle still down) though Jason,
host of meetings in Tyson's Corner
presented again in February on Makerize
and announced NoVALabs opening soon and NoVARRG
second build starting up, which I bought into,
so will see.

I have a huge schedule conflict with RobotFest2012
(DCBPW - DC Baltimore Perl Workshop
and a bike coop hard opening)
so might not see anyone this year, but
thought I'd would share some good news of
a build.

Wish me luck on getting it working ;-/

Oh, and besides bicycle parts,
learning enough 3D to make robot
work seem doable for me,
the whole 3 D thinking, software like OpenSCAD,
motors, gears, vitamins, electronics, etc...
Generally do some self
assistive technology, and well I'm
Luddhite in some communities like this,
and spaces, it's rocket science in some of my
other disability and biking communites,
hopefully, meeting the requirement of
having a 3D printer to start up
my own Space sometime in the future
i.e. before I die.

Oh, crashed a medical elective
at PatchAdams Gesundhiet!
Instutute in October, slept in a Yurt,
West Virginia is high elevation and cold!
with no heater... could have used something,
cute female company wasn't happening,
I'm 48 and they are 20 somethings...
While there developed a cough (thought I
inhaled a lady bug), that I still have,
group clowned in a senior community and
a veterans center, pet black bear cubs
(only while eating, then get the hell out of there)
at a bear rescue place near Patch's place
came home and litterally collapsed
my Birthday on the bike trail trying to
fulfill subsidized housing recertification paperwork
requirements, but have since gotten taxes
(forms only) in, and back on the internet
with a newly rented cable modem,
customer tech guy says they "wear out"
in 5 years, but he's got braces
so I'm not sure he knows anything at all. ;-/

Oh, got into sewing, had to make juggling
balls in a class at G!I, then bought two used
sewing machines, found sewing for dummies,
but need sewing for men, might have to write
it, as light on how the machine works,
heavy on how to make a skirt, which I don't
want, even a kilt...

Projects: build a mold for a Tux like
penguin kiddie bike horn, with a clown nose
instead of production needle nose.
Dogs stop in their tracks, go to attention
and can't seem to figure out where the
generic squeecker is located.  Wonderful
for not running into them on the trails,
sidewalks and roads, BTW...

Use designed characters in One Laptop Per Child
and other daily bike clowning.

Build Rasberry Pi enclosure


Rule the World

Replicate a new heart for myself.

You know, small stuff like that.

Oh, and complete any other grandeous ideas/
projects I've ever had and stated previously.

On Wednesday, March 7, 2012 8:32:24 AM UTC-5, Matthew Forr wrote:
Hey Dave, nice to meet you. Out of curiosity where are you teaching? I've been consulting with Howard County Library System on a new 'techie hangout space' and keep pushing them to add a makerbot to the space. If you develop any curriculum/content geared towards 7th graders they would probably love it if you shared.

PS I don't know the answers to your other questions. Apparently there is a shapeways meetup that draws a lot of people.

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