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Streetcorner panhandlers

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06.01.2003, 16:27:0806.01.03
Anybody else noticed that every Austin street corner seems to sport two
or three panhandlers these days, carrying signs begging for
contributions? Many of these beggers are brown-skinned and do not speak
english. Is this the sad pass that old immigration-pimping poem was
urging us toward when it said "Send us your poor, your huddled masses,
struggling to get something for free."? (Or anyway, something like

Send 'em all back from whence they came, I say. That sound harsh, I
know. But no matter how stongly our misplaced compassion might motivate
us to try, the unchanging fact remains that poor countries can breed
'em faster than US can ever feed 'em.

Stop Immigration Now! Arrgo

Bush has got to go!

06.01.2003, 19:28:3306.01.03
I'm not of the zenophobic sort, but there was an article in the Statesman a
few days ago that said Mexico's 2nd largest source of income after oil
exports was the money coming into it from immigrant workers in the U.S.
Something to the tune of $10 billion.

Imagine how many U.S. jobs that $10 billion could support. And Dubbyah
wants to grant them amnesty.

"Arrgo" <> wrote in message

Proud Yankee

06.01.2003, 20:31:1306.01.03

You assume that money goes into a blackhole -- it doesn't.
Some portion comes back to the USA in the form of purchased
goods and services. That's why it's good for us when the Mexican
standard of living rises.

"Bush has got to go!" <> wrote in message news:RapS9.61680$


06.01.2003, 20:59:3006.01.03

Steve Wertz wrote:

> On Mon, 06 Jan 2003 21:27:08 GMT, "Arrgo" <>
> wrote:
> >Anybody else noticed that every Austin street corner seems to sport two
> >or three panhandlers these days, carrying signs begging for
> >contributions? Many of these beggers are brown-skinned and do not speak
> >english.

> Practially everyone I see is white, just ditry from falling down
> drunk.
> Meethinks this is just another excuse to complain about immigration
> again.
> -sw

Just git the guv'ment to declare all "rights-of-way" area SPAM free and
include the two legged variety as well...


JT (Residing in Austin, Texas)

Just Tooling Down The Internet Superhighway With my G4.......


07.01.2003, 00:52:4107.01.03
Hm. On the way to work this morning I saw a couple, both white; a guy
claiming to be a Viet Nam vet (probably was, looked to be the right age),
also white; a low-brow 20-something in a "FUCK YOU" tshirt, caucasian, he
got a "change the shirt and pull up your drawers, you might find it easier
to get work" tip from me. One black guy. And I went through decidedly more
than one intersection.

So neither the population nor the demographics match your claim.

"Arrgo" <> wrote in message

David Kratz

07.01.2003, 09:51:0807.01.03
According to, Joe Hanzich, the two-legged variety are
justification for his littering activities in our town.

"JETman" <> wrote in message

Shane Jordan

08.01.2003, 08:09:2308.01.03
Well chris rock says that real homeless people are too HUNGRY to be funny.
But as a rule if someone makes me laugh its worth $1. I always likes the
one with the sign that read "Need money for my lear jet. Please help"

I would also like to state that usually its not the immigrants who "beg" for
money. They are not too proud to clean shitters if it means they will get
paid. I also believe that without some "illegal" aliens there is alot of
stuff in this country that would go undone. American workers think they are
"too good" for 90% of the jobs out there.

"Steve Wertz" <swe...@bs.invalid> wrote in message

> On Tue, 07 Jan 2003 05:52:41 GMT, "SlinkyToy" <>
> wrote:
> >Hm. On the way to work this morning I saw a couple, both white; a guy
> >claiming to be a Viet Nam vet (probably was, looked to be the right age),
> >also white; a low-brow 20-something in a "FUCK YOU" tshirt, caucasian, he
> >got a "change the shirt and pull up your drawers, you might find it
> >to get work" tip from me.

> My favorite is the guy with one leg: Need Help - On my last Leg.
> -sw

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