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Seems the coalition with right about unionists coming back

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Little Johnny Howard

29.11.2007 г., 1:34:1829.11.07 г.
Labour bosses seeking payback,23599,22820018-5012863,00.html

THE incoming Rudd government will come under union pressure to act
quickly and honour its promise to dump John Howard's workplace laws,
with an influential senior official last night angry that tardiness by
Labor could continue to leave thousands of workers worse off.

John Robertson, head of Unions NSW, rejected a "step-by-step" approach
adopted by ACTU leaders in Melbourne in which the timing of new
industrial relations laws would be left up to Kevin Rudd and his Labor
deputy Julia Gillard.

Mr Robertson said Labor should also consider introducing retrospective
laws so that people forced into signing Australian Workplace
Agreements could escape them.

He accepted that Labor might need some time to draft alternative
workplace laws.

But the chief of the NSW union movement said many employees would
remain under Work Choices, possibly well into next year, unless Labor
moved quickly.

"There are already some in this government trying to rewrite history
as though it had nothing to do with Howard's workplace laws," he said.

"They were the platform for Kevin Rudd to launch himself - it was Work
Choices and the 'Your Rights at Work' campaign."

Mr Robertson said employers in businesses with fewer than 100 staff
could still be sacked with impunity and workers would continue to be
signed up under AWAs for up to five years.

"I've been talking to people on AWAs, especially those negotiated for
up to five years - it's just ridiculous," he said.

"You could legislate. There is an opportunity to say you are not going
to have the situation where people signed AWAs but were given no
choice, except that it was the only way to get a job."

Mr Robertson's position contradicts the official policy put by Ms
Gillard, Labor's industrial relations spokeswoman, who toyed with
allowing AWAs to be cancelled retrospectively but dumped the idea in
her party's final platform.

Ms Gillard plans to introduce a complete package of new laws next

The ACTU leadership yesterday said Mr Rudd's triumph was a "mandate"
for federal Labor to act on its promise to scrap Work Choices and
reinstate "fair" workplace laws.

ACTU president Sharan Burrow said union priorities were the
restoration of the award safety net; the right to collectively
bargain; the return of an "independent umpire" and the abolition of

But Ms Burrow and ACTU secretary Jeff Lawrence refused to be drawn on
how soon the unions wanted Labor to repeal Work Choices.

Mr Lawrence said the timing of the abolition of Work Choices and
whether federal parliament should sit before Christmas to push through
workplace changes was up to Mr Rudd.

"We'll have discussions on all those things," he said. "Let's take it
step by step."

Mr Lawrence and Ms Burrow said unions wanted to have constructive
discussions with employers, and the ACTU was not anti-business.

He said the election result showed voters believed the Howard
Government had gone too far and "the Labor Government does have
mandate to put in place a fair system that restores the balance".

Ms Burrow said unions were primarily concerned with the restoration of
workers' rights.

The press conference by Ms Burrow and Mr Lawrence was controlled, with
an ACTU minder stepping in to halt proceedings after a handful of

The duo then performed a stunt for the television cameras, dropping a
copy of the Work Choices policy into a wheelie bin.

Victorian unions will meet on Friday to consider the unions' strategy
for Labor's first term, with the ACTU executive due to meet next week.


29.11.2007 г., 1:46:5029.11.07 г.

"Little Johnny Howard" <> wrote in message

The coalition sure was right about the unionists coming back. Those scare
campaigns about unionists running the party came true... true for the
Liberal party! The leader of the Liberal party, Brendan Nelson, was the
Federal President of the AMA


29.11.2007 г., 1:52:2529.11.07 г.
On Nov 29, 5:46 pm, "Denz" <> wrote:
> "Little Johnny Howard" <> wrote in

> The coalition sure was right about the unionists coming back. Those scare
> campaigns about unionists running the party came true... true for the
> Liberal party! The leader of the Liberal party, Brendan Nelson, was the
> Federal President of the AMA

Personally, I think that Rudd should declare that any AWAs entered
into between now and the time of the transition provisions being
proclaimed will be subject to cancellation or at least an opt out
provision at that time.

I hear that Telstra is trying to ram some through now while the senate
is still controlled by the Liberals.

David B


29.11.2007 г., 2:32:1329.11.07 г.

"Berko" <> wrote in message

Rudd reckons that he has a team of experts, busy drafting new legislation
to replace the AWAs.

If the old system, their propaganda machine has been touting, was so good,
why don't they just revert back to that?
(Smells like they may have been spruiking snake oil)

Bob Hawke

29.11.2007 г., 3:19:5629.11.07 г.
The Heiner Affair will nail The Pixie-Ear Wax Rudd's smelly little arse to
the wall !!!


29.11.2007 г., 6:06:1029.11.07 г.

"Little Johnny Howard" <> wrote in message

<snivelling snipped>

Listen, Johnny, the Coalition lost on Saturday.

The swing against them was the third-biggest in our history :)

Get over it for fucksake!

Little Johnny Howard

29.11.2007 г., 6:16:1729.11.07 г.

You nailed labour and KRudd in one!

David Moss

29.11.2007 г., 6:21:5129.11.07 г.
In article <08020b77-0d97-40cd-8ecf-543bd3c81799>, writes...

Bloody clairvoyant if you ask me. Who would have predicted the well
known unionist Brendan Nelson would head up the Liberal Party after the

personal opinion only
The Australian Politics Resource


29.11.2007 г., 6:33:1929.11.07 г.

"Little Johnny Howard" <> wrote in message


Green Lantern

29.11.2007 г., 6:52:0429.11.07 г.

"David Moss" <> wrote in message

> In article <08020b77-0d97-40cd-8ecf-543bd3c81799
>>, writes...
> Bloody clairvoyant if you ask me. Who would have predicted the well
> known unionist Brendan Nelson would head up the Liberal Party after the
> election?
The AMA's not a union. You might as well call Usenet a union - look who
you'd be lumped in with.


29.11.2007 г., 7:14:4629.11.07 г.

Yep, he was the union boss of the richest and most powerful union in
Australia: the Painters and Doctors Union.

Don't try to reply to my email addy:
I'm borrowing that of the latest

Съобщението бе изтрито


29.11.2007 г., 17:50:5529.11.07 г.
Craig Welch wrote:
> The AMA is a trade union.

The AMA is not a trade union.



'Friends help you move. Real friends help you move bodies'

David Moss

29.11.2007 г., 18:29:5629.11.07 г.
In article <jnH3j.18558$>, writes...

> Craig Welch wrote:
> > "Green Lantern" <> said:
> >
> >
> >> "David Moss" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >>
> >>> In article <08020b77-0d97-40cd-8ecf-543bd3c81799
> >>>>, writes...
> >>>
> >>> Bloody clairvoyant if you ask me. Who would have predicted the well
> >>> known unionist Brendan Nelson would head up the Liberal Party after the
> >>> election?
> >>>
> >>>
> >> The AMA's not a union. You might as well call Usenet a union - look who
> >> you'd be lumped in with.
> >>
> >
> > The AMA is a trade union.
> >
> >
> The AMA is not a trade union.

Its a subscription based association that restricts its membership to
people from a single profession and actively negotiates on behalf of its
members with employers and government.

If it looks like shit, smells like shit, tastes like shit and sticks to
your shoe like shit, there is really only one conclusion.

Съобщението бе изтрито

Andrew D

2.12.2007 г., 8:37:442.12.07 г.
In article <>, David Moss
<> wrote:


> If it looks like shit, smells like shit, tastes like shit and sticks to
> your shoe like shit, there is really only one conclusion.

It's WorkChoices"?

Andy D.

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