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Feb 20, 2007, 12:54:10 AM2/20/07
to RDF Avatarics Workgroup
Our source project site is at:

It shows some data for an "avatar profile". The most essential
entities are described in the relationship:
* person
* virtual world
* avatar name

That describes how a person projects a persona into a virtual world.

Some other useful data includes an image of the avatar, its location
in the virtual world, its creation data (anti-griefing), etc.

Our intention isn't to represent *everything* about an avatar - in
some cases a reference to another resource would allow for additional
discovery. There are two reputation APIs used - RapLeaf and ClaimID -
as well as a CreativeCommons license. Probably some kind of ratings
would be useful. There could also be a kind of resource-as-a-gateway
bridging into another protocol, such as with Jabber for chatting with
a player/character:

If you run the Ant build script it will generate "test.rdf" as a
sample. That includes a vCard, an RSS feed, and the CC license

We're adding FOAF descriptions:

However, some parts of FOAF will need to be extended substantially for
this use. For example, there are a few problems with trying to
represent avatars and virtual worlds in FOAF:

* Person != Avatar (so we subclass foaf:Agent)
* foaf:based_near would need to resolve to coordinates in a virtual
world (not geo:lat and geo:lon)
* trust is not the same as reputation, and we need means to make
decisions based on reputation

Other interesting RDF vocabulary examples include:

Duncan Gough

Feb 21, 2007, 3:45:40 PM2/21/07
to RDF Avatarics Workgroup
I haven't had a chance to look through the links but there are
definitely some ideas I can suggest for extending the persona profile.

Recent locations and recent actions are both good examples of how your
persona profile could contain short-term memory, to give it some
casual support. A few of these kind of loose, snapshot-like traits
would make your persona profile a great too for quick, at-a-glance

Add trust into the mix, to say who has 'backed' you, would be a nice
way to give a more in-depth reflection of that persona, too. Think
LinkedIn recommendations for your persona. Again, designed for quick,
at-a-glance access but with sufficient information to support more
detailed examination (where have you just been? what were you doing?
who knows you and what do they think of you?).


Feb 23, 2007, 2:17:45 AM2/23/07
Hi Duncan,

I agree - there'd be very good reasons to make reference to something
like LinkedIn recommendations. Some kinds of claims, creds,
reputation, etc., could be inherited from the "Person" to the
"Avatar", but in many cases the people who'd make recommendations
would only see the "Avatar" view presented. So they'd need to
reference that "Avatar" view specifically. Is that what you mean?

In the tests we've been doing at HeadCase for avatar profiles, the RDF
is published as an RSS feed. We've tried including some snapshot data,
such as "Last seen at.." into that RSS feed, thinking that one might
want to keep track of friends' avatars in an RSS reader - in a casual
way, but then click to go track down more details. I like what you've
described as "short-term memory" - seems like it might fit into an RSS

A nice thing about RSS feeds is that they can theoretically be used for:
* RDF inference (Jeta)
* Yahoo "pipes"
* driving badges/widgets

Maybe more?


On 2/21/07, Duncan Gough <> wrote:

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