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Feb 27, 2006, 6:12:27 PM2/27/06
Looks at the possibilities that secret societies are being used to implement
the new world order's drive for global governance.


Exposing the mysterious secret history of Western civilisation.
Demonstrating that our society is based on arcane ancient religious
traditions which remain in practice today, and proving that controlled
behind the scenes by powerful secret societies. People in significant
positions of power belong to secret societies which share a serious and
far-reaching agenda for determining the future of human civilization. The
world is in a period of rapid transition, but how can we be sure that these
changes are for the better?The "New World Order": conspiracy theory or
established fact?
Why did Christopher Columbus, famous for discovering the Americas, claim
that an ancient prophecy led him to the New World?
Who are the men in control of the world's financial system - the most
powerful men on Earth?
Does the use of ancient symbols in the modern legal system demonstrate the
influence of secret societies on law and order?

Are the symbols present in the modern medical establishment a sign of the
secret societies operating behind the scenes?

Why are ancient Masonic symbols printed on the back of the one dollar bill
by the U.S. Government?

Highlighting serious concerns about the monumental modern political ideology
that governments and world leaders are publicly referring to as "The New
World Order".

Essential questions about organised religion. Religious people throughout
the world turn to their church for guidance and teaching in their daily
lives. But are we being guided by divine will or by the people in power?
Most religions teach us to look forward to judgement day and the return of
our ancient god(s). "The Insider" investigates present day religious beliefs
and asks if the end of the world is really something that we should eagerly

"The Insider" raises disturbing questions about the search for life on other
planets. The big questions about the existence of alien life and alien
intervention in human history attract big research budgets and tremendous
public interest. The government takes the search for extraterrestrial
intelligence very seriously, but should we?


Message has been deleted

Rob Sandilands

Feb 28, 2006, 4:26:17 AM2/28/06
Carole wrote:

> The government takes the search for extraterrestrial
>intelligence very seriously, but should we?

... don't worry about extraterrestrial life ... we just stopped on earth
to refuel and get a couple of burgers ...


Rob Sandilands PM
Warwick Lodge No 160 UGLQ

'I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it!'


Mar 2, 2006, 7:24:44 PM3/2/06

"Carole" <> wrote in message

"So do not be afraid of them.
There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will
not be made known.

The conspiracy facts are that Elite inner circle members of the Bilderbergs
(BB), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Trilateral Commission (TC) are
conspiring to politically and economically dominate the entire world under
their New World Order, more recently called Globalization, or Global Union,
Global Economy, Global Order, Global Environment, and like terms. When
President G.H.W. Bush used the term New World Order in several of his
speeches, it aroused suspicion and concern among the public. So, the Elite
selected a generic term "Globalization" to use, and now Americans are no
longer alarmed, because the business world uses this term daily, so it must
not be so frightening. But, you cannot change a tiger's stripes. We're still
talking about the New World Order. If you don't know about the BB, CFR, and
TC, or who are the members of these secret organizations, then you must have
a copy of Who's Who of the Elite.

American Union

The Elite plan to create the American Union some time during 2005 or 2006.
This will include all of the nations of North, Central and South America and
the Caribbean Islands, and will function just like the present European
Union. There will be only one monetary system, one central bank, one
(unelected) governing body, one military force, one judicial system, no
borders, and no Constitution and Bill of Rights. The Elite have invented a
new term for expanded NAFTA, which they now call FTAA, or Free Trade Area of
the Americas. The Council of the Americas, at the Quebec City conference in
March, 2001, stated very clearly that they plan to complete the FTAA by the
year 2005.

The American Union follows the first step, the European Union, and then the
African Union, in the Elite's plan to control the entire world. Next will be
the Asian Union, and the Soviet Union, all to be completed between the years
2010 and 2015. This is not my speculation, it's their stated plans, as
detailed in a UN document titled "Our Global Neighborhood"


Mar 2, 2006, 7:37:43 PM3/2/06

Carole wrote:
> Looks at the possibilities that secret societies are being used to implement
> the new world order's drive for global governance.
> Exposing the mysterious secret history of Western civilisation.
> Demonstrating that our society is based on arcane ancient religious
> traditions which remain in practice today, and proving that controlled
> behind the scenes by powerful secret societies. People in significant
> positions of power belong to secret societies which share a serious and
> far-reaching agenda for determining the future of human civilization.

Some people want a one world government. Many of them meet every week
trying to bring about a world government under one ruler. They already
have the ruler picked out!

I, myself, have heard them ask for him to take over the world! I have
heard them say, "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth..." What
more do you need to show that they want one world government!

Jim Bennie

Mar 2, 2006, 8:07:13 PM3/2/06
In alt.freemasonry Carole <> wrote:
> "Carole" <> wrote in message
> news:4403867d$0$30890$

<snip all non-Masonic content>

Hey. Nothing's left.

Jim Bennie
Nos. 44 & 100, Vancouver

Message has been deleted

Mar 2, 2006, 10:39:00 PM3/2/06

I first heard of the the Bilateral Commission in the late 1970's. All
anyone knew then was it was composed of powerful people from
Europe and North America and they had some vision for the
direction of the world and that was all anyone knew. With the
addition of asian nations of Japan and S. Korea during the 1980's
it took the name Trilateral Commission. It is interesting to note
that the members are secret and must be by invitation only.
Former presidents Carter, G.H. Bush, have been members
as well as Paul Volker, Greenspan, David Rockefeller and
V. P. Dick Cheney. Meetings are private. If the collaboritive
papers they published in the late 1990's are an indication
of the meetings then it is clear they have been focusing on
development of asia and stability of the mid-east. These
things are being carried out now. Globalization and the
spread of international banking seems like their goals.

I remember when G.H. Bush first started talking about his
"new world order" soon after he became president. He had
the media and most everyone else baffled by what he meant.
It was later explained that he was talking about the spread
of democrarcy and capitalism around the globe. While these
things aren't negative they are seen as one of the TC goals
to achieve peace in instable regions.
Now if anyone has been paying attention to his son Bush Jr.
his actions has people in his own party baffled and turning
against him on such things as his apathy toward the flood
of illegal immigrants, CAFTA, an out of control trade imbalance
with a communist nation, the push to go into Iraq and now with
the Dubai Ports deal. Of course those in both political
parties are baffled because they are not privy to his true
agenda. To those like his V.P. Cheney and his daddy, 2
former members of the TC his actions are very clear and
it appears he is trying to accomplish as much as he can for
the TC before he leaves office.

One world government appears inevitable. Now my question
to you is; how does the TC et. al see the
future of peoples lives? This seems like something involving
an elite ruling class. What kind of economy and politics are
in the plans?


Mar 3, 2006, 1:28:26 AM3/3/06


Mar 3, 2006, 5:29:30 AM3/3/06

<> wrote in message

Whatever they see for people's lives it won't be very pleasant. If you've
read 1985 by George Orwell it might be something like that where people live
in fear of thought crime and being dobbed in by their neighbors, where all
the basic necessities of life are rationed and where the world is at
permanent war against a manufactured enemy.

Work it out for yourself. Are they open and above board, are their agendas
transparent or are they hidden and obscure? The people that are running the
world are using lies, deceit and manipulation to achieve their objectives,
which objectives remain obscure.

For instance, the objective is gun control with only UN peacekeepers having
guns. So they run a psyop in Australia whereby some poor bloke with an IQ of
70 is set up as the patsy at Port Arthur massacre, with subsequent gun laws
and a gun byback scheme for the "safety and security" of the public.
This is all orchestrated in secret and behind the backs of the public who
has no real idea that the secret agenda is a global army of peacekeepers
under the UN with no private citizens having access to firearms.

Any regime that comes to power through lies and deceit can't be good - by
their fruits you shall know them - and that's the strategy they're using
gain dominance. Even if they told you what to expect it would probably be a
lie. They are the last people anybody should be thinking of handing over
their sovereignty to.

And this whole idea of secret societies is in effect a shadow government.
Its a deception or a hidden agenda. The illuminati is achieving its agenda
via secret societies.


David Simpson

Mar 3, 2006, 7:58:46 AM3/3/06
On Fri, 3 Mar 2006 21:29:30 +1100, "Carole" <>
typed furiously:

>Whatever they see for people's lives it won't be very pleasant. If you've
>read 1985 by George Orwell it might be something like that where people live
>in fear of thought crime and being dobbed in by their neighbors, where all
>the basic necessities of life are rationed and where the world is at
>permanent war against a manufactured enemy.

The name of the book was "1984". If you got that wrong then the rest
of your arguments must be just as wrong.
David Simpson
(Unattached MM. Victoria, Australia)
Bad manners should not be a capital crime ...
for a first offence.
Paraphrasing Robert Heinlein,

Rob Sandilands

Mar 5, 2006, 6:52:07 PM3/5/06
David Simpson wrote:

>On Fri, 3 Mar 2006 21:29:30 +1100, "Carole" <>
>typed furiously:
>>Whatever they see for people's lives it won't be very pleasant. If you've
>>read 1985 by George Orwell it might be something like that where people live
>>in fear of thought crime and being dobbed in by their neighbors, where all
>>the basic necessities of life are rationed and where the world is at
>>permanent war against a manufactured enemy.
>The name of the book was "1984". If you got that wrong then the rest
>of your arguments must be just as wrong.

'1985' was actually an episode of the Goon Show ...

Alex fisher

Mar 5, 2006, 10:04:51 PM3/5/06
On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 9:52, Rob Sandilands wrote:

> David Simpson wrote:
>>On Fri, 3 Mar 2006 21:29:30 +1100, "Carole" <>
>>typed furiously:
>>>Whatever they see for people's lives it won't be very pleasant. If you've
>>>read 1985 by George Orwell it might be something like that where people live
>>>in fear of thought crime and being dobbed in by their neighbors, where all
>>>the basic necessities of life are rationed and where the world is at
>>>permanent war against a manufactured enemy.
>>The name of the book was "1984". If you got that wrong then the rest
>>of your arguments must be just as wrong.
> '1985' was actually an episode of the Goon Show ...

That says it all....
Alex Fisher JS
Lodge Caledonian No. 14
United Grand Lodge of Queensland

David Simpson

Mar 6, 2006, 9:01:53 AM3/6/06
On Sun, 05 Mar 2006 23:52:07 GMT, Rob Sandilands
<> typed furiously:

>David Simpson wrote:
>>On Fri, 3 Mar 2006 21:29:30 +1100, "Carole" <>
>>typed furiously:
>>>Whatever they see for people's lives it won't be very pleasant. If you've
>>>read 1985 by George Orwell it might be something like that where people live
>>>in fear of thought crime and being dobbed in by their neighbors, where all
>>>the basic necessities of life are rationed and where the world is at
>>>permanent war against a manufactured enemy.
>>The name of the book was "1984". If you got that wrong then the rest
>>of your arguments must be just as wrong.
>'1985' was actually an episode of the Goon Show ...

Very appropriate when referring to Corole. Do you know she actually
believes in a hollow earth, well, enough to have a page about it on
her web site. She also seems to be in love with Jean-Paul Turcaud who
may have discovered the Telfer Gold mine location was rich in minerals
but failed to peg his claim. He has spent thirty-plus years
complaining that "he wuz robbed".

Joe Steve Swick III

Mar 7, 2006, 6:05:17 PM3/7/06

Whatever they see for people's lives it won't be very pleasant. If you've
read 1985 by George Orwell it might be something like that where people live
in fear of thought crime and being dobbed in by their neighbors, where all
the basic necessities of life are rationed and where the world is at
permanent war against a manufactured enemy.


The name of the book was "1984".


I think 1985 was the sequel, in which Big Brother finally married Big
Sister, and Oceana covered the world.

Or something.


David Moss

Mar 9, 2006, 8:34:12 AM3/9/06
In article <HQKOf.2608$>, writes...

> David Simpson wrote:
> >On Fri, 3 Mar 2006 21:29:30 +1100, "Carole" <>
> >typed furiously:
> >
> >
> >
> >>Whatever they see for people's lives it won't be very pleasant. If you've
> >>read 1985 by George Orwell it might be something like that where people live
> >>in fear of thought crime and being dobbed in by their neighbors, where all
> >>the basic necessities of life are rationed and where the world is at
> >>permanent war against a manufactured enemy.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >The name of the book was "1984". If you got that wrong then the rest
> >of your arguments must be just as wrong.
> >
> >
> '1985' was actually an episode of the Goon Show ...

It may well be, but I want to know about these secret rulers.
I've lost track of heaps of rulers. I put them in a drawer and its a
bloody secret where they all end up, cos they sure as hell aren't there
next time you need one.

personal opinion only


Mar 9, 2006, 10:33:42 AM3/9/06
Isn't racism a thought crime? Aren't the looney left one of the secret


The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that
certain other sets of people are human.
- Aldous Huxley (attrib.)


Mar 9, 2006, 11:06:35 AM3/9/06
Joe Steve Swick III you are a part of that 1984 nightmare

David Moss

Mar 9, 2006, 11:16:34 AM3/9/06
In article <qVXPf.1965$>, writes...

> > It may well be, but I want to know about these secret rulers.
> > I've lost track of heaps of rulers. I put them in a drawer and its a
> > bloody secret where they all end up, cos they sure as hell aren't there
> > next time you need one.
> >
> Isn't racism a thought crime? Aren't the looney left one of the secret
> rulers?

I've looked in the left drawer, I've looked in the right.
The secret rulers remain hidden from sight.

advocate himself

Mar 9, 2006, 11:26:50 AM3/9/06
basically...there are no secret rulers of the world
royalty is known for what they are
what is secret their means and methods...and their operatives
because without it (the operatives)...they'd be xroyals
ohhh...ya say most are....and king always asks...does the queen have any constitutional power...the answer is always no
the key word in the question is...constitutional
hence the reason for secrecy and operatives

question...what's the defining perspective for what is labelled as organized 'crime'

i am dah

john fernbach

Mar 9, 2006, 11:56:09 AM3/9/06
There may be "secret rulers" & elites who are TRYING to create a
one-world government. But is it WORKING?

I don't think so. Just look at the headlines.

BTW -- You don't need secret elites "scheming" behind scenes to work
for a New World Order or whatever.

The private market -- the natural laws of trade and capitalism --
pretty much much work towards that goal on their own.

As the father of capitalist economic thought, Adam Smith, pointed out
225 years ago in "The Wealth of Nations," every highly productive
economic system needs a WIDE MARKET for all the goods that it can

Otherwise - hey, if you produce huge numbers of mechanical widgets (or
in the ancient times, huge numbers of wine jars, or ivory combs, or
amber necklaces, or whatever) and if you can't SELL the damned things,
then what's the point?

You need to sell what you produce, basically. And that means if you're
a small city or country and you produce lots and lots of stuff - you
need GLOBAL TRADE, so you can sell it all. And you may decide you need
a global empire.

Go read Adam Smith yourself - he explains it much better than I can, in
the last half of "The Wealth of Nations."

His conclusion is that for this reason, all of the exciting, wealthy,
"civilized," urbanized, highly productive economies of the ancient
world were built on RIVERS or SEACOASTS -- because of the cheap
transportation this provides to distant markets.

His further conclusion is that BECAUSE OF the need of every highly
productive economy for foreign markets, the voyages of Vasco da Gama
and Columbus in the 1400s - by opening up Asia and the Americas to
European trade, basically - constituted "the two greatest events in
the history of mankind."

And bringing his argument forward to the 1700s, Smith also concluded
that the search for foreign markets was the real reason for the spread
of the British Empire.

It's the same way today as it was in 1776, when "The Wealth of Nations"
was published. The fabulously, amazingly productive economies of
Europe, the United States and Japan -- and increasingly, the amazingly
productive economy of China - NEED global trade. NEED global order, in
order to safeguard and insure the profitability of that trade.

And so "secret elites" of all kinds [and some not-so-secret elites!],
scurry around frantically trying to pass treaties like NAFTA and CAFTA
and GATT and all the rest of them. But the "secret elites," our
supposed puppet-masters, are THEMSELVES mostly puppets to market

If they don't push the world towards an integrated, one-world economy,
with a lot of international law to back up that economy, a lot of
capitalist corporations and capitalist industries are going to go
belly-up for lack of customers.

As Bill Clinton -- an elitist internationalist and globalist himself -
put it in the 1990s, "It's the economy, stupid." The secret elites,
even when they gain huge wealth from the economy, are also close to
being its servants. Adam Smith's good old "invisible hand of the
market" forces them to be scheming internationalists, or risk

Message has been deleted

David Simpson

Mar 9, 2006, 4:38:03 PM3/9/06
On Thu, 09 Mar 2006 15:33:42 GMT, RodneyK <>
typed furiously:

>David Moss wrote:
>> In article <HQKOf.2608$>,
>> writes...
>>> David Simpson wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 3 Mar 2006 21:29:30 +1100, "Carole" <>
>>>> typed furiously:
>>>>> Whatever they see for people's lives it won't be very pleasant. If you've
>>>>> read 1985 by George Orwell it might be something like that where people live
>>>>> in fear of thought crime and being dobbed in by their neighbors, where all
>>>>> the basic necessities of life are rationed and where the world is at
>>>>> permanent war against a manufactured enemy.
>>>> The name of the book was "1984". If you got that wrong then the rest
>>>> of your arguments must be just as wrong.
>>> '1985' was actually an episode of the Goon Show ...
>> It may well be, but I want to know about these secret rulers.
>> I've lost track of heaps of rulers. I put them in a drawer and its a
>> bloody secret where they all end up, cos they sure as hell aren't there
>> next time you need one.
>Isn't racism a thought crime? Aren't the looney left one of the secret

Can't be. Rulers are normally straight.


Mar 9, 2006, 8:33:24 PM3/9/06
On Thu, 09 Mar 2006 13:34:12 GMT, David Moss
<> wrote:

>It may well be, but I want to know about these secret rulers.
>I've lost track of heaps of rulers. I put them in a drawer and its a
>bloody secret where they all end up, cos they sure as hell aren't there
>next time you need one.

"We Have Ways of Shutting You Up!"

James Thurgood on characteristically one-sided democracy

"Reading the Jewish Chronicle (JC) is always instructive. Obtaining my
copy in my local newsagents is slightly embarrassing: people of 'the
faith' are numerous in my neighbourhood and when I step up to the
counter to pay there are often one or two of them queuing for the same
purpose. As they observe what I am buying, and then examine my person,
I can just imagine them muttering to themselves: "He doesn't look like
one of us!" One gentleman with a rather rabbinical appearance once
made so bold as to ask, with doubt in his eyes: "Are you Jewish?" I
replied negatively, of course. It then occurred to me to add,
mischievously: "I just believe in keeping an eye on them."
I could see the man's face crease into a frown, so thinking "In for a
penny, in for a pound," I went on to say: "You know, this is where you
get a lot of the real news - the sort you don't read in the ordinary
I recalled that remark last month when wondering how the fraternity in
question were going to react to the rise of Jeorg Haider in Austria.
Actually,... Haider has been making a number of apologies lately - for
instance for daring once to say something complimentary about Hitler's
employment policies. Well, what's wrong with that?... the fact is that
he did put 6 million jobless Germans back to work in very quick time.
I believe anyway that politicians are almost always wrong to
apologise, and Herr Haider did not go up in my estimation on that
But of course, it is always the perception of what a politician is,
rather than the reality, that determines attitudes towards him. Haider
is perceived, rightly or wrongly, as some kind of neo-nazi monster.
Hence my curiosity.
The way Haider's success was greeted in the Jewish Chronicle was of
great interest to me - but more because of what it told me about the
writers in that paper and their attitudes than what was said about
Haider himself.
The JC was in a not-unaccustomed dilemma. The paper, of course, stands
for the loftiest principles of 'democracy'. But has not Haider risen
to his present powerful position in Austrian politics by the
democratic vote of the people? You see the problem!
The JC leader (4th February) spoke first about the very rapid manner
in which the other member states of the European Union reached
agreement as to what their response was to be to the prospect of the
Haider party having places in the Austrian Government. "They served
notice," it said, "that any role for Mr. Haider's party would prompt
them drastically to downgrade ties with Austria. This would, among
other things, involve shelving bilateral exchanges with the Austrians,
curtailing political contacts with Austrian envoys in EU states, and
refusing to back Austrian candidates for posts in international
To which the ordinary rational person would no doubt react by saying:
"So what?" It is doubtful that great numbers of Austrians will be
applying at their chemist's shops for additional sleeping tablets on
those accounts. But we should read a little further.
Generally approving this Europe-wide reaction, the JC also admitted
its snags, acknowledging that it might make Mr. Haider yet more
popular at home. Yet, the leader continued:-
"This does not mean the outside world should abruptly change course,
abandon its position of principle and take a softly-softly approach.
It does mean that the underlying principle must be patiently, publicly
and articulately explained. The aim - it must be made clear - is not
to seek to exclude Austria and its people from the EU or the world
family of nations, nor to question the right of voters to choose who
governs them. It is to define bedrock tenets with which the world
community hopes to build a 21st century on lessons learned from the
bigotry and murder that too often marked the 20th. To the extent
Austria chooses to include in its government a party rooted in an
opposing vision of both the past and the future, to continue business
as usual would be illogical, and immoral."
Sting in the tail
You have to be something of a JC-watcher - which I might extend by
saying a watcher of the entire liberal, New World Order-oriented press
- to see the not immediately clear message here. It lies in the last
two lines, and the operative word is 'business'. This, I suspect,
means much more than just business in the diplomatic sphere -
cross-border contacts, appointments to international offices, etc. It
looks very much as if it could mean actual trade and commerce. Is the
Jewish Chronicle leader giving the first hints of a planned economic
To get a clue as to the answer to that question, we might turn to an
article on Page 31 of the same issue by John Diamond, who was much
more explicit.
Mr. Diamond, of course, believes too in the democratic freedoms -
well, almost but not quite. There is, you see, democracy and
democracy; it all depends for whom. He is, he begins by saying, "...a
fully paid-up member of the freedom-of-speech brigade." He continues:
"I spent my formative political years telling anyone who would listen
that it was Voltaire who cracked the one about disagreeing with what
you say but defending to the death your right to say it."
But, he goes on...
"...then along comes little Austria, a paid-up member of the European
Union, and announces that its equivalent of the Conservative Party is
in an uncomfortable colloquy with its ultra-right-wing Freedom Party,
with the result that any day now the erstwhile annexe to the
Fatherland might once again have N***s in government. OK: they're not
National Socialists in the scientific sense, perhaps, but when you
have a party which talks about Aryans, immigrants and bloodied soil in
the way some in the Freedom Party do, it's hardly worth splitting
By now, Mr. Diamond is clearly anticipating some people disagreeing
with his drift. He has prepared for that; he has an answer:-
"But hold on, say the other side: what about democracy? If Jeorg
Haider's chums go into the government or even, God forbid, run the
government, it will be as a result of the democratic will of the
Austrian people. Equally, Austria was elected into the EU by what
passes for democracy in that institution. We can't just kick them out
because we don't like the people they elect to power."
Now Mr. Diamond is really in full flow, and the reader can almost
predict what's coming next. He does not disappoint:-
"It's perceived to be the same argument that we liberals use when we
say that, much as we despise the British National Party, we regard its
right to erect websites, hold bring-and-buy coffee mornings and
publish maniacal brochures about how the Jews control the world as
inviolable. But it's not the same argument at all."
Why isn't it? - the reader will naturally begin to ask. But that
reader obviously is not aware that people like Mr. Diamond make the
rules in these matters - or at least that is their presumption.
Homosexuals, even paedophiles, may use the net. So may the spokesmen
for the IRA and other terrorist groups; you will not find the John
Diamonds objecting to this. All sorts of organisations, in addition to
this, may publish tracts claiming that such-and-such control the
world: Catholics, freemasons, Jehovah's Witnesses and little green men
from Mars. No problem! That's the freedom that Voltaire talked about,
and Mr. Diamond stoutly defends it. As he said, he's a fully paid-up
member of the freedom-of-speech brigade.
But when it comes to saying critical things about Mr. Diamond's own
people, that's different. You see the point?
'Dealing' with those Austrians
All this is building up to the most important thing that Mr. Diamond
wants to say. He has obviously been wrestling in his mind with the
question of how to say it, because he is aware of its contradictions.
He believes in democracy, as we have seen; but on the other hand some
democracy, for some people, just can't be allowed. So what are we to
do about Austria and Haider? Mr. Diamond has the answer:-
"...within the non-bellicose bounds of international diplomacy, we
have a limited armoury with which to deal with a party led by a
professed admirer of some of Hitler's policies. We have no right to
stop Haider saying such things, but we can say, in effect to Austria:-
" 'Elect whatever government you choose - that's your prerogative.
But, equally, it's our prerogative to stop trading with you, going to
your ski-runs, sending you our ambassadors or generally treating you
like civilised people. It's your loss, and the practical loss will be
greater than whatever gain you perceive there to be in sending a few
Turkish or East European immigrants home. Come back when you've
decided to stop being silly.'
"This is the way to deal with the nastier by-products of free speech.
It shouldn't, for instance, be necessary to pass laws to stop
right-wing fanatics from saying that evil Jews are taking over the
world. Simply make sure publishers know that, if they want to sell
such nonsense to true believers, they'll have problems selling other
books to the rest of us. Don't like a fascist website? There are
plenty of suppliers of Net facilities to the fascists who would lose
out if the rest of us stopped using their services."
Here, spelled out in as frank terms as we could wish for, is Mr.
Diamond's idea of how 'democracy' should work. It will be noted that
nowhere does he suggest that the arguments of people he thinks are
wrong should be countered in open and honest debate and proved, by
superior argument, to be fallacious. That, to most of us, is what
democracy has meant across the ages. But to Mr. Diamond? Oh no! In the
eyes of him and his ilk, it means something entirely different.
To him and his ilk, democracy means the right to suppress the views of
people you don't like by threats and intimidation - mainly economic
intimidation. Boycott their industries for a start! In Austria a big
industry is tourism. Very well, let's not visit their ski-slopes.
Where does this lead us? Shall we refuse to buy recordings made by the
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra? Shall we refuse even to listen to
Mozart, Haydn, Schubert or Strauss? After all, Mr. Diamond has
suggested that we should not treat the Austrians - out of whose ranks
have come these immortal geniuses - like "civilised people."
And extending the issue beyond Austria, it is clear that Mr. Diamond
believes that Internet suppliers who hire facilities to those of whose
politics he disapproves should simply be closed down - not by an act
of law (that would be too blatant) - but by ruining them by boycott.
Booksellers and publishers? Same treatment! Make sure hardly anyone
buys their books and they'll fold up. Business is business!
This then seems to be the ideal of democracy believed in by Mr.
Diamond - and many like him. Perhaps it's all part of the "bedrock
tenets with which the world community hopes to build the 21st
century." We cannot say we haven't been told!"
Spearhead Online

David Simpson

Mar 9, 2006, 10:09:06 PM3/9/06
On Thu, 09 Mar 2006 19:33:24 -0600, Topaz <> typed

>"We Have Ways of Shutting You Up!"

[snip of rant against a columnist in the Jewish Chronicle]

The authors/editors/columnists of the JC have just as much right to
publish their opinions as you. One way of dealing with a problem is by
talking about it although that accomplishes very little and,
generally, doesn't change anyone's mind. Another way is by doing
something about it in such a manner as to start people thinking.

Where is the best place to jog people into thinking? In my opinion
affecting their pocket is far more likely to encourage action than any
quantity of rhetoric or flowery prose.


Mar 9, 2006, 10:10:05 PM3/9/06
David Moss <> wrote in

What I want to know is why there are so many different groups of "Secret
Rulers". Do they take turns or is it just a free for all with each
group competing? If its a free for all, how can they be _the_ rulers of
the world? Then there are of course the problem that if they are secret
how does anybody know who to take orders from? I mean I could just turn
up and say, "Hey, I'm a SECRET RULER OF THE WORLD, do what I say!" How
the hell are you going to known if I am or not? Appears to be a few
contradictions there.

BTW, everybody who keeps accusing me of working for the
CIA/ASIO/ASIS/THe New World Order/etc, look, can I get you to sign a
statdec for me proving I've been doing their work for them? Can you
also help me out with their addresses? I want to claim all the back pay
I'm owed for 20 years of argument online.


Mar 9, 2006, 10:11:02 PM3/9/06
David Moss <> wrote in

Duh! Dat's 'cause they are secret! ;-)


Mar 9, 2006, 10:14:50 PM3/9/06
Topaz <> wrote in

> On Thu, 09 Mar 2006 13:34:12 GMT, David Moss
> <> wrote:
>>It may well be, but I want to know about these secret rulers.
>>I've lost track of heaps of rulers. I put them in a drawer and its a
>>bloody secret where they all end up, cos they sure as hell aren't
>>next time you need one.
> "We Have Ways of Shutting You Up!"
> James Thurgood on characteristically one-sided democracy
> "Reading the Jewish Chronicle (JC) is always instructive. Obtaining my
> copy in my local newsagents is slightly embarrassing: people of 'the
> faith' are numerous in my neighbourhood and when I step up to the
> counter to pay there are often one or two of them queuing for the same
> purpose. As they observe what I am buying, and then examine my person,
> I can just imagine them muttering to themselves: "He doesn't look like
> one of us!" One gentleman with a rather rabbinical appearance once
> made so bold as to ask, with doubt in his eyes: "Are you Jewish?" I
> replied negatively, of course. It then occurred to me to add,
> mischievously: "I just believe in keeping an eye on them."
> I could see the man's face crease into a frown, so thinking "In for a
> penny, in for a pound," I went on to say: "You know, this is where you
> get a lot of the real news - the sort you don't read in the ordinary
> press."

I'm reminded of an old joke I once heard about two old Jewish men who
are sitting on a park bench in Vienna at the time of Anschloss. One is
reading a normal newspaper, the other Der Sturmer, the Nazi newspaper.
The former, when seeing what the latter is reading remarks, "My god!
How can you read that filthy rag! Its just Nazi propaganda!" The
second old man looks at the other's paper pointedly and says, "Look, if
I read your paper, I hear about how we are being persecuted and expelled
all over Europe. If I read my paper, I'm told we rule the world!" :-)

Message has been deleted

Alex fisher

Mar 9, 2006, 11:46:52 PM3/9/06
Hash: SHA1

... I think you misspelled "duh".
- --

Alex Fisher JS
Lodge Caledonian No. 14
United Grand Lodge of Queensland

Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)



Mar 10, 2006, 2:33:50 AM3/10/06

I do not need to be convinced

I have studied the masonic structure and can pretty much predict their

as we speak they are raising oil prices and removing money from
distribution. Calling in loans on a major scale. They murdered and
assassinated to become our banker and lent us money from nothing. When
they have their depression they will wipe out 80% of us.

Message has been deleted


Mar 10, 2006, 7:26:28 AM3/10/06

"David Simpson" <> wrote in message

> On Sun, 05 Mar 2006 23:52:07 GMT, Rob Sandilands
> <> typed furiously:

> >>

> >>The name of the book was "1984". If you got that wrong then the rest
> >>of your arguments must be just as wrong.
> >>
> >>
> >'1985' was actually an episode of the Goon Show ...
> Very appropriate when referring to Corole. Do you know she actually
> believes in a hollow earth, well, enough to have a page about it on
> her web site. She also seems to be in love with Jean-Paul Turcaud who
> may have discovered the Telfer Gold mine location was rich in minerals
> but failed to peg his claim. He has spent thirty-plus years
> complaining that "he wuz robbed".
> --
> Regards
> David Simpson
> (Unattached MM. Victoria, Australia)
> Bad manners should not be a capital crime ...
> for a first offence.
> Paraphrasing Robert Heinlein,

I know it sounds insane, but there are some rather convincing articles or
books on the hollow earth theory and its not as crazy as it first seems.

The theory is that there are holes at the north and south pole which are
quite large in diameter but they're always covered by fog. Also the theory
is that any pictures from space that show any sort of hole, are doctored
before the public see them.

Not only are there holes at the poles but various passageways around the
world, that native tribes speak of legends and people who disappear into the
earth and re-emerge years later in some cases.
As a person goes into the earth gravity disappears and there is a null zone
where people become weightless, and then as they gradually approach the
inner earth gravity again asserts itself. The gravity on the inner earth is
due to centrifugal force, like when you spin a bucket of water and it
doesn't spill.

Hollow earth proponents maintain that not only earth, but all planets are

Hey, its possible!
Don't reject the theory until you've checked it out.



Mar 10, 2006, 7:33:04 AM3/10/06

"Joe Steve Swick III" <> wrote in message

> ___Carole___
> Whatever they see for people's lives it won't be very pleasant. If you've
> read 1985 by George Orwell it might be something like that where people
> in fear of thought crime and being dobbed in by their neighbors, where all
> the basic necessities of life are rationed and where the world is at
> permanent war against a manufactured enemy.
> ___DS___
> The name of the book was "1984".

That should have been "1984". I accidentally hit the wrong key, sorry about

There is some sort of shadow government controlling things from behind the
scenes, with a hidden agenda of some sort. I'd love to know how much they
spend on disinformation and dumbing down the public to what is really going

Of course secret societies are only part of the strategy to achieve world
dominance. They use think tanks, education and the mass media to do a lot of
damage as well.

Operation Mockingbird: The Subversion Of The Free Press By The CIA
"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple
hundred dollars a month." CIA operative discussing with Philip Graham,
editor Washington Post, on the availability and prices of journalists
willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories.

If the truth was really known about what was going on in the world, no doubt
it would be mind boggling.
The public are treated as total idiots, we are dumbed down and fed garbage
and disinformation on a continual basis.
People are just incredibly dumbed down in every way. Some of the areas where
we are lied to and fed garbage include -

* cures for diseases are suppressed
* the peak oil myth, that oil is a fossil fuel which it isn't
* suppression of free non-polluting energy
* education is more to socialise than teaching anything meaningful
* religion

There has to be some people helping to pull all this deception over on the
Secret societies are likely candidates for overseeing all this sort of
disinformation and keeping the public in the dark.


Kadaitcha Man

Mar 10, 2006, 7:39:11 AM3/10/06
Carole <>, the bowlegged tramp and sperm hungry
schwuchtel who likes demeaning self-pleasure with caterpillars, and
whose partner is a motorcycle slut with a bulging treasure chest, wrote
in <44116f90$0$14540$>:

You fucking nutcase.

debilitating rough-riding; ghastly moose knuckle; passion pole; Carole,
Gay Hunks Riding & Sucking Cocks On Sofa; Carole, Muscled Gay Stiff Cock
Sucked; debased tugs of war with cyclops; Carole, Sexy Tranny Tiny Cock
Strap-on Fucked; ballbag; diddy ride See tit wank.; virile
dickory-smoked coal sausage; thread; nebuchadnezzar; body squeak; sorry
kibble 'n' bitz; Mutiny on the Booty; the; bob the bologna; Carole and
Tasty guy hottie getting fucked big open virgin ass; twat-faced backdoor
man; Carole cumming in cuddle-bunny's mouth; do the bone; pair; that
time; Desperately Seeking Semen; dank buhgina; closefisted muscle
tussles; thick call-boy; broadcaster; deadly chocolate-speedway;
inconsiderable purple-headed burrow beast; disappointing knots landing;
moist mother theresa; Be Inside Her; nunnery : n. Elizabethan name for a
rub-a-tug shop (qv) from an age when nuns were widely believed to wear
yo-yo knickers (qv).; swinish busters; sport; irregular hills;
consummate a relationship; baby bar; butt-ugly; oak tree; Marmite
driller euph. See brownpipe engineer.; Carole, Gay Boys Nude Outdoor Ass
Fucking; nauseating back hole; nebuchadnezzar; glow stick; bipara; cute
juice box; diddling the bean; Dark Haired Grandma Carole With Saggy Tits
Banging; bun in the oven; uncoordinated boozies; nebulous warheads;
hollow crimson chitterling; tail pike; inventive carrot cuffing;
inventive pile driving; carpet bumping; butterfly flutter; anhedonia;
firk; Good Will Humping; shrimp-sized aspirins on an ironing board;
scumbag n. The ultimate term of abuse known to Garry Bushell and other
tabloid journalists.; bum cleavage; heat-seeking moisture missle; rocks
off; bushie mall; abortifacient; Carole, the dirty little
woman-of-accomodating-morals pisser; jizz; button-loose; worthless bush
beater; buttock and tongue; dink; get your bean waxed; dead worm;
distressing long tom; fallen apart weapon of ass destruction; duck
butter; androphobia; flop out n. When the flacid penis protrudes through
the bottom of your underpants, often whilst moving from a sitting to
standing position.; one eyed; bitch's blind; athenian; bloomer; little
red riding hood (in the woods); soaking split; big meat; hot dog;
hitchhiking south; dopey bangers; doinking; Carole, Tranny Fucked
Hardcore On Sofa In Ass; luscious back hole; bluebeard's closet; texan;
erotic carnal acquaintance; open up to; dank hairy taco; merciless sperm
incubation in the anus; yawning gooseberry-grinder; bobbers; anilingus;
inhibited spearing in the bearded clam; onions; boudoir bandit; Carole,
Adorable Nude Teen Pissed On Outdoor; chocha; buff the dog; wankrod;
debased pussy bumping; debilitating hard-fisting; pudgy anal-jabber;
bang like a shithouse door in a gale; Brillo pad sim. Coarse vaginal
hair. For example, a red headed (collar and cuffs (qv)) Scots lassie
might be described as having 'A mott like a rusty Brillo pad'.; soap;
ruthless horizontal folk-dancing; polish the lighthouse v. male To
masturbate in the bath.; dishevelled heinie-highway; flounder feeling;
Carole, Bukkake Cumslut Gets Pissed On; fanny flange n. Clitoris.; axed;
wretched nocturnal emissions; apandria; decadent flounder pounding;
andromimetic; gaudy budli-budli; ding-dangs; have a bit of meat; boy
honey; exotic fist fucks; joy ride; abortion pill; wanton couch rugby;
whatchamacallit; burning; virulent chocolate-hole; delivering the wood;
tacky cramstick; indecent jiggy-jig; dysfunctional swingers; plough;
bride and groom it; jam rag n. Tampon.; deed of pleasure; spastic
wing-wang; blood-thirsty adam and eve; raw-boned glad bags; denuded
split; acey-deucey; bitsy captain hook; fornicating engine; slushy dank
diner; bulky wife's worst enemy; Carole, Nude Blond Tranny With Tan
Lines Assfucked; badger game; bag up; knuckle; dohickey; underpant eel;
dip one's bill; vast moose's lip; butterfly ring; lousy back-parlour;
inflamed money box; brothern; infinitesimal gimmer stick; fuckstick;
shagging; blow pop; bradyorthosis; polish one's ass on the top sheet;
hard-hitting anal coitus; satiny velvet box; furious jewelry jigglin';
ample-bodied woman; bannocks interj. Scotts equivalent of bollocks. n.
Jockspeak for knackers; plums (qv).; autopedication; low-grade fuzz box;
some pussy; bowk v. To barf, vomit; boy up; create a pavement pizza
(qv).; first game ever played; get hulled between wind and water;
pee-wee goose's neck; wounded melon baster; roomy chocolate starfish;
explicit belly bump; nancies; corker; Carole, Obese Nude Tanned Blonde
Hardcore Banging; frightful foofer; muck : n. Mess (qv); baby bullion;
load; as in 'Shoot your muck'.; palookas; chicken mc nuggets;
bimbosphere; pray with the knees upward; deviant bull milking; cleat;
love sausage; barfairy; diseased arsehole; crappy boulders; debauched
pity-fuck; big shit; bum gravy : n. Diarrhoea; rusty water.; leak week;
pukey Bovril-bypass; heat seeking missile; demeaning bishop polishing;
backed up; some wood; little engine; beausom; loaded party hats; humpin'
and bumpin'; palsied mammoth mammaries; rod; gentleman's appendage;
smuggling a brownie : v. To have the turtle's head (qv); as in 'He
seemed quite anxious to get away. I suspect he was smuggling a
brownie'.; shorn foster home of peter the orphan; bone out; Carole, Gay
Twinky Hardcore Facial Cumshot Action; whamdanglers; wicked rusty bullet
wound; Carole in good-time-girl dick job; old faceful; dog n. Hound;
boiler; tug boat; sea monster.; afgay; box of worries; stirring the
porridge euph. To have sloppy seconds; to dip into a box of assorted
creams (qv).; get into her pants; queefer; Carole, Nasty Amateur Piss
Loving Girl; Carole, Blond Tanned Tranny Blowjob On Her Knees; pully
hawly; a spot of cupids archery; incapacitated schmeckle;
andromimetophilia; tedious bum-chum; jewelry; Cliff Banger; have one's
cut; prairie oysters; wanton gun unloading; Carole, dirty meandering
mamma piss sucker; horizontal jogging; bangs like a bunny; codpiece;
shameless ass goblin; filthy cavity; blennorrhea; blood-thirsty bishop
burying; inventive bone honing; Dutch : n. Sausage sandwich; tit wank.
Also Dutch fuck. Sausage pizza (qv) is more popular in the Dutch Alps.;
hulking wind-mill; trivial jubblies; shake the lettuce euph. fem. Girly
expression for having a piss.; odious dickie licking; three-legged
sixty-nine queen; break; Dun-Hur; bubbly jack; crown jewels; muff nudge
n. The light brushing of your favourite female hairdresser's waist
against your elbows while she leans forward to cut your hair.; rubigo;
Carole, Dirty Bitch Sucks Cock And Gets Pissed On; clam bake for one;
rude bits; accessory gland; dangler; man's third leg; unnatural private
arm exercise; apprenticed poofter; take a turn on; balding nudger;
Carole, Gay Hardcore Tight Butt Fuck Hitch Hiker; raw-boned man-meat;
unnatural flesh exchanges; take a turn in cock alley; jigger; pully
hawly; man oil; feeding your slot; putrescent hottentots; Carole,
Raunchy Nude Twinks Kiss & Anus Fuck; alphamegamia; saturated tang;
Carole and Lovely guy open mouth and sucking tasty meat pole; contagious
crotch mackerel; tactless horizontal exercises; beauty mark; faulty
hampton; sawed-off thelma & louise; rough dirt-hole; Carole, Busty Chick
Gets Fucked By Gay Twink; tepid royalty; switch hitter US n. Bisexual;
AC/DC; one who bends both ways. Deriv. baseball - the ability to bat
with both hands.; cunt nugget; butch-queen; pudendus; offensive golden
globes; weedy throbbing python of love; Emission Possible;
blennorrhagia; professional wrestling; deplorable pity-fuck; patchy
tweakers; unusable single serving soup dispenser; ugly deed; wicked
hula-raider; dance the sheets; steaming hot kanga; depraved ham hitting;
Carole, Hot Asian Tranny Blowjob & Anal; Carole and Cute twink guy
lovely sucks big fresh dick of friend; rod-on; toffee-nosed
jaihouse-turnout; Carole, Skinny Blond Dominatrix Strap-on Ass Bang;
pork; unpleasant stench trench; abraham; Carole, Blond Tranny Giving
Head In The Park; anililagnia

Message has been deleted

David Simpson

Mar 10, 2006, 10:01:28 AM3/10/06
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 12:59:40 GMT, "Chadwick StoneŠ"
<chad_...@> typed furiously:

>X-No-Archive: YES
>Carole [] has entered into testimony

>> "David Simpson" <> wrote in message


>> Hollow earth proponents maintain that not only earth, but all planets
>> are hollow.

>They conveniently forget to cite the most crucial hollows as being
>between their ears.
Actually I think they are rather solid between the ears. ... Concrete,
that is.

>> Hey, its possible!
>No, it isn't.

>> Don't reject the theory until you've checked it out.

>Checked theory, rejected theory.

Booksale site.

Wally Anglesea™

Mar 10, 2006, 5:47:42 PM3/10/06
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 23:26:28 +1100, "Carole" <>

Have you figured out the consequences of pi yet, you idiot?

>Not only are there holes at the poles but various passageways around the
>world, that native tribes speak of legends and people who disappear into the
>earth and re-emerge years later in some cases.
>As a person goes into the earth gravity disappears and there is a null zone
>where people become weightless, and then as they gradually approach the
>inner earth gravity again asserts itself. The gravity on the inner earth is
>due to centrifugal force, like when you spin a bucket of water and it
>doesn't spill.
>Hollow earth proponents maintain that not only earth, but all planets are
>Hey, its possible!
>Don't reject the theory until you've checked it out.

I *have* checked it out. That's the difference between us. I *know*
that hollow Earths is wrong, and a nonsense.

Start with Pi (you can independently determine this

Work out the circumference of the Earth ( you can independently do

Work out the gravitational constant (you can independently do this)

Work out the distance of the Moon (you can independently do this)

Work out the density of the Earth (you can independently do this)

Work out the orbital mechanics of orbiting bodies (you can
independently do this)

When you have done this, come back, and I will explain why stars
cannot form inside of planets.


Find out about Australia's most dangerous Doomsday Cult:

"You can't fool me, it's turtles all the way down."

Rob Sandilands

Mar 10, 2006, 7:57:30 PM3/10/06
David Moss wrote:

... they're in the drawer that's between the one with all the odd socks
and the one with the collection of biros, just under the cupboard that
holds all the metal coathangers ... you know, the one next to that other
cupboard with all the tupperware lids ...


Rob Sandilands PM
Warwick Lodge No 160 UGLQ

'I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it!'


Mar 10, 2006, 10:04:00 PM3/10/06
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 13:39:06 +1030, David Simpson
<> wrote:

>The authors/editors/columnists of the JC have just as much right to
>publish their opinions as you. One way of dealing with a problem is by
>talking about it although that accomplishes very little and,
>generally, doesn't change anyone's mind. Another way is by doing
>something about it in such a manner as to start people thinking.
>Where is the best place to jog people into thinking? In my opinion
>affecting their pocket is far more likely to encourage action than any
>quantity of rhetoric or flowery prose.

You are one of the reasons we should expell the Jews.
The Fourth Lateran Council restricted Jewish commercial advantage but
it did not end the Jewish problem. Beginning in the latter part of the
13th century, one European country after another expelled its Jewish
population as the only final solution to the problem. First to take
the step was England which banned them in 1290. Fifteen years later in
1306 the French followed suit. In steady succession the various states
of Europe emulated this example with Spain being one of the last to
enforce the ban in 1492. The situation in Spain is worth noting. Says
Encyclopedia Britannica: [page 57, vol. 13 - 1947]: "... The 14th
century was the golden age of their history in Spain. In 1391 the
preaching of a priest of Seville, Fernando Martinez, led to the first
general massacre of the Jews who were envied for their prosperity and
hated because they were the king's tax collectors." Ferdinand and
Isabella, after uniting Spain and driving out the Moors turned their
attention to the Jewish problem, with the result that they were
evicted completely in 1492. In 1498 Portugal evicted its Jewish
population also.
The Exploiters
A great deal has been said about the "persecution" of the Jews in
Europe and elsewhere, and they have pretty well convinced the world
(or at least Americans) that these hardships were inflicted on an
innocent people. But these rich Spanish Jews we see being evicted in
1492 were not down-trodden folk. They were the wealthy, the
privileged, the exploiters: they were the well-fed merchants and the
gouging tax collectors ...
So it was in Portugal; in that country we find that the deportation of
the Jews ... "deprived Portugal of its middle class and its most
scientific traders and financiers." [Encyclopedia Britannica, page
279, vol. 18 - 1947.] Undeniably this class of traders and financiers
was put to hardship by this banishment, but it does not follow that
they were victims of discrimination in the accepted sense, nor were
they underprivileged in any way. Rather we see a wealthy merchant
group being ousted from its seat of vested privilege by a thoroughly
outraged, and a thoroughly exploited Christian society ...
The situation in England was similar. The Jews had come to England in
the wake of the Norman conquest and had quickly gained a position of
wealth and prosperity. Says Valentine's Jewish Encyclopedia of this
period: "Their numbers and prosperity increased, Aaron of Lincoln
being the wealthiest man in England in his time ... his financial
transactions covering the whole country and concerning many of the
leading nobles and churchmen ... On his death his property passed to
the crown and a special branch of the exchequer had to be created to
deal with it."
England, ironically enough, was the last country to be invaded by the
Jews and the first to evict them. After the Fourth Lateran Council the
Jews had become increasingly difficult to deal with and there were a
number of anti-Jewish riots. Perplexed by the problem posed by this
alien minority which seemed well on its way to corralling the
kingdom's wealth, and failing in an attempt to force its assimilation.
Edward I confiscated all Jewish wealth and evicted them permanently in
1290. Not until 1655 was a Jew legally permitted to re-enter England.
Britain thus established the precedent for the later eviction which
soon followed on the continent.
In France too the Jews were dominant in trade and finance and had been
since before Charlemagne's time. Under Philip the Fair (1285-1314) one
of the last, and certainly one of the greatest of the Capetian line,
France had become the greatest power in Europe. It was Philip's need
for money which led him to seize Jewish wealth and drive them from the
country. He had already before 1306 taken desperate measures to raise
money, which was in short supply, by forbidding the export of gold and
silver from France. The same need for money brought him into conflict
with the Templars, whose wealth he also seized. But it was the Jews
who controlled the greatest supply of floating wealth. In 1306 Philip
solved his financial problem-and France's Jewish problem-by
expropriating their wealth and evicting them. Thus ended the
centuries-long commercial dominance of the Jew in France. Later a few
were permitted to return and these were in turn ejected in 1394.
The Evictions
Space does not permit a detailed discussion of the other evictions
which followed and which resulted in the banishment of the Jews from
virtually every country in Western Europe in the succeeding centuries
but here in chronological order is a list of the evictions:
ENGLAND: Jews expelled in 1290 by Edward I. Not permitted to re-enter
till 1655.
FRANCE: Expelled in 1306 by Philip the Fair. A few were permitted to
return but were again evicted in 1394. Jewish settlements remained in
Bordeaux, Avignon, Marseilles, (from where they were evicted in 1682)
and in the northern province of Alsace.
SAXONY: Expelled in 1349.
HUNGARY: By 1092 the Jews were in control of Hungary's tax
collections. In 1360 they were expelled but later returned. In 1582
they were again expelled from the Christian part of Hungary.
BELGIUM: Expelled in 1370. A few settled there again in 1450, but no
large numbers came till 1700.
SLOVAKIA: Ousted from Prague in 1380. Many settled there again after
1562. In 1744 Marie Theresa expelled them again.
AUSTRIA: Expelled in 1420 by Albrecht V.
NETHERLANDS: Expelled from Utrecht in 1444.
SPAIN: Expelled in 1492.
LITHUANIA: Expelled in 1495 by Grand Duke Alexander. They later
PORTUGAL: Expelled in 1498.
PRUSSIA: Expelled in 1510.
ITALY: Expelled from Kingdom of Naples and Sardinia in 1540.
BAVARIA: Banned permanently in 1551.
Jews were not permitted to enter Sweden until 1782. None were
permitted to enter Denmark before the 17th century and they were not
allowed in Norway after 1814. Today only a handful reside in all
Back to Poland
By 1500 all of Western Europe except northern Italy, parts of Germany,
and the Papal possessions around Avignon, had been rid of the Jewish
invasion. For a while, at least, Europe was free of the Jews; not
until 1650 did they return in any numbers. Says Encyclopedia
Britannica: [page 57-58, vol. 13 - 1947.] "The great mass of the
Jewish people were thus to be found once more in the East, in the
Polish and Turkish empires . . The few communities suffered to remain
in western Europe were meanwhile subjected at last to all the
restrictions which earlier ages had usually allowed to remain as an
ideal; so that in a sense, the Jewish dark ages may be said to begin
with the Renaissance."
As the Jew Departed ...
The period marked by the evictions-1300 to 1650-also marks the period
of the Renaissance which broke over Europe as the Jews departed.
Starting at first in the trading cities of northern Italy in about
1300, there began a great rebirth of culture and learning which at
first was based almost entirely on the writings of the ancient Greeks
and Romans. Very quickly this renascent culture spread over Europe and
when the age had ended, in about 1650, Europe was by comparison with
her former status, enlightened and civilized. Quite obviously all this
could not have taken place had it not been for a great upsurge of
commercial activity which occurred simultaneously with, and as an
adjunct of, the Renaissance. Not until the nations of Europe had
wrested commercial control from the ghetto did this rebirth of western
civilization occur.


Mar 10, 2006, 10:07:50 PM3/10/06
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 03:30:38 GMT, "Chadwick StoneŠ"
<chad_...@> wrote:

>> "We Have Ways of Shutting You Up!"

>So do I.
>See how easy that was ;)

No, I don't.

An article by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, January 21, 1945
The Creators of the World's Misfortunes
by Joseph Goebbels

One could not understand this war if one did not always keep in mind
the fact that International Jewry stands behind all the unnatural
forces that our united enemies use to attempt to deceive the world and
keep humanity in the dark. It is so to speak the mortar that holds the
enemy coalition firmly together, despite its differences of class,
ideology and interests. Capitalism and Bolshevism have the same Jewish
roots, two branches of the same tree that in the end bear the same
fruit. International Jewry uses both in its own way to suppress the
nations and keep them in its service. How deep its influence on public
opinion is in all the enemy countries and many neutral nations is
plain to see that it may never be named in newspapers, speeches and
radio broadcasts. There is a law in the Soviet Union that punishes
anti-Semitism - or in plain English, public education about the Jewish
Question - by death. The expert in these matters is in no way
surprised that a leading spokesman for the Kremlin said over the New
Year that the Soviet Union would not rest until this law was valid
throughout the world. In other words, the enemy clearly says that its
goal in this war is to put the total domination of Jewry over the
nations of the earth under legal protection, and to threaten even a
discussion of this shameful attempt with the death penalty.
It is little different in the plutocratic nations. There the struggle
against the impudent usurpation of the Jewish race is not punished by
the executioner, rather by death through economic and social boycott
and by intellectual terror. This has the same effect in the end.
Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt were made by the Jewry. They enjoy its
full support and reward it with their full protection. They present
themselves in their speeches as upright men of civil courage, yet one
never hears even a word against the Jews, even though there is growing
hatred among their people as a result of this war, a hatred that is
fully justified. Jewry is a tabu theme in the enemy countries. It
stands outside every legal boundary and thus becomes the tyrant of its
host peoples. While enemy soldiers fight, bleed and die at the front,
the Jews make money from their sacrifice on the stock exchanges and
black markets. If a brave man dares to step forward and accuse the
Jews of their crimes, he will be mocked and spat on by their press,
chased from his job or otherwise impoverished, and be brought into
public contempt. Even that is apparently not enough for the Jews. They
want to bring Soviet conditions to the whole world: to give Jewry
absolute power and freedom from prosecution. He who objects or even
debates the matter gets a bullet in the back of his head or an axe
through his neck. There is no worse tyranny than this. This is the
epitome of the public and secret disgrace that Jewry inflicts on the
nations that deserve freedom.
That is all long behind us. Yet it still threatens us in the distance.
We have, it is true, entirely broken the power of the Jews in the
Reich, but they have not given up. They did not rest until they had
mobilized the whole world against us. Since they could no longer
conquer Germany from within, they want to try it from without. Every
Russian, English and American soldier is a mercenary of this world
conspiracy of a parasitic race. Given the current state of the war,
who could still believe that they are fighting and dying at the front
for the national interests of their countries! The nations want a
decent peace, but the Jews are against it. They know that the end of
the war would mean the dawning knowledge of humanity of the unhealthy
role that International Jewry played in preparing for and carrying out
this war. They fear being unmasked, which has in fact become
unavoidable and must inevitably come, just as the day follows the
night. That explains their raging bursts of hatred against us, which
are only the result of their fear and their feelings of inferiority.
They are too eager, and that makes them suspicious. International
Jewry will not succeed in turning this war to its advantage. Things
are already too far along. The hour will come in which all the peoples
of the earth will awake, and the Jews will be the victims. Here too
things can only go so far.
It is an old, often-used method of International Jewry to discredit
education and knowledge about its corrupting nature and drives,
thereby depending on the weaknesses of those people who easily confuse
cause with effect. The Jews are also masters at manipulating public
opinion, which they dominate through their network of news agencies
and press concerns that reaches throughout the world. The pitiful
illusion of a free press is one of the methods they use to stupefy the
publics of enemy lands. If the enemy press is as free as it pretends
to be, let it take an open position, for or against, on the Jewish
Question. It will not do that because it cannot and may not do so. The
Jews love to mock and criticize everything except themselves, although
everyone knows that they are most in need of public criticism. This is
where the so-called freedom of the press in enemy countries ends.
Newspapers, parliaments, statesmen and church leaders must be silent
here. Crimes and vices, filth and corruption are covered by the
blanket of love. The Jews have total control of public opinion in
enemy countries, and he who has that is also master of all of public
life. Only the nations that have to accept such a condition are to be
pitied. The Jews mislead them into believing that the German nation is
backward. Our alleged backwardness is actually proof of our progress.
We have recognized the Jews as a national and international danger,
and from this knowledge have drawn compelling conclusions. This German
knowledge will become the knowledge of he world at the end of this
war. We think it our primary duty to do everything in our power to
make that happen.
Humanity would sink into eternal darkness, it would fall into a dull
and primitive state, were the Jews to win this war. They are the
incarnation of that destructive force that in these terrible years has
guided the enemy war leadership in a fight against all that we see as
noble, beautiful and worth keeping. For that reason alone the Jews
hate it. They despite our culture and learning, which they perceive as
towering over their nomadic worldview. They fear our economic and
social standards, which leave no room for their parasitic drives, They
are the enemy of our domestic order, which has excluded their
anarchistic tendencies. Germany is the first nation in the world that
is entirely free of the Jews. That is the prime cause of its political
and economic balance. Since their expulsion from the German national
body has made it impossible for them to shake this balance from
within, they lead the nations they have deceived in battle against us
from without. It is fine with them, in fact it is part of their plan,
that Europe in the process will lose a large part of its cultural
values. The Jews had no part in their creation. They do not understand
them. A deep racial instinct tells them that since these heights of
human creative activity are forever out of their reach, they must
attack them today with hatred. The day is not distant when the nations
of Europe, yes, even those of the whole world, will shout: The Jews
are guilty for all our misfortunes! They must be called to account,
and soon and thoroughly!
International Jewry is ready with its alibi. Just as during the great
reckoning in Germany, they will attempt to look innocent and say that
one needs a scapegoat, and they are it. But that will no longer help
them, just as it did not help them during the National Socialist
revolution, The proof of their historical guilt, in details large and
small, is so plain that they can no longer be denied even with the
most clever lies and hypocrisy.
Who is it that drives the Russians, the English and the Americans into
battle and sacrifices huge numbers of human lives in a hopeless
struggle against the German people? The Jews! Their newspapers and
radio broadcasts spread the songs of war while the nations they have
deceived are led to the slaughter. Who is it that invents new plans of
hatred and destruction against us every day, making this war into a
dreadful case of self-mutilation and self-destruction of European life
and its economy, education and culture? The Jews! Who devised the
unnatural marriage between England and the USA on one side and
Bolshevism on the other, building it up and jealously ensuring its
continuance? Who covers the most perverse political situations with
cynical hypocrisy from a trembling fear that a new way could lead the
nations to realize the true causes of this terrible human catastrophe?
The Jews, only the Jews! They are named Morgenthau and Lehmann and
stand behind Roosevelt as a so-called brain trust. They are named
Mechett and Sasoon and serve as Churchill's money bags and order
givers. They are named Kaganovitsch and Ehrenburg and are Stalin's
pacesetters and intellectual spokesmen. Wherever you look, you see
Jews. They march as political commisars behind the Red army and
organize murder and terror in the areas conquered by the Soviets. They
sit behind the lines in Paris and Brussels, Rome and Athens, and
fashion their reins from the skin of the unhappy nations that have
fallen under their power.
That is the truth. It can no longer be denied, particularly since in
their drunken joy of power and victory the Jews have forgotten their
ordinarily so carefully maintained reserve and now stand in the
spotlight of public opinion. They no longer bother, apparently
believing that it is no longer necessary, that their hour has come.
And this is their mistake, which they always make when think
themselves near their great goal of anonymous world domination.
Thoughout the history of the nations, whenever this tragic situation
developed, a good providence saw to it that the Jews themselves became
the grave diggers of their own hopes. They did not destroy the healthy
peoples, rather the sting of their parasitic effects brought the
realization of the looming danger to the forefront and led to the
greatest sacrifices to overcome it. At a certain point, they become
that power that always wants evil but creates good. It will be that
way this time too.
The fact that the German nation was the first on earth to recognize
this danger and expel it from its organism is proof of its healthy
instincts. It therefore became the leader of a world struggle whose
results will determine of fate and the future of International Jewry.
We view with complete calm the wild Old Testament tirades of hatred
and revenge of Jews throughout the world against us. They are only
proof that we are on the right path. They cannot unsettle us. We gaze
on them with sovereign contempt and remember that these outbursts of
hate and revenge were everyday events for us in Germany until that
fateful day for International Jewry, 30 January 1933, when the world
revolution against the Jews that threateend not only Germany, but all
the other nations, began.
It will not cease before it has reached its goal. The truth can not be
stopped by lies or force. It will get through. The Jews will meet
their Cannae at the end of this war. Not Europe, rather they will
lose. They may laugh at this prophecy today, but they have laughed so
often in the past, and almost as often they stopped laughing sooner or
later. Not only do we know precisely what we want, we also know
precisely what we do not want. The deceived nations of he Earth may
still lack the knowledge they need, but we will bring it to them. How
will the Jews stop that in the long run? They believe their power
rests on sure foundations, but it stands on feet of clay. One hard
blow and it will collapse, burying the creators of the misfortunes of
the world in its ruins.

Message has been deleted

Vanilla Gorilla (Monkey Boy)

Mar 11, 2006, 2:43:02 PM3/11/06
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 12:59:40 GMT, "Chadwick StoneŠ"
<chad_...@> wrote in in message

> > The theory is that there are holes at the north and south pole which
> > are quite large in diameter but they're always covered by fog. Also
> > the theory is that any pictures from space that show any sort of
> > hole, are doctored before the public see them.

> Bullshit. I've seen raw, undoctored, hi-resolution satellite imaging of
> the antartic and there are no such holes.


"i would blame them it they went on a holy jhiad and killed off all the infidels, would you?"
- AssLexa's "200+" alien-implanted IQ jumps the rails and crashes into a grade school, killing all inside.

Change pobox dot alaska to gci.

Sarcasm is my sword, Apathy is my shield.


Mar 13, 2006, 8:39:54 AM3/13/06

"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in

I've got absolutely no idea what you're getting at, but I'm sure its
stunning if your little pebble and turtles are anything to go by.

> >Not only are there holes at the poles but various passageways around the
> >world, that native tribes speak of legends and people who disappear into
> >earth and re-emerge years later in some cases.
> >As a person goes into the earth gravity disappears and there is a null
> >where people become weightless, and then as they gradually approach the
> >inner earth gravity again asserts itself. The gravity on the inner earth
> >due to centrifugal force, like when you spin a bucket of water and it
> >doesn't spill.
> >
> >Hollow earth proponents maintain that not only earth, but all planets are
> >hollow.
> >
> >Hey, its possible!
> >Don't reject the theory until you've checked it out.
> I *have* checked it out. That's the difference between us. I *know*
> that hollow Earths is wrong, and a nonsense.
> Start with Pi (you can independently determine this
> Work out the circumference of the Earth ( you can independently do
> this)
> Work out the gravitational constant (you can independently do this)

No, I don't know what it is.

> Work out the distance of the Moon (you can independently do this)
> Work out the density of the Earth (you can independently do this)

No I can't.

> Work out the orbital mechanics of orbiting bodies (you can
> independently do this)

No I can.t

> When you have done this, come back, and I will explain why stars
> cannot form inside of planets.

You'll be waiting a long time, because I don't know what the hell you're
talking about.
Why don't you just do the calculations and explain what they're supposed to


David Simpson

Mar 13, 2006, 9:50:58 AM3/13/06
On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 00:39:54 +1100, "Carole" <>
typed furiously:


>"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in
>> On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 23:26:28 +1100, "Carole" <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >"David Simpson" <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >> On Sun, 05 Mar 2006 23:52:07 GMT, Rob Sandilands
>> >> <> typed furiously:


>> >I know it sounds insane, but there are some rather convincing articles or
>> >books on the hollow earth theory and its not as crazy as it first seems.
>> >
>> >The theory is that there are holes at the north and south pole which are
>> >quite large in diameter but they're always covered by fog. Also the
>> >is that any pictures from space that show any sort of hole, are doctored
>> >before the public see them.
>> Have you figured out the consequences of pi yet, you idiot?
>I've got absolutely no idea what you're getting at, but I'm sure its
>stunning if your little pebble and turtles are anything to go by.

That's Carole. No mathematical ability at all. Is it any wonder she
believes in a hollow earth?

The calculations show the density and mass of the Earth, Mars, Venus,
etc. They also show the mass of the Sun.

Since the mass of the sun is several thousand times greater than that
of the earth it is impossible for the Earth to have a sun inside it
because the earth is too small, the sun is too big and, if there were
a sun inside the earth, the mass of the earth would be much greater
and we would be as flat as pancakes totally unable to stand up because
of the gravitational force.

The increased mass would be due to the fact that under a certain mass
a sun will not ignite into a flaming ball. Jupiter is too small for
example although only just too small. Jupiter is many times larger
than the earth and much more massive. If a sun did ignite inside a
hollow earth the outer shell of earth would burn off in seconds.

I hope I've explained things simply enough for you, Carole. The
concept makes for a wonderful story but it simply cannot occur in

Wally Anglesea™

Mar 13, 2006, 12:35:13 PM3/13/06
On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 00:39:54 +1100, "Carole" <>

I'm not surprised.

Let's do it again, you moron. You have said "what we are taught in
school is nothing more than indoctrination"

You can independently determine Pi, and many constants. Doing so,
will help you understand why there is no hollow earth, and why there
is no star at the centre of the earth. Are you prepared to do so.,

> but I'm sure its
>stunning if your little pebble and turtles are anything to go by.

Well, the pebble is in jail for 5 years, for sexual assault of a
minor, and facing further charges.

Eat it.

You mean, you *won't* because it will destroy your precious fantasy,
you credophile.

>> Work out the orbital mechanics of orbiting bodies (you can
>> independently do this)
>No I can.t

Why can't you?

>> When you have done this, come back, and I will explain why stars
>> cannot form inside of planets.
>You'll be waiting a long time, because I don't know what the hell you're
>talking about.
>Why don't you just do the calculations and explain what they're supposed to

It's no god if you won't do them. You are simply afraid that one of
your precious fantasies will come crashing down, aren't you,


Mar 14, 2006, 2:41:33 PM3/14/06

"David Simpson" <> wrote in message

> On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 00:39:54 +1100, "Carole" <>

> >> Have you figured out the consequences of pi yet, you idiot?
> >
> >I've got absolutely no idea what you're getting at, but I'm sure its
> >stunning if your little pebble and turtles are anything to go by.
> >

> That's Carole. No mathematical ability at all. Is it any wonder she
> believes in a hollow earth?

FYI Dave, the mathematical calculations aren't all that reliable because
they're based on theories which are on data that isn't reliable. Nobody
really knows what goes on in the earth below a few miles and its mostly

What's taught in colleges and institute of learning isn't necessarily
correct. Theories are changing all the time.
The deepest borehole drilled for scientific purposes is located on the
Kola Peninsula near Murmansk, Russia, in the northwestern part of the Baltic
Shield. The drilling of the main borehole began in 1970, and a final depth
of 12,262 metres was reached in 1994. The drilling of this and other deep
and superdeep wells has produced one surprise after another, and the
findings have been extremely embarrassing for earth scientists [1]. One
scientist commented: 'Every time we drill a hole we find the unexpected.
That's exciting, but disturbing.' And a science reporter remarked: 'Kola
revealed how far from truth scientific theory can roam.'

> The increased mass would be due to the fact that under a certain mass
> a sun will not ignite into a flaming ball. Jupiter is too small for
> example although only just too small. Jupiter is many times larger
> than the earth and much more massive. If a sun did ignite inside a
> hollow earth the outer shell of earth would burn off in seconds.

People don't really have a unified theory of physics. There are two branches
that are at odds with each other.
The scandal of general relativity and quantum mechanics
Roger Anderton

> I hope I've explained things simply enough for you, Carole. The
> concept makes for a wonderful story but it simply cannot occur in
> nature.

You've explain it to the best of *your* understanding Dave.
BUT, considering we've been taught so much bunk about everything including
the nature of life and the universe, I would say everything is up for grabs.

And you know that oil *ins't* a fossil fuel, don't you?
see or maybe its got a .html ending - can't remember
off the top of my head.

And you know that Peal Harbor *wasn't* a surprise attack, don't you?
You can look that one up for yourself - you should get over 1/2 million hits



Mar 14, 2006, 2:50:08 PM3/14/06

"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in

> >> >> >>
> >> >quite large in diameter but they're always covered by fog. Also the
> >theory
> >> >is that any pictures from space that show any sort of hole, are
> >> >before the public see them.
> >>
> >>
> >> Have you figured out the consequences of pi yet, you idiot?
> >
> >I've got absolutely no idea what you're getting at,
> I'm not surprised.
> Let's do it again, you moron. You have said "what we are taught in
> school is nothing more than indoctrination"
> You can independently determine Pi, and many constants. Doing so,
> will help you understand why there is no hollow earth, and why there
> is no star at the centre of the earth. Are you prepared to do so.,

I can't see how using pi can prove anything.
You can work out circumference and volume and that's it. So what?

> > but I'm sure its
> >stunning if your little pebble and turtles are anything to go by.
> Well, the pebble is in jail for 5 years, for sexual assault of a
> minor, and facing further charges.
> Eat it.

That could have been rigged. These days people get jail for nothing and get
off when they should be jailed. So what?

What do you mean by the density?
How does anybody know how dense the earth is when they don't know how many
hollow caverns there are, how much porous limestone, how much lead etc.

> >>
> >> Work out the orbital mechanics of orbiting bodies (you can
> >> independently do this)
> >>
> >No I can.t
> Why can't you?

What is "orbital mechanics" and what does it have to do with the price of

> >> When you have done this, come back, and I will explain why stars
> >> cannot form inside of planets.
> >
> >You'll be waiting a long time, because I don't know what the hell you're
> >talking about.
> >Why don't you just do the calculations and explain what they're supposed
> >prove.
> It's no god if you won't do them. You are simply afraid that one of
> your precious fantasies will come crashing down, aren't you,
> credophile?

No I'm not afraid to find out the truth.
But the data that you're working on isn't reliable, so any calculations
won't prove a thing.
The figures given for the masses and densities of all planets, stars,
etc. are purely theoretical; nobody has ever placed one on a balance and
weighed it! The masses of celestial bodies can be calculated from what is
known as Newton's form of Kepler's third law. Kepler's law states that the
ratio of the cube of the mean distance (r) of each planet from the sun to
the square of its period of revolution (T) is always the same number (r³/T²
= constant). Newton's version of this law arbitrarily assumes that r³/T² is
equal to the inert mass of the body multiplied by the gravitational constant
(GM = 4?²r³/T²).



Mar 14, 2006, 3:21:08 PM3/14/06
Carole wrote:

'Nothing to do with Freemasonry.'

Why do you find it necessary to post your hollow earth theories on a
newsgroup that is supposed to be about Masonic topics?

George K.

Wally Anglesea™

Mar 14, 2006, 4:40:50 PM3/14/06
On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:41:33 +1100, "Carole" <>

>"David Simpson" <> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 00:39:54 +1100, "Carole" <>
>> >> Have you figured out the consequences of pi yet, you idiot?
>> >
>> >I've got absolutely no idea what you're getting at, but I'm sure its
>> >stunning if your little pebble and turtles are anything to go by.
>> >
>> That's Carole. No mathematical ability at all. Is it any wonder she
>> believes in a hollow earth?
>FYI Dave, the mathematical calculations aren't all that reliable because
>they're based on theories which are on data that isn't reliable.

You stupid moron. Pi isn't suspect. Nor is G,

You can determine each of them by yourself, you credophile.

Pi , and G remain utterly obvious, you complete idiot.

Wally Anglesea™

Mar 14, 2006, 4:44:37 PM3/14/06
On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:50:08 +1100, "Carole" <>

>"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in
>> >> >> >>
>> >> >quite large in diameter but they're always covered by fog. Also the
>> >theory
>> >> >is that any pictures from space that show any sort of hole, are
>> >> >before the public see them.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Have you figured out the consequences of pi yet, you idiot?
>> >
>> >I've got absolutely no idea what you're getting at,
>> I'm not surprised.
>> Let's do it again, you moron. You have said "what we are taught in
>> school is nothing more than indoctrination"
>> You can independently determine Pi, and many constants. Doing so,
>> will help you understand why there is no hollow earth, and why there
>> is no star at the centre of the earth. Are you prepared to do so.,
>I can't see how using pi can prove anything.
>You can work out circumference and volume and that's it. So what?
>> > but I'm sure its
>> >stunning if your little pebble and turtles are anything to go by.
>> Well, the pebble is in jail for 5 years, for sexual assault of a
>> minor, and facing further charges.
>> Eat it.
>That could have been rigged. These days people get jail for nothing and get
>off when they should be jailed. So what?

So you are saying he'sis an innocent, misunderstood individual?

Are you so completely stupid?

I guess the evidence that you *are* so completely stupid, is all

You can work it out, you moron.

You just *might* want to try, but you won't because you are a
conspiracy junkie, and afraid to test your fantasies.

>> >>
>> >> Work out the orbital mechanics of orbiting bodies (you can
>> >> independently do this)
>> >>
>> >No I can.t
>> Why can't you?
>What is "orbital mechanics" and what does it have to do with the price of

Nothing, but if you try to figure it out, you can work out how much
mass there is in the Earth.

>> >> When you have done this, come back, and I will explain why stars
>> >> cannot form inside of planets.
>> >
>> >You'll be waiting a long time, because I don't know what the hell you're
>> >talking about.
>> >Why don't you just do the calculations and explain what they're supposed
>> >prove.
>> It's no god if you won't do them. You are simply afraid that one of
>> your precious fantasies will come crashing down, aren't you,
>> credophile?
>No I'm not afraid to find out the truth.
>But the data that you're working on isn't reliable, so any calculations
>won't prove a thing.

Pi isn't reliable???????

David Simpson

Mar 14, 2006, 4:40:05 PM3/14/06
On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:41:33 +1100, "Carole" <>
typed furiously:


>"David Simpson" <> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 00:39:54 +1100, "Carole" <>
>> >> Have you figured out the consequences of pi yet, you idiot?
>> >
>> >I've got absolutely no idea what you're getting at, but I'm sure its
>> >stunning if your little pebble and turtles are anything to go by.
>> >
>> That's Carole. No mathematical ability at all. Is it any wonder she
>> believes in a hollow earth?
>FYI Dave, the mathematical calculations aren't all that reliable because
>they're based on theories which are on data that isn't reliable. Nobody
>really knows what goes on in the earth below a few miles and its mostly

They're only unreliable to you because you have no mathematical

>> The calculations show the density and mass of the Earth, Mars, Venus,
>> etc. They also show the mass of the Sun.
>> Since the mass of the sun is several thousand times greater than that
>> of the earth it is impossible for the Earth to have a sun inside it
>> because the earth is too small, the sun is too big and, if there were
>> a sun inside the earth, the mass of the earth would be much greater
>> and we would be as flat as pancakes totally unable to stand up because
>> of the gravitational force.
>What's taught in colleges and institute of learning isn't necessarily
>correct. Theories are changing all the time.
> The deepest borehole drilled for scientific purposes is located on the
>Kola Peninsula near Murmansk, Russia, in the northwestern part of the Baltic
>Shield. The drilling of the main borehole began in 1970, and a final depth
>of 12,262 metres was reached in 1994. The drilling of this and other deep
>and superdeep wells has produced one surprise after another, and the
>findings have been extremely embarrassing for earth scientists [1]. One
>scientist commented: 'Every time we drill a hole we find the unexpected.
>That's exciting, but disturbing.' And a science reporter remarked: 'Kola
>revealed how far from truth scientific theory can roam.'

Which does not alter the underlying assumptions but does show that
local variations are possible. The site did not change any figures for
the overall density of the earth.

>> The increased mass would be due to the fact that under a certain mass
>> a sun will not ignite into a flaming ball. Jupiter is too small for
>> example although only just too small. Jupiter is many times larger
>> than the earth and much more massive. If a sun did ignite inside a
>> hollow earth the outer shell of earth would burn off in seconds.
>People don't really have a unified theory of physics. There are two branches
>that are at odds with each other.
>The scandal of general relativity and quantum mechanics
>Roger Anderton

Why do you call it a "scandal"? Perhaps you should read the works of
Stephen Hawking. He doesn't seem to think the dichotomy is too great.

>> I hope I've explained things simply enough for you, Carole. The
>> concept makes for a wonderful story but it simply cannot occur in
>> nature.
>You've explain it to the best of *your* understanding Dave.
>BUT, considering we've been taught so much bunk about everything including
>the nature of life and the universe, I would say everything is up for grabs.
>And you know that oil *ins't* a fossil fuel, don't you?
>see or maybe its got a .html ending - can't remember
>off the top of my head.

From that page:
"My D. Van Nostrand "Scientific Encyclopedia" says "Magma is the term
for molten material. A natural, complex, liquid, high temperature,
silicate solution ancestral to all igneous rocks,both intrusive and
effusive. The origin of Magma is not known." My "Oxford English
Dictionary" does not even have the word "Magma." "

It must have been a very ancient dictionary for it not to include that
word. If he got that wrong then it doesn't say much for the rest of
his research.

>And you know that Peal Harbor *wasn't* a surprise attack, don't you?
>You can look that one up for yourself - you should get over 1/2 million hits
>if you type in PEARL HARBOR + CONSPIRACY.

Something that happened sixty years ago? So what? There are plenty of
nuts out there who will believe anything, including yourself.

Thanks for the laugh.

David Moss

Mar 14, 2006, 7:26:09 PM3/14/06
In article <44171d88$0$23306$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader->, writes...

> What do you mean by the density?
> How does anybody know how dense the earth is when they don't know how many
> hollow caverns there are, how much porous limestone, how much lead etc.

I'll assume you aren't just being obtuse, that you really want to know.

Mass is how heavy something is. It is measured in kilograms. The
kilogram is the only measurement that is kept as a physical standard.
They actually have a standard 1kg weight in France that is used as a

The Centre of Mass is the point in three dimensional space at which all
the mass contained in an object can be considered to be concentrated for
purposes of calculation.

Length is a physical measurement of distance. It used to be defined as a
fraction of the circumference of the earth, but nowadays it is defined
as a fraction of the wavelength of a particular frequency of light.

Volume is a physical measurement of the displacement of a 3 dimensional
object. If you immerse the object completely in water it will displace a
specific amount of water. A box with sides each of 1 metre in length
will have a volume of 1 cubic metre. (length x breadth s height)

Density is the ratio of the mass of an object to its volume.
A 1kg object with 1 cubic metre of volume will have a density of 1kg per
cubic metre.

Force is a measure of how rapidly an action can accelerate a mass. It is
measured in Newtons. A force of 1N will accelerate a mass of 1kg 1 metre
per second for each second it is applied.

Gravity is a force of attraction between masses. It is proportional to
the mass of the objects that are interacting. The earth exerts a
gravitational attraction of 9.8 Newtons of force on each kilogram of
mass at sea level.

The General Gravitation Constant (G) has been experimentally determined
to be 6.6742 * 10^-11 N m^2 kg^-2

The radius of the earth has been measured by direct observation and its
average value is 6372795.477598 metres.

The gravitational force between any 2 objects can be worked out with a

Force = (the general gravitation constant, or G) times (mass of object
1) times (mass of object 2) divided by (the distance between their
centres of mass squared)

We can observe everything except the mass of the earth directly, and we
have determined the general gravitational constant by conducting large
numbers of experiments with known masses and distances.

By rearranging the formula we can determine the mass of the earth:

Mass of Earth in kg = Force * (distance between the centres of mass of
the 2 objects squared)/ (G * 1kg)

(9.8 * 6372795.477598 * 6372795.477598m)/ (6.6742 * 10^-11)

0r 5.9736×10^24 kg

or 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms

The volume of the earth is (pi) times (radius of the earth)^2

3.1415926535897932384626433832795 * 6372795.477598 * 6372795.477598

or 1.0832×10^12 cubic kilometers

giving a density of 5,515 kg/cubic metre

You might note that water has a density of 1kg/cubic metre.

So, if the earth were hollow it must be filled with something five times
denser than water. Basalt rock is only 3 times as dense as water so it
can't be just solid basalt. Solid iron is 7.8 times as dense as water so
it can't all be solid iron.

The generally accepted theory is that the earth is not hollow and is
composed of different materials which, when added up, have an average
density of 5,515 kg/cubic metre, somewhere between basalt and iron.

I hope that clears things up.

personal opinion only

David Moss

Mar 14, 2006, 7:43:28 PM3/14/06
In article <>, q0320811 writes...

> You might note that water has a density of 1kg/cubic metre.

Whoops: 1000kg/cubic metre


Mar 14, 2006, 10:18:44 PM3/14/06

"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in

I just fail to see why you are so obsessed with little pebble.
Or turtles too for that matter.



Mar 14, 2006, 10:17:37 PM3/14/06

"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in

> On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:41:33 +1100, "Carole" <>
> wrote:
> >
> >"David Simpson" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 00:39:54 +1100, "Carole" <>
> >
> >
> >> >> Have you figured out the consequences of pi yet, you idiot?
> >> >
> >> >I've got absolutely no idea what you're getting at, but I'm sure its
> >> >stunning if your little pebble and turtles are anything to go by.
> >> >
> >
> >> That's Carole. No mathematical ability at all. Is it any wonder she
> >> believes in a hollow earth?
> >
> >FYI Dave, the mathematical calculations aren't all that reliable because
> >they're based on theories which are on data that isn't reliable.
> You stupid moron. Pi isn't suspect. Nor is G,
> You can determine each of them by yourself, you credophile.

Where did I say that pi was suspect?
I really can't see what pi has to do with anything.

You are the one who says that pi rules out the earth being hollow. You said
it, you prove it.


Spiny Norman

Mar 14, 2006, 11:33:45 PM3/14/06
On Fri, 10 Mar 2006 23:26:28 +1100, "Carole" <>
wrote in aus.general:

>I know it sounds insane, but there are some rather convincing articles or
>books on the hollow earth theory and its not as crazy as it first seems.

I don't find the theory that the earth is hollow that astounding after
recently discovering there is a theory that the sun is not made of
hydrogen but has a solid iron surface.

It also appears to have some support in the scientific community. No,
I don't know if this is the lunatic fringe (almost a pun)

>The theory is that there are holes at the north and south pole which are
>quite large in diameter but they're always covered by fog. Also the theory
>is that any pictures from space that show any sort of hole, are doctored
>before the public see them.

Now this I do find a bit too much to believe, apart from anything else
the arctic is water so the ocean would fall down the hole! yet both
the Americans and the Russians have sailed submarines under the ice.
And some of the trans Antarctica explorers might have noticed a hole
if they nearly fell down it.


Timendi causa est nescire
This message only uses recycled electrons

Wally Anglesea™

Mar 15, 2006, 12:59:05 AM3/15/06
On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 14:17:37 +1100, "Carole" <>


>"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in
>> On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:41:33 +1100, "Carole" <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >"David Simpson" <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >> On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 00:39:54 +1100, "Carole" <>
>> >
>> >
>> >> >> Have you figured out the consequences of pi yet, you idiot?
>> >> >
>> >> >I've got absolutely no idea what you're getting at, but I'm sure its
>> >> >stunning if your little pebble and turtles are anything to go by.
>> >> >
>> >
>> >> That's Carole. No mathematical ability at all. Is it any wonder she
>> >> believes in a hollow earth?
>> >
>> >FYI Dave, the mathematical calculations aren't all that reliable because
>> >they're based on theories which are on data that isn't reliable.
>> You stupid moron. Pi isn't suspect. Nor is G,
>> You can determine each of them by yourself, you credophile.
>Where did I say that pi was suspect?
>I really can't see what pi has to do with anything.

Start here you ignorant idiot, and tell us which of the formulas is

in particular, explain why G would be wrong. G is the "gravitational
constant. I look forward top you claiming that the value of G is
wrong, when it can be determined individually, you stupid cow.

Or, since we agree that anyone can independently come up with a value
G, be a process, you agree that G is correct?

While you are at that page you ignorant fool, have a look at *all the
other things Pi has to do with*

If you weren't as terminally stupid as you have demonstrated time and
again, you wouldn't make such nonsensical claims as "All education is
just about indoctrination", and stupid, stupid statements like "What
has pi got to do with anything?"

>You are the one who says that pi rules out the earth being hollow.

No, I asked you to start with pi.

>You said
>it, you prove it.

OK you agree that Pi is without doubt.

Do you agree that Newton figured out the laws of gravity, and figured
out how to calculate masses of orbiting bodies?

Wally Anglesea™

Mar 15, 2006, 1:02:10 AM3/15/06
On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 00:26:09 GMT, David Moss
<> wrote:

>In article <44171d88$0$23306$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-
>>, writes...
>> What do you mean by the density?
>> How does anybody know how dense the earth is when they don't know how many
>> hollow caverns there are, how much porous limestone, how much lead etc.
>I'll assume you aren't just being obtuse, that you really want to know.

She's stupid. Terminally stupid.

You did well with the explanation, but I fear it will go right through
her empty head.

and in repeated independent experiments, confirmed.

You are very patient.

David Moss

Mar 15, 2006, 3:39:30 AM3/15/06
In article <>, writes...

> >I hope that clears things up
> You are very patient.

Actually it surprised me the number of things you have to know in order
to do this calculation. Members of certain religious groups are not
permitted by the group to study science past year ten. There is no way
they would have the background to understand the calculation without a
lot of help. Yet its one of the fundamental building blocks in
understanding how everything works.

BTW I hope the little pebble likes his cocoa hot, and what the heck is
it with the turtles anyway?

John Brockbank

Mar 15, 2006, 12:47:38 PM3/15/06

>"David Moss" <> wrote in message

0r 5.9736×10^24 kg

or 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilograms


Whoops. You were going well until then. four thirds pi r cubed, I think.
So 9/10 then. Still a pass though<g>


Mar 15, 2006, 12:56:35 PM3/15/06
Carole wrote:

> "Joe Steve Swick III" <> wrote in message
> news:NkoPf.1588$

>>Whatever they see for people's lives it won't be very pleasant. If you've
>>read 1985 by George Orwell it might be something like that where people
> live
>>in fear of thought crime and being dobbed in by their neighbors, where all
>>the basic necessities of life are rationed and where the world is at
>>permanent war against a manufactured enemy.


>>The name of the book was "1984".

> That should have been "1984". I accidentally hit the wrong key, sorry about
> that.
> There is some sort of shadow government controlling things from behind the
> scenes, with a hidden agenda of some sort. I'd love to know how much they
> spend on disinformation and dumbing down the public to what is really going
> on.
> Of course secret societies are only part of the strategy to achieve world
> dominance. They use think tanks, education and the mass media to do a lot of
> damage as well.
> Operation Mockingbird: The Subversion Of The Free Press By The CIA
> "You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple
> hundred dollars a month." CIA operative discussing with Philip Graham,
> editor Washington Post, on the availability and prices of journalists
> willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories.
> If the truth was really known about what was going on in the world, no doubt
> it would be mind boggling.
> The public are treated as total idiots, we are dumbed down and fed garbage
> and disinformation on a continual basis.
> People are just incredibly dumbed down in every way. Some of the areas where
> we are lied to and fed garbage include -
> * cures for diseases are suppressed
> * the peak oil myth, that oil is a fossil fuel which it isn't
> * suppression of free non-polluting energy
> * education is more to socialise than teaching anything meaningful
> * religion
> There has to be some people helping to pull all this deception over on the
> public.
> Secret societies are likely candidates for overseeing all this sort of
> disinformation and keeping the public in the dark.
> Carole

Ask the debunkers what their solution to todays problems is and you will
find they do not have a solution. They are paid to maintain the lies
that create war, crime, poverty, disease, etc.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they
are free." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

What can one do or say that will help others wake up to the reality of
what is occuring locally, nationally and globally and decide to act in
their best interests? One way is to identify those that maintain hell on
earth through the issuance of paper money created out of thin air at our
expense. Lets face facts. Our government is a luciferian organized
criminal fascist enterprise run by religious capitalists[jesuIT masonic
zionists] intent on retaining control over us and our children. Our
government is in fact composed of luciferian lovers of money and is the
scourge of our times. Our entire way of life is corrupt to its core
because we allow ourselves to be ruled and deceived by luciferian lovers
of money enacting monied laws to rule over us at our expense. Our
history is filled with global genocide, monied lies, manufactured
disease, raw greed, and merciless brainwashing, along with a slow
erosion of our rights to exist as sovereign and free human beings. If
this agenda is not luciferian I don't know what is.

I state the above because I want to be clear. Our rights are being
compromised for economic reasons created from the love of money. We can
therefore blame the economic system, work to fix IT, and get on with
life. Given this simple fact, would it not make sense to fix the
economic system that is compromising our rights as well as our freedoms
and futures?

Here then is an overview of YOUtopia, designed to fix todays problems
through simple, viable, cheap, peaceful economic reform. I would like to
see this email reach a large audience. The bigger the better. Can you help?

= = =


MISSION of YOUtopia: To forward and support in-common yearnings for
peace, freedom, love, justice, understanding, prosperity, health,
opportunity, and growth for the good of all our relations through the
discussion and dissemination of simple, viable, peaceful,
common-sensical economic reform designed to benefit everybody worldwide
no matter their beliefs or belief system.

DESCRIPTION of YOUtopia: YOUtopia in practical terms is in essence an
economic system designed to empower the active manifestation of dreams
built on individual and collective philosophies and beliefs. The
inhabitants of YOUtopia, are YOU, ME, US and THEM. In other words, WE
EACH define YOUtopia according to OUR terms, dreams, needs, wants, and
desires, BOTH individually AND collectively as co-inhabitants of
YOUtopia. YOUtopia is grounded in the human condition and is designed to
improve the human condition for all peoples worldwide through sound,
viable, peaceful economic reform that is designed to improve living
conditions for all life forms. YOUtopia is a TRUE global economic system
that is designed to fill need, want, and desire at a highly reduced cost
for the good of all our relations.

VIRTUES of YOUtopia: YOUtopia is anti-war, anti-poverty, anti-crime,
anti-disease, and anti-usury. YOUtopia is pro-freedom, pro-peace,
pro-growth, and pro-prosperity. YOUtopia is not a religion, a political
movement or a cult. YOUtopia embraces self-expression, diversity and
freedom for all. YOUtopia is also designed to empower growth for all,
all at a lesser cost for all.

PHILOSOPHY of YOUtopia: In a phrase, freedom from monetary limitations
imposed on peoples worldwide through centralized world banking cartels
imposing monied policies, rules, laws, and practices implemented and
institutionalized at the expense of others. The philosophy of YOUtopia
simply put is to work together for the good of the all instead of the
few through basic economic reform.

ECONOMIC SYSTEM of YOUtopia: YOUtopia is structured around simple
concepts and ideas aimed to enable and empower all belief systems eqally
and equitably for the good of all. The way to accomplish this seemingly
daunting task is to seperate and expand the current global monied
economic models into a simple yet effective two-tiered system based on
the application of usury for all in-common and all un-common goods and
services. In other words, all IN-COMMON goods and services would be
usury-free and All UN-COMMON goods and services would not be usury-free.
In simpler terms, money would remain for both tiers, usury would not.

BENEFITS of YOUtopia: The benefits of such a simplfied usury-reformation
economic system are profound. Less monied war, poverty, crime, disease
coupled with more freedom, opportunity, prosperity, growth for the good
of all worldwide.

Ask: Do you want more stuff for you and yours? Do you want a bigger
better house? Do you want a bigger better car/truck? Do you want more
cash in your pocket? Do you want more free time to enjoy more stuff? Do
you want more prosperity? Do you want more opportunity? Do you want more
efficiency? Do you want less disease, less war, less poverty, less
suffering, and less confusion? Do you want future generations to grow up
with unlimited potential? Do you want everyone to enjoy more freedom,
peace, love, understanding, respect, prosperity, and growth for the good
of all our relations or do you only want a select few to enjoy these
benefits at your expense? If you want more good things, choose usury
reformation and the above mentioned benefits will become manifest.

In closing for now, each of us have a choice to make. Freedom FROM
monied evil or slavery TO monied evil. I choose Freedom. How about you?

David Roblee

Wally Anglesea™

Mar 15, 2006, 4:10:49 PM3/15/06
On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 08:39:30 GMT, David Moss
<> wrote:

>In article <>,
> writes...
>> >I hope that clears things up
>> You are very patient.
>Actually it surprised me the number of things you have to know in order
>to do this calculation. Members of certain religious groups are not
>permitted by the group to study science past year ten.

Yeah, and a local religious group made sure the science centre covered
up anything that might "give the wrong idea" when they visited.
Which in my opinion, would have meant the entire centre. :-)

>There is no way
>they would have the background to understand the calculation without a
>lot of help. Yet its one of the fundamental building blocks in
>understanding how everything works.
>BTW I hope the little pebble likes his cocoa hot,

Well if he doesn't, he's got a long time to get used to it.

> and what the heck is
>it with the turtles anyway?

1: the story about an astronomer who was discussing the solar system,
and was told by a little old man/woman in the audience "Wonderful
lecture, of course, you know it's wrong, because the Earth travels
through space on the back of a turtle" to which the astronomer asked
"But pray tell, what does the Turtles stand on?" to which he got the
answer I quote.

It shows the mental gymnastics people will go through to keep a
fantasy alive.

2: Terry Pratchett. I love his books. :-)

David Simpson

Mar 15, 2006, 4:36:04 PM3/15/06
On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 08:56:35 -0900, toz <> typed

>Carole wrote:

>Ask the debunkers what their solution to todays problems is and you will
>find they do not have a solution. They are paid to maintain the lies
>that create war, crime, poverty, disease, etc.

Who pays? I want my share.

[Snip of illogical rant about socialisation]

David Moss

Mar 15, 2006, 7:05:13 PM3/15/06
In article <4418533a$>, writes...

> The volume of the earth is (pi) times (radius of the earth)^2
> >
> Whoops. You were going well until then. four thirds pi r cubed, I think.
> So 9/10 then. Still a pass though<g>

Good thing I don't work for NASA hey!

The results ought to be right though, I calculated them first and
checked the answers against references. Then I went through and filled
in the explanation and working.

Thanks for bothering to check John.

Wally Anglesea™

Mar 15, 2006, 7:20:57 PM3/15/06
On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 08:06:04 +1030, David Simpson
<> wrote:

>On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 08:56:35 -0900, toz <> typed
>>Carole wrote:
>>Ask the debunkers what their solution to todays problems is and you will
>>find they do not have a solution. They are paid to maintain the lies
>>that create war, crime, poverty, disease, etc.
>Who pays? I want my share.

It's the sekrit illuminati lizard alien overlord rulers.

You have to submit your application to the sekrit bunker, then you get
your cheques on a monthly retainer.
I cannot give you the address to submit your application to over a
public forum.

Someone will contact you over the next 24 hours, with a meeting place,
and instructions for the paperwork, and how to apply for backpay.

On behalf of the sekrit illuminati alien overlord rulers, I apologise
that you were overlooked. It's just that there are so many of us that
sometimes people get missed.

Art Deco

Mar 15, 2006, 7:50:59 PM3/15/06
Wally Anglesea™ <> wrote:

>On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 08:06:04 +1030, David Simpson
><> wrote:
>>On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 08:56:35 -0900, toz <> typed
>>>Carole wrote:
>>>Ask the debunkers what their solution to todays problems is and you will
>>>find they do not have a solution. They are paid to maintain the lies
>>>that create war, crime, poverty, disease, etc.
>>Who pays? I want my share.
>It's the sekrit illuminati lizard alien overlord rulers.
>You have to submit your application to the sekrit bunker, then you get
>your cheques on a monthly retainer.
>I cannot give you the address to submit your application to over a
>public forum.
>Someone will contact you over the next 24 hours, with a meeting place,
>and instructions for the paperwork, and how to apply for backpay.
>On behalf of the sekrit illuminati alien overlord rulers, I apologise
>that you were overlooked. It's just that there are so many of us that
>sometimes people get missed.

Charles D. "Chu*k" Bohne is an expert on the sekrit illuminati alien
overlord rulers.

Official Associate AFA-B Vote Rustler
Official Overseer of Kooks and Saucerheads in alt.astronomy
Official Agent of Deception
Co-Winner, alt.(f)lame Worst Flame War, December 2005

"Causation of gravity is missing frame field always attempting
renormalization back to base memory of equalized uniform momentum."
-- nightbat the saucerhead-in-chief


Mar 16, 2006, 6:41:28 AM3/16/06

"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in

> On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:50:08 +1100, "Carole" <>
> wrote:
> >

> >>
> >> Well, the pebble is in jail for 5 years, for sexual assault of a
> >> minor, and facing further charges.
> >>
> >> Eat it.
> >
> >That could have been rigged. These days people get jail for nothing and
> >off when they should be jailed. So what?
> So you are saying he'sis an innocent, misunderstood individual?

What were the parents doing all that time?

> Are you so completely stupid?
> I guess the evidence that you *are* so completely stupid, is all
> around.

I find that comment offensive.

I find your manner offensive. Do you always use ad hominem attacks to try
and assert your superiority?

Do you know the meaning of "density"?
My interpretation of "density" is how dense something is ie, porous rock is
not as dense as non-porous rock.

> You just *might* want to try, but you won't because you are a
> conspiracy junkie, and afraid to test your fantasies.

The reason I became a "conspiracy junkie" is because there ARE a lot of

> >> >> Work out the orbital mechanics of orbiting bodies (you can
> >> >> independently do this)
> >> >>
> >> >No I can.t
> >> Why can't you?
> >
> >What is "orbital mechanics" and what does it have to do with the price of
> >eggs?
> Nothing, but if you try to figure it out, you can work out how much
> mass there is in the Earth.

Mass yes, but not density.

> >> >> When you have done this, come back, and I will explain why stars
> >> >> cannot form inside of planets.
> >> >
> >> >You'll be waiting a long time, because I don't know what the hell
> >> >talking about.
> >> >Why don't you just do the calculations and explain what they're
> >to
> >> >prove.
> >>
> >> It's no god if you won't do them. You are simply afraid that one of
> >> your precious fantasies will come crashing down, aren't you,
> >> credophile?
> >
> >No I'm not afraid to find out the truth.
> >But the data that you're working on isn't reliable, so any calculations
> >won't prove a thing.
> Pi isn't reliable???????


Wally Anglesea™

Mar 16, 2006, 4:24:29 PM3/16/06
On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 22:41:28 +1100, "Carole" <>


>"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in
>> On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:50:08 +1100, "Carole" <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Well, the pebble is in jail for 5 years, for sexual assault of a
>> >> minor, and facing further charges.
>> >>
>> >> Eat it.
>> >
>> >That could have been rigged. These days people get jail for nothing and
>> >off when they should be jailed. So what?
>> So you are saying he'sis an innocent, misunderstood individual?
>What were the parents doing all that time?

Basically the same thing that many parents of children who are
molested are.

>> Are you so completely stupid?
>> I guess the evidence that you *are* so completely stupid, is all
>> around.
>I find that comment offensive.

Too bad. It's plain to see how deliberately stupid you are.

No. Like I said, you can work it out. You refuse to do so, so I can
only assume you are a moron.

>Do you know the meaning of "density"?
>My interpretation of "density" is how dense something is ie, porous rock is
>not as dense as non-porous rock.

Yes, and you conclude from that?

You have been told over and again, how to work this out, and you
refuse to do so.

Because you are an idiot conspiracy junkie.

>> You just *might* want to try, but you won't because you are a
>> conspiracy junkie, and afraid to test your fantasies.
>The reason I became a "conspiracy junkie" is because there ARE a lot of
>> >> >> Work out the orbital mechanics of orbiting bodies (you can
>> >> >> independently do this)
>> >> >>
>> >> >No I can.t
>> >> Why can't you?
>> >
>> >What is "orbital mechanics" and what does it have to do with the price of
>> >eggs?
>> Nothing, but if you try to figure it out, you can work out how much
>> mass there is in the Earth.
>Mass yes, but not density.

So, you blithering idiot, work out the volume of the Earth, then
calculate how much matter there is in it (and it is possible to do
this independently), then work out the average density.

Or are you too stupid to read the posts of others who have done the
maths for you in this thread?


Mar 17, 2006, 8:02:29 AM3/17/06

"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in

> On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 22:41:28 +1100, "Carole" <>
> wrote:
> >
> >"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in
> >message
> >> On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:50:08 +1100, "Carole" <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >
> >
> >> >>
> >> >> Well, the pebble is in jail for 5 years, for sexual assault of a
> >> >> minor, and facing further charges.
> >> >>
> >> >> Eat it.
> >> >
> >> >That could have been rigged. These days people get jail for nothing
> >get
> >> >off when they should be jailed. So what?
> >>
> >> So you are saying he'sis an innocent, misunderstood individual?
> >
> >What were the parents doing all that time?
> Basically the same thing that many parents of children who are
> molested are.

Children? How old were the girls? And there were three girls, surely between
them they could have told their parents or told little pebble to get lost,
or something similar. The whole case is noteworthy for its insignificance.

> >> Are you so completely stupid?
> >>
> >> I guess the evidence that you *are* so completely stupid, is all
> >> around.
> >
> >I find that comment offensive.
> Too bad. It's plain to see how deliberately stupid you are.

FYI Wal, and just to draw you up on a point or two before we go any further,
I am not deliberately stupid but you throw things up like this pi crap, and
I'm supposed to know what the hell you're talking about. I haven't got a
clue what you're getting at.

So why don't you just spit it out and get to the point, instead of beating
around the bush and making out I know what you're trying to say.

Like I said, I don't know what you're getting at. I'm not a mind reader.

> >Do you know the meaning of "density"?
> >My interpretation of "density" is how dense something is ie, porous rock
> >not as dense as non-porous rock.
> Yes, and you conclude from that?
> You have been told over and again, how to work this out, and you
> refuse to do so.
> Because you are an idiot conspiracy junkie.

At the moment I am a conspiracy junkie, and that is where I'm at.
And at the moment you are a pain in the arse, and that's where you're at.

> >> You just *might* want to try, but you won't because you are a
> >> conspiracy junkie, and afraid to test your fantasies.
> >
> >The reason I became a "conspiracy junkie" is because there ARE a lot of
> >conspiracies.
> >
> >> >> >> Work out the orbital mechanics of orbiting bodies (you can
> >> >> >> independently do this)
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >No I can.t
> >> >> Why can't you?
> >> >
> >> >What is "orbital mechanics" and what does it have to do with the price
> >> >eggs?
> >>
> >> Nothing, but if you try to figure it out, you can work out how much
> >> mass there is in the Earth.
> >
> >Mass yes, but not density.
> So, you blithering idiot, work out the volume of the Earth, then
> calculate how much matter there is in it (and it is possible to do
> this independently), then work out the average density.

Look you bleeding moron, a person can work out the volume of the earth -
This can be achieved by using pi, but a person has to ASSUME that the earth
is solid.
I'm saying that the earth is probably hollow.

You're the blithering idiot.


David Simpson

Mar 17, 2006, 11:58:42 AM3/17/06
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:02:29 +1100, "Carole" <>
typed furiously:

>Look you bleeding moron, a person can work out the volume of the earth -

>This can be achieved by using pi, but a person has to ASSUME that the earth
>is solid.
>I'm saying that the earth is probably hollow.
>You're the blithering idiot.


Barbara's Cat

Mar 17, 2006, 12:18:01 PM3/17/06
In article <>,
David Simpson <> said:

> On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:02:29 +1100, "Carole" <>
> typed furiously:
> >Look you bleeding moron, a person can work out the volume of the earth -
> >yes.
> >This can be achieved by using pi, but a person has to ASSUME that the earth
> >is solid.
> >I'm saying that the earth is probably hollow.
> >
> >You're the blithering idiot.
> <sigh>

You can lead the ignorant to knowledge
but you can't make them think.

The earth is not hollow; but, judging
from her statement, her skull may be.


Wally Anglesea™

Mar 17, 2006, 4:28:39 PM3/17/06
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:02:29 +1100, "Carole" <>

>"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in
>> On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 22:41:28 +1100, "Carole" <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in
>> >message
>> >> On Wed, 15 Mar 2006 06:50:08 +1100, "Carole" <>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Well, the pebble is in jail for 5 years, for sexual assault of a
>> >> >> minor, and facing further charges.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Eat it.
>> >> >
>> >> >That could have been rigged. These days people get jail for nothing
>> >get
>> >> >off when they should be jailed. So what?
>> >>
>> >> So you are saying he'sis an innocent, misunderstood individual?
>> >
>> >What were the parents doing all that time?
>> Basically the same thing that many parents of children who are
>> molested are.
>Children? How old were the girls? And there were three girls,

Once again, you show your ignorance about the subject, the case, and
the environment.

> surely between
>them they could have told their parents or told little pebble to get lost,
>or something similar. The whole case is noteworthy for its insignificance.

Your opinion in the matter is, as with all the things you believe in
in your tiny conspiracy obsessed mind, of no consequence.

>> >> Are you so completely stupid?
>> >>
>> >> I guess the evidence that you *are* so completely stupid, is all
>> >> around.
>> >
>> >I find that comment offensive.
>> Too bad. It's plain to see how deliberately stupid you are.
>FYI Wal, and just to draw you up on a point or two before we go any further,
>I am not deliberately stupid but you throw things up like this pi crap, and
>I'm supposed to know what the hell you're talking about. I haven't got a
>clue what you're getting at.

Because you *are* clueless, and deliberately so.

>So why don't you just spit it out and get to the point, instead of beating
>around the bush and making out I know what you're trying to say.

I thought it was pretty obvious, you moron. It's not my fault you
cannot follow along.
I guess your teachers had the same problem, and gave up on you.

No you don't you complete nitwit. You obviously failed simple
mathematics at school.

The VOLUME of the Earth has nothing to do with whether or not it's
solid. The VOLUME of a sphere has nothing to do with whether or not
it's a solid.

The MASS of the Earth is determined another way. You can
*independently determine the mass of the Earth.

At that point, you can work out the average density, you idiot.

>I'm saying that the earth is probably hollow.

You also, without understanding how utterly stupid you are, think
there's an actual star at it's centre.

....and I, and others have shown you how to figure out it's NOT
hollow, and how it's *impossible* that there is a star at it's

>You're the blithering idiot.

Obviously, the shoe is on *Your* foot.

Wally Anglesea™

Mar 17, 2006, 4:33:54 PM3/17/06
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 03:28:42 +1030, David Simpson
<> wrote:

>On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:02:29 +1100, "Carole" <>
>typed furiously:
>>Look you bleeding moron, a person can work out the volume of the earth -
>>This can be achieved by using pi, but a person has to ASSUME that the earth
>>is solid.
>>I'm saying that the earth is probably hollow.
>>You're the blithering idiot.

you saw where she said this:

>Look you bleeding moron, a person can work out the volume of the earth -
>This can be achieved by using pi, but a person has to ASSUME that the earth
>is solid.

Double sigh.

David Moss

Mar 18, 2006, 1:23:47 AM3/18/06
In article <441ab27f$0$18549$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader->, writes...

> > Basically the same thing that many parents of children who are
> > molested are.
> Children? How old were the girls? And there were three girls, surely between
> them they could have told their parents or told little pebble to get lost,
> or something similar. The whole case is noteworthy for its insignificance.

If you think child molestation is an insignificant thing we will have to
disagree Carole. Its one of the worst crimes on the books.

Typically the paedophile screws with the child's mind before screwing
his or her body. The child is permanently changed by this process, so
much so that many paedophiles were themselves molested as children.

Perverting a child's sense of what is right and what is wrong is perhaps
an even bigger crime than the sex.

The pebble dude wrapped it all up with religious belief too, compounding
the damage. His victims now internally link their religion with sexual
depravity and authority figures with sexual humiliation. They may get
over what was done to their bodies but they will carry what was done to
their minds with them until they die.

I think Wally may have missed the significance of my comment "I hope
little pebble likes his cocoa hot".

In Britain there is a prison tradition called "Cocoaing the S.O."
A long term prisoner will make a steaming hot cup of cocoa, as hot as he
can make it, and "accidentally" tip it over the head of a sexual
offender. Cocoa has a very high sugar content and boils at a much hotter
temperature than plain water. It is also very sticky so it doesn't just
splash off. It sticks and burns. Paedophiles are prime targets for this
tradition and may have to spend their entire sentence in solitary
confinement. Prison staff have been known to make mistakes though,
accidentally placing SOs in with the general population. The mistake is
often not noticed until the SO has had his cocoa.

David Simpson

Mar 18, 2006, 10:57:45 AM3/18/06
On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 06:23:47 GMT, David Moss
<> typed furiously:

>In article <441ab27f$0$18549$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-
>>, writes...
>> > Basically the same thing that many parents of children who are
>> > molested are.
>> Children? How old were the girls? And there were three girls, surely between
>> them they could have told their parents or told little pebble to get lost,
>> or something similar. The whole case is noteworthy for its insignificance.
>If you think child molestation is an insignificant thing we will have to
>disagree Carole. Its one of the worst crimes on the books.
>Typically the paedophile screws with the child's mind before screwing
>his or her body. The child is permanently changed by this process, so
>much so that many paedophiles were themselves molested as children.
>Perverting a child's sense of what is right and what is wrong is perhaps
>an even bigger crime than the sex.

While I agree with this statement I still consider that most damage is
done by the do-gooders who screw up the child by making them feel

>The pebble dude wrapped it all up with religious belief too, compounding
>the damage. His victims now internally link their religion with sexual
>depravity and authority figures with sexual humiliation. They may get
>over what was done to their bodies but they will carry what was done to
>their minds with them until they die.

And it is compounded by the emphasis put on the situation by those who
investigate such matters.

I am not trying to cover-up anything but I've seen children go from
being happy to feeling as if they were the most depraved person in the
world because of the treatment they received from those who were
supposed to be helping.

David Moss

Mar 18, 2006, 9:06:44 PM3/18/06
In article <>, writes...


> >Typically the paedophile screws with the child's mind before screwing
> >his or her body. The child is permanently changed by this process, so
> >much so that many paedophiles were themselves molested as children.
> >
> >Perverting a child's sense of what is right and what is wrong is perhaps
> >an even bigger crime than the sex.

> While I agree with this statement I still consider that most damage is
> done by the do-gooders who screw up the child by making them feel
> guilty.

In most cases the child knows something is wrong about the situation but
doesn't know what. The paedophile is a cunning bastard though and
exploits the situation. He or she takes advantage of this deep seated
recognition of wrongness and transfers the blame to the child in order
to enhance control. The child then feels guilty about what is happening
rather than the paedophile. Constantly reinforcing the guilt feelings
and offering understanding and forgiveness the paedophile can eventually
cause the child to do anything. The more depraved it is the stronger the
control becomes.

> >The pebble dude wrapped it all up with religious belief too, compounding
> >the damage. His victims now internally link their religion with sexual
> >depravity and authority figures with sexual humiliation. They may get
> >over what was done to their bodies but they will carry what was done to
> >their minds with them until they die.
> >
> And it is compounded by the emphasis put on the situation by those who
> investigate such matters.
> I am not trying to cover-up anything but I've seen children go from
> being happy to feeling as if they were the most depraved person in the
> world because of the treatment they received from those who were
> supposed to be helping.

I agree that how the child is treated after the paedophilia is
discovered can make a huge difference to recovery and self image.

A significant part of foster career training is devoted to helping
children recover from sexual abuse.

For instance, how should you react to a 10 year old who slides into bed
next to you and reaches for your genitals? The child may have been
carefully trained to do this over many years and find it to be normal
comfort seeking behaviour.

Without training most people would hit the roof if such a thing
occurred, tell the child it was a disgusting and depraved thing to do,
demand an apology or even punish the child for being "bad".

A trained foster carer will quietly but firmly stop the act from
proceeding, tell the child they don't feel comfortable with children
doing that kind of thing, and immediately offer more appropriate

The idea is not to reject the child as a person or reject the child's
genuine needs for comfort and human contact, but to reinforce the social
norm that children should not engage in sexual activity with others.

Foster carers receive extensive training on how to rehabilitate children
from sexual exploitation, but parents and relative carers do not.

Perhaps they should.


Mar 19, 2006, 6:54:33 AM3/19/06

"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in

> On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:02:29 +1100, "Carole" <>
> wrote:

Well you've lost me Wal.
I haven't got a clue what you're either trying to say, or not trying to say.

Let's just leave it there.

Let's just say you live in your own little world and leave it at that.
Because if you want me to follow along with what you may or may not be
trying to say, you'll have to spell it out a bit clearer than what you've
done so far.

I'm not psychic Wal and can't read your mind and BTW I was good at maths,
its just that you've got a communication problem.



Mar 19, 2006, 6:57:04 AM3/19/06

"David Moss" <> wrote in message

> In article <441ab27f$0$18549$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-
>>, writes...
> > > Basically the same thing that many parents of children who are
> > > molested are.
> >
> > Children? How old were the girls? And there were three girls, surely
> > them they could have told their parents or told little pebble to get
> > or something similar. The whole case is noteworthy for its
> If you think child molestation is an insignificant thing we will have to
> disagree Carole. Its one of the worst crimes on the books.

As I said, they weren't really children.
There were 3 girls in the family all around the age of 12-15 by the look of
And there were two parents living at the little pebble compound along with
the children.

I don't know the full story, but from what I hear little pebble never
actually had sex with any of the girls, but I never followed the case
closely, and wouldn't have followed it at all except for Wal and his loony


David Moss

Mar 19, 2006, 7:46:49 AM3/19/06
In article <441d458e$0$23205$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader->, writes...

How about me Carole? Did you read my post about how we know the earth
isn't hollow? Do I have a communication problem too?

David Moss

Mar 19, 2006, 8:04:41 AM3/19/06
In article <441d4625$0$23208$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader->, writes...

Pebble was convicted of aggravated sexual intercourse with a child under

Do you know what the term "aggravated sexual intercourse" means?
Its an offence under section 66C(4) of the NSW Crimes Act.

(4) Child between 14 and 16 aggravated offence
Any person who has sexual intercourse with another person who is of or
above the age of 14 years and under the age of 16 years in circumstances
of aggravation is liable to imprisonment for 12 years.

Aggravation was defined in pebble's case as:

"(d) the alleged victim is (whether generally or at the time of the
commission of the offence) under the authority of the alleged offender"

Now in case you are having trouble understanding what this means, sexual
intercourse is when a bloke inserts his penis into the vagina or other
bodily cavity of another person.

Pebble was convicted of having done this to a girl who was under the
legal age of consent, and whom was under his authority.

Do you think this behaviour can be justified?

In other words, do you think paedophilia is OK?


Mar 19, 2006, 8:32:23 AM3/19/06

"David Moss" <> wrote in message

Not sure what "aggravated sexual intercourse" means, but from my point of
view just because something is a law doesn't automatically make it sensible.
Many laws aren't worth the paper they're written on and there is too much
political correctness for my liking.

> (4) Child between 14 and 16 aggravated offence
> Any person who has sexual intercourse with another person who is of or
> above the age of 14 years and under the age of 16 years in circumstances
> of aggravation is liable to imprisonment for 12 years.

Its a shame that you and wal haven't got such a conscience for the people
who are being starved, poisoned, maimed and killed in iraq. Then you'd
really know what hardship was.

> Aggravation was defined in pebble's case as:
> "(d) the alleged victim is (whether generally or at the time of the
> commission of the offence) under the authority of the alleged offender"
> Now in case you are having trouble understanding what this means, sexual
> intercourse is when a bloke inserts his penis into the vagina or other
> bodily cavity of another person.

What you are saying is that it was termed "aggravated" because the "child"
was under his care, not that he used violence or force.

> Pebble was convicted of having done this to a girl who was under the
> legal age of consent, and whom was under his authority.

> Do you think this behaviour can be justified?
> In other words, do you think paedophilia is OK?

Paedophilia is when an older man likes to have sexual relations with a
child. But what is the definition of a child?
I don't understand it and think it is perverted, but from what I saw the
girls were almost women.

The parents must have been pretty dopey and I'd say some of the blame should
have been on their heads. They were so caught in the religion rubbish, they
didn't see what was really happening. I don't blame it all on little pebble.

I just think the whole situation is a bit of a farce and can't see that its
as big a deal as they make out.



Mar 19, 2006, 8:42:32 AM3/19/06

"David Moss" <> wrote in message

Yes thanks David,
I saw your very mathematical calculation that supposedly proved that the
earth isn't hollow.

No offence intended, but people can use mathematics to prove almost
anything, and there are other calculations that show the earth could be


David Moss

Mar 19, 2006, 9:13:51 AM3/19/06
In article <441d5c7c$0$23218$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader->, writes...


> > > I don't know the full story, but from what I hear little pebble never
> > > actually had sex with any of the girls, but I never followed the case
> > > closely, and wouldn't have followed it at all except for Wal and his
> loony
> > > website.
> >
> > Pebble was convicted of aggravated sexual intercourse with a child under
> > 16.
> >
> > Do you know what the term "aggravated sexual intercourse" means?
> > Its an offence under section 66C(4) of the NSW Crimes Act.
> Not sure what "aggravated sexual intercourse" means, but from my point of
> view just because something is a law doesn't automatically make it sensible.

In the case of adults in a position of authority having sex with minors
it does make sense.

> Many laws aren't worth the paper they're written on and there is too much
> political correctness for my liking.

Porking kids isn't just politically incorrect, its morally repugnant.

> > (4) Child between 14 and 16 aggravated offence
> > Any person who has sexual intercourse with another person who is of or
> > above the age of 14 years and under the age of 16 years in circumstances
> > of aggravation is liable to imprisonment for 12 years.
> Its a shame that you and wal haven't got such a conscience for the people
> who are being starved, poisoned, maimed and killed in iraq. Then you'd
> really know what hardship was.

I can walk and chew gum at the same time Carole.
(That means I can oppose the atrocities in Iraq at the same time as
opposing paedophilia)

> > Aggravation was defined in pebble's case as:
> >
> > "(d) the alleged victim is (whether generally or at the time of the
> > commission of the offence) under the authority of the alleged offender"
> >
> > Now in case you are having trouble understanding what this means, sexual
> > intercourse is when a bloke inserts his penis into the vagina or other
> > bodily cavity of another person.
> What you are saying is that it was termed "aggravated" because the "child"
> was under his care, not that he used violence or force.

Abusing a position of authority over the child to procure sex is an
aggravating factor. It is a form of coercion.

> > Pebble was convicted of having done this to a girl who was under the
> > legal age of consent, and whom was under his authority.
> >
> > Do you think this behaviour can be justified?
> >
> > In other words, do you think paedophilia is OK?
> Paedophilia is when an older man likes to have sexual relations with a
> child. But what is the definition of a child?

A person under the age of 16. Its a pretty specific definition.

> I don't understand it and think it is perverted, but from what I saw the
> girls were almost women.

Almost isn't good enough Carole.

> The parents must have been pretty dopey and I'd say some of the blame should
> have been on their heads.

Nope, all the blame rests with the criminal who couldn't keep his hands
to himself.

> They were so caught in the religion rubbish, they
> didn't see what was really happening. I don't blame it all on little pebble.

I do.

> I just think the whole situation is a bit of a farce and can't see that its
> as big a deal as they make out.

I take it you haven't had much to do with abused kids then. If you had
you would know exactly why it is such a big deal.

If you really want to understand why it is wrong for adults in authority
positions to have sex with children, I will be happy to help you.

David Moss

Mar 19, 2006, 9:19:19 AM3/19/06
In article <441d5edd$0$23197$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader->, writes...

Post one up and lets take a look at it.
Mathematics is the one discipline that offers absolute truth.

Wally Anglesea™

Mar 19, 2006, 4:11:25 PM3/19/06
On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 22:57:04 +1100, "Carole" <>

>"David Moss" <> wrote in message
>> In article <441ab27f$0$18549$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-
>>>, writes...
>> > > Basically the same thing that many parents of children who are
>> > > molested are.
>> >
>> > Children? How old were the girls? And there were three girls, surely
>> > them they could have told their parents or told little pebble to get
>> > or something similar. The whole case is noteworthy for its
>> If you think child molestation is an insignificant thing we will have to
>> disagree Carole. Its one of the worst crimes on the books.
>As I said, they weren't really children.
>There were 3 girls in the family all around the age of 12-15 by the look of
>And there were two parents living at the little pebble compound along with
>the children.
>I don't know the full story,

That's all that needs to be said.

>but from what I hear little pebble never
>actually had sex with any of the girls, but I never followed the case
>closely, and wouldn't have followed it at all except for Wal and his loony

Loony website? I'm not the one who thinks mathematics is a

Wally Anglesea™

Mar 19, 2006, 4:12:58 PM3/19/06
On Mon, 20 Mar 2006 00:42:32 +1100, "Carole" <>

Post a single one of them. with the maths, you moron.

Wally Anglesea™

Mar 19, 2006, 4:16:16 PM3/19/06
On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 22:54:33 +1100, "Carole" <>

>"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in
>> On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:02:29 +1100, "Carole" <>
>> wrote:
>Well you've lost me Wal.
>I haven't got a clue what you're either trying to say, or not trying to say.
>Let's just leave it there.
>Let's just say you live in your own little world and leave it at that.
>Because if you want me to follow along with what you may or may not be
>trying to say, you'll have to spell it out a bit clearer than what you've
>done so far.

So Pi isn't clear to you?
It's not clear to you that you calculate the volume of a sphere
without having to assume the sphere is solid?

It's not clare to you that you can independently figure out most of
the stuff?

It's not clear to you that a star would require much more mass than
Jupiter in order to be viable, and therefore there *is no star* inside
the Earth?

Nothing is very clear to you, is it?

>I'm not psychic Wal and can't read your mind and BTW I was good at maths,

I doubt that. If you hade been good at maths you wouldn't claim that
the volume of a sphere is dependant on whether or not it's solid.

>its just that you've got a communication problem.

Wally Anglesea™

Mar 19, 2006, 4:24:00 PM3/19/06

Watch this space. It's not all over yet. That's as much as I will say
on this subject for the next few months.

>> I just think the whole situation is a bit of a farce and can't see that its
>> as big a deal as they make out.
>I take it you haven't had much to do with abused kids then. If you had
>you would know exactly why it is such a big deal.
>If you really want to understand why it is wrong for adults in authority
>positions to have sex with children, I will be happy to help you.

Find out about Australia's most dangerous Doomsday Cult:


Mar 21, 2006, 5:30:50 AM3/21/06

"David Moss" <> wrote in message
In article <44171d88$0$23306$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader->, writes...

David, thanks for the calculations.

I wasn't trying to be obtuse and I don't have any problems with people using
maths to solve a problem.
However, I took a commercial course through most of high school, and don't
really have the science background to deal with some of concepts. They're
probably not all that difficult to learn - but that's easy for somebody to
say who already knows them.

From what I've read on the hollow earth theory it states that planets are
formed by nebulas of spinning matter that conform to some sort of magnetic
fields. Centrifugal force is what causes the hollow in the centre and
creates an inner gravity to hold things on the ground inside the earth.
So there is a gravity inside the earth and obviously gravity on the outside
of the earth. At some point between the inside and outside surfaces there is
null gravity, which hollow earthers refer to as the null zone.

According to Jan Lamprecht's book, Hollow Planets, certain formulas that are
taken as gospel by the scientific community, may not be as reliable as
previously thought, and that formulas used to determine the density of
planets and such things, are made using certain assumptions.

Regarding the Newton formula which works out the mass of the earth -

"All we have is a formula. This formula has been used to determine the mass
of the Earth. This is based on the concept that for each mass of M inside
the Earth, it exerts and attractive force of F. We do not know the valid
range for Newtonian gravity. Inside Newton's formula is G. G is the
"universal gravitational constant". It is assumed – and assumed is the
correct word here – that each mass of M exerts the same force of F
regardless of where in the universe it may be placed. It is also assumed
that each mass of M exerts the same force F whether it lies on the surface
of the Earth or whether it be deep inside the Earth. When using the
Cavendish balance to determine the mass of the Earth, it is assumed that
each particle exerts a fixed force upon all others.

"But if Van Flandern's ideas turn out to be right, then particles near the
surface of a planet might exert a force greater than those deep down. The
key to all of our gravity is the mass of the Earth. If the mass of the Earth
is wrong, then so are our estimates for those of other bodies. If the mass
of the Earth has been overstated, then it follows that the masses of all
other bodies in the solar system have also been overstated. If the Earth is
hollow, then so too is every other planet in the solar system."



Mar 21, 2006, 6:40:55 AM3/21/06

"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in

Watch your mouth, idiot.

I don't really understand much about the theory behind gravity and how the
density can be worked out from it. But there are people who have worked out
theories taking these things into account.

The newton gravity formula for working out the mass of planets has worked
out that the density of the earth is 5.5g/cm2. However, it doesn't take into
account that gravity could be different inside the earth or inside other
planets. The formula assumes that gravity is constant throughout the
According to hollow earth theory centrifugal force exists inside the hollow,
and when centrifugal force and gravity meet this determines the size of the
HOLLOW PLANETS, by Jan Lamprecht

"How can we be sure that the Earth really has the mass accorded it by
Newtonian gravity? Is an experiment, using two lead balls really
representative of the entire Earth? How can we be sure that gravity behaves
1,000 miles down in the Earth the same as it does 10 cm down in a lead ball?
Scientists are convinced that electric currents flow inside the Earth. These
currents almost certainly flow in the same direction. It therefore follows
that they will be attractive. Does it not then follow that each mass of M
deep inside the Earth might produce a greater force of F than previously
considered? If so, then the Earth's density may be much less than it has
been thought of until now. Over and above this theorising, we still have the
excellent mine, borehole, ice-cap and sea bed experiments which definitely
show that something is amiss. Regardless of where G was determined, the
value of G increased, even at very shallow depths. All this indicates that
less mass produced increased attraction. These could be the initial
indications that Earth really is hollow.



Mar 21, 2006, 6:51:41 AM3/21/06

"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in

> On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 22:54:33 +1100, "Carole" <>
> wrote:
> >
> >"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in
> >message
> >> On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:02:29 +1100, "Carole" <>
> >> wrote:
> >
> >
> >Well you've lost me Wal.
> >I haven't got a clue what you're either trying to say, or not trying to
> >
> >Let's just leave it there.
> >
> >Let's just say you live in your own little world and leave it at that.
> >Because if you want me to follow along with what you may or may not be
> >trying to say, you'll have to spell it out a bit clearer than what you've
> >done so far.
> So Pi isn't clear to you?
> It's not clear to you that you calculate the volume of a sphere
> without having to assume the sphere is solid?

I understand pi, and how to calculate the volume of a ball.
What I don't understand is the gravity bit, how they can work out the

> It's not clare to you that you can independently figure out most of
> the stuff?

I just read what other people have written, people who understand maths,
physics and the scientific bits.
There are some good writings on these things.

> It's not clear to you that a star would require much more mass than
> Jupiter in order to be viable, and therefore there *is no star* inside
> the Earth?
> Nothing is very clear to you, is it?

Some things are hypothetical. We don't really understand the nature of the
universe to any great degree.
One of the things I read in a book called etidohpa is that the nature of the
sun's energy isn't quite what we expect it to be.
Etidorhpa is written in the form of a novel, but many people believe it to
be based on fact due to the amount of scientific information it contains.

" The child ignorant of letters wonders at the resources of those who can
spell and read, and, in like manner, many obscure natural phenomena are
marvelous to man only because of his ignorance. You do not comprehend the
fact that sunlight is simply a matter-bred expression, an outburst of
interrupted energy, and that the modification this energy undergoes makes it
visible or sensible to man. What, think you, becomes of the flood of light
energy that unceasingly flows from the sun? For ages, for an eternity, it
has bathed this earth and seemingly streamed into space, and space it would
seem must have long since have been filled with it, if, as men believe,
space contains energy of any description. Man may say the earth casts the
amount intercepted by it back into space, and yet does not your science
teach that the great bulk of the earth is an absorber, and a poor radiator
of light and heat?

"What think you, I repeat, becomes of the torrent of light and heat and
other forces that radiate from the sun, the flood that strikes the earth? It
disappears, and, in the economy of nature, is not replaced by any known
force or any known motion of matter. Think you that earth substance really
presents an obstacle to the passage of the sun's energy? Is it not probable
that most of this light producing essence, as a subtle fluid, passes through
the surface of the earth and into its interior, as light does through space,
and returns thence to the sun again, in a condition not discernible by man?"
He grasped my arm and squeezed it as though to emphasize the words to

" You have used the term sunshine freely; tell me what is sunshine? Ah! you
do not reply; well, what evidence have you to show that sunshine ( heat and
light ) is not earth-bred, a condition that exists locally only, the result
of contact between matter and some unknown force expression? "



Mar 21, 2006, 7:12:33 AM3/21/06

"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in

I think the crimes being committed in Iraq are on a massively vaster scale
and intent than anything little pebble ever would be capable of. And don't
forget the guy was a sort of spiritual leader type person, who probably
thought he was doing something worthwhile - whatever it was.
So what was it? Or are you the wrong person to ask.
Remember we have only heard your side, and the official side. We haven't
heard anything from any of little pebble's friends.

The whole incident could be some sort of set up or frame up, due to some
unrelated matter. Maybe he didn't pay his taxes or something.

> >
> >> > Aggravation was defined in pebble's case as:
> >> >
> >> > "(d) the alleged victim is (whether generally or at the time of the
> >> > commission of the offence) under the authority of the alleged
> >> >
> >> > Now in case you are having trouble understanding what this means,
> >> > intercourse is when a bloke inserts his penis into the vagina or
> >> > bodily cavity of another person.
> >>
> >> What you are saying is that it was termed "aggravated" because the
> >> was under his care, not that he used violence or force.
> >
> >Abusing a position of authority over the child to procure sex is an
> >aggravating factor. It is a form of coercion.

That to me isn't aggravation.
So that means if somebody comes to my door and sells me something I don't
want, I can say I was conned using aggravation?

> >
> >> > Pebble was convicted of having done this to a girl who was under the
> >> > legal age of consent, and whom was under his authority.
> >>
> >> >
> >> > Do you think this behaviour can be justified?
> >> >
> >> > In other words, do you think paedophilia is OK?
> >>
> >> Paedophilia is when an older man likes to have sexual relations with a
> >> child. But what is the definition of a child?
> >
> >A person under the age of 16. Its a pretty specific definition.

And the lebanese muslim who raped the girl was under age at the time and he
got 50 years.
And what about all those crimes that are committed by children, but the
nature of the crime is "so horrific" that they try them as adults?

How do you work that out?

> >
> >> I don't understand it and think it is perverted, but from what I saw
> >> girls were almost women.
> >
> >Almost isn't good enough Carole.
> >
> >> The parents must have been pretty dopey and I'd say some of the blame
> >> have been on their heads.
> >
> >Nope, all the blame rests with the criminal who couldn't keep his hands
> >to himself.
> >
> >> They were so caught in the religion rubbish, they
> >> didn't see what was really happening. I don't blame it all on little
> >
> >I do.
> Watch this space. It's not all over yet. That's as much as I will say
> on this subject for the next few months.

Little Pebble didn't murder anybody, did he?
I remember the Lebanese muslim boy who part of a gang involved in pack rape
of a white girl.
From what I heard there wasn't any actual violence but perhaps a threat of
violence if she didn't comply.

Obviously the boys shouldn't have got away with it. But this under age
youth, at the time of the rape, got 50 years jail.
50 years for a rape where nobody was actually injured - that is ridiculous.
Anybody would think that rape was the worse crime in the world, worse than

The gang didn't even have malicious intent, they were just having what they
thought was a bit of fun - although not funny for the victim.

So you won't say anything more about it at the moment, meaning there's more
to it?
How can anybody make an assessment if they don't know the facts?
And what the heck were the parents doing in the compound setting the example
to the daughters that Little Pebble was some sort of guru?

I just can't see what the drama is, but nobody would know with a whacky
website like your eg, little pebble, turtles, alien cooking etc.


David Simpson

Mar 21, 2006, 8:26:03 AM3/21/06
On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 23:12:33 +1100, "Carole" <>
typed furiously:


Why are you defending him? He was found guilty in a court of law.

>> >
>> >> > Aggravation was defined in pebble's case as:
>> >> >
>> >> > "(d) the alleged victim is (whether generally or at the time of the
>> >> > commission of the offence) under the authority of the alleged
>> >> >
>> >> > Now in case you are having trouble understanding what this means,
>> >> > intercourse is when a bloke inserts his penis into the vagina or
>> >> > bodily cavity of another person.
>> >>
>> >> What you are saying is that it was termed "aggravated" because the
>> >> was under his care, not that he used violence or force.
>> >
>> >Abusing a position of authority over the child to procure sex is an
>> >aggravating factor. It is a form of coercion.
>That to me isn't aggravation.
>So that means if somebody comes to my door and sells me something I don't
>want, I can say I was conned using aggravation?

Not unless that person is in a position of authority over you and you
are under sixteen.

>> >
>> >> > Pebble was convicted of having done this to a girl who was under the
>> >> > legal age of consent, and whom was under his authority.
>> >>
>> >> >
>> >> > Do you think this behaviour can be justified?
>> >> >
>> >> > In other words, do you think paedophilia is OK?
>> >>
>> >> Paedophilia is when an older man likes to have sexual relations with a
>> >> child. But what is the definition of a child?
>> >
>> >A person under the age of 16. Its a pretty specific definition.
>And the lebanese muslim who raped the girl was under age at the time and he
>got 50 years.

He was under 18 ... just.

>And what about all those crimes that are committed by children, but the
>nature of the crime is "so horrific" that they try them as adults?
>How do you work that out?

That is for the court to work out. Those who do get tried as adults
are normally not far short of turning eighteen which is the legal age
of majority in this country as you should know.

>> >
>> >> I don't understand it and think it is perverted, but from what I saw
>> >> girls were almost women.
>> >
>> >Almost isn't good enough Carole.
>> >
>> >> The parents must have been pretty dopey and I'd say some of the blame
>> >> have been on their heads.
>> >
>> >Nope, all the blame rests with the criminal who couldn't keep his hands
>> >to himself.
>> >
>> >> They were so caught in the religion rubbish, they
>> >> didn't see what was really happening. I don't blame it all on little
>> >
>> >I do.
>> Watch this space. It's not all over yet. That's as much as I will say
>> on this subject for the next few months.
>Little Pebble didn't murder anybody, did he?
>I remember the Lebanese muslim boy who part of a gang involved in pack rape
>of a white girl.
>From what I heard there wasn't any actual violence but perhaps a threat of
>violence if she didn't comply.

You consider that rape is not violence? You consider that many youths
shouting insults and brandishing weapons is not violence?

>Obviously the boys shouldn't have got away with it. But this under age
>youth, at the time of the rape, got 50 years jail.
>50 years for a rape where nobody was actually injured - that is ridiculous.
>Anybody would think that rape was the worse crime in the world, worse than

The one who received the fifty years was, if I recollect correctly,
the one who organised the rapes, yes there was more than one rape.
During his trial he showed no remorse and attempted to blame the
victims for wearing what is considered to be normal, western style
dress alleging that their mode of dress led him on. He also tried to
claim that, because they were not Lebanese, they were fair game.

The severity of the sentence reflected the lack of remorse.

>The gang didn't even have malicious intent, they were just having what they
>thought was a bit of fun - although not funny for the victim.

Incorrect. They were not having fun. They were punishing the victims
for not being Lebanese and being female.

>So you won't say anything more about it at the moment, meaning there's more
>to it?

No. It is obviously sub judice. It is illegal for him to comment.

David Simpson

Mar 21, 2006, 8:55:24 AM3/21/06
On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 22:40:55 +1100, "Carole" <>
typed furiously:


Which has nothing to do with gravity.

>If so, then the Earth's density may be much less than it has
>been thought of until now. Over and above this theorising, we still have the
>excellent mine, borehole, ice-cap and sea bed experiments which definitely
>show that something is amiss. Regardless of where G was determined, the
>value of G increased, even at very shallow depths. All this indicates that
>less mass produced increased attraction. These could be the initial
>indications that Earth really is hollow.

Actually it is known that gravity increases/decreases according to the
square of the distance between the objects. You claim that gravity
increases at depth. This shows that the centres of gravity of the two
masses are closer, not that less mass increases attraction. That
reading shows that the centre of the Earth cannot be hollow.


Mar 21, 2006, 9:28:22 AM3/21/06
On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 23:12:33 +1100, "Carole" <>
transparently proposed:

<snip screed>


Umm, Carole, ah, urr, okay, are your thumbs opposable?


AHM Wanker Stomping Award - 2005

Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker - May, 2005
Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker - Jan, 2006

Hammer of Thor - July, 2005

David Formosa (aka ? the Platypus) on 10-22-2005
Message-Id: <>

"But it is not isolated AUK has a massive impact the rest of usenet."

David Simpson

Mar 21, 2006, 9:26:40 AM3/21/06
On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 22:51:41 +1100, "Carole" <>
typed furiously:


>"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in
>> On Sun, 19 Mar 2006 22:54:33 +1100, "Carole" <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >"Wally AngleseaT" <> wrote in
>> >message
>> >> On Sat, 18 Mar 2006 00:02:29 +1100, "Carole" <>
>> >> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >Well you've lost me Wal.
>> >I haven't got a clue what you're either trying to say, or not trying to
>> >
>> >Let's just leave it there.
>> >
>> >Let's just say you live in your own little world and leave it at that.
>> >Because if you want me to follow along with what you may or may not be
>> >trying to say, you'll have to spell it out a bit clearer than what you've
>> >done so far.
>> So Pi isn't clear to you?
>> It's not clear to you that you calculate the volume of a sphere
>> without having to assume the sphere is solid?
>I understand pi, and how to calculate the volume of a ball.
>What I don't understand is the gravity bit, how they can work out the

When you know the mass of something and you know its volume it is a
simple matter to calculate the average density.

>> It's not clare to you that you can independently figure out most of
>> the stuff?
>I just read what other people have written, people who understand maths,
>physics and the scientific bits.
>There are some good writings on these things.
>> It's not clear to you that a star would require much more mass than
>> Jupiter in order to be viable, and therefore there *is no star* inside
>> the Earth?
>> Nothing is very clear to you, is it?
>Some things are hypothetical. We don't really understand the nature of the
>universe to any great degree.
>One of the things I read in a book called etidohpa is that the nature of the
>sun's energy isn't quite what we expect it to be.
>Etidorhpa is written in the form of a novel, but many people believe it to
>be based on fact due to the amount of scientific information it contains.

Just like the "Da Vinci Code". It contains some facts, some other
invented "facts" and a story which is quite plainly labeled as fiction
by the author and yet there are idiots who believe it is the gospel

Just as people still believe that "The Learned Protocols Of The Elders
Of Zion" is true even though it was a hoax and forgery.

Just as Leo Taxil perpetrated a hoax and people still quote it as
being true.

Wally Anglesea™

Mar 21, 2006, 3:20:07 PM3/21/06
On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 22:40:55 +1100, "Carole" <>

And what evidence is there that gravity is *not* constant throughout
the universe?

You might wonder about how galaxies are shown to interact, how stars
form, and how stars in other galaxies are the same as stars on our own
galaxy, you nitwit.

>According to hollow earth theory centrifugal force exists inside the hollow,
>and when centrifugal force and gravity meet this determines the size of the

Which is arrant nonsense.

>HOLLOW PLANETS, by Jan Lamprecht
>"How can we be sure that the Earth really has the mass accorded it by
>Newtonian gravity? Is an experiment, using two lead balls really
>representative of the entire Earth? How can we be sure that gravity behaves
>1,000 miles down in the Earth the same as it does 10 cm down in a lead ball?
>Scientists are convinced that electric currents flow inside the Earth. These
>currents almost certainly flow in the same direction. It therefore follows
>that they will be attractive. Does it not then follow that each mass of M
>deep inside the Earth might produce a greater force of F than previously
>considered? If so, then the Earth's density may be much less than it has
>been thought of until now. Over and above this theorising, we still have the
>excellent mine, borehole, ice-cap and sea bed experiments which definitely
>show that something is amiss. Regardless of where G was determined, the
>value of G increased, even at very shallow depths. All this indicates that
>less mass produced increased attraction. These could be the initial
>indications that Earth really is hollow.

Again, utter nonsense.


Mar 21, 2006, 3:51:09 PM3/21/06

plastic metric rulers


Mar 21, 2006, 3:59:16 PM3/21/06
On Tue, 21 Mar 2006 20:20:07 GMT, Wally Anglesea™
<> transparently proposed:


>And what evidence is there that gravity is *not* constant throughout
>the universe?
>You might wonder about how galaxies are shown to interact, how stars
>form, and how stars in other galaxies are the same as stars on our own
>galaxy, you nitwit.

It is Ghods will.


AHM Wanker Stomping Award - 2005

Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker - May, 2005
Pierre Salinger Hook, Line & Sinker - Jan, 2006

Hammer of Thor - July, 2005

David Formosa (aka ? the Platypus) on 10-22-2005
Message-Id: <>

"But it is not isolated AUK has a massive impact the rest of usenet."

Please ask your admin to be adding alt.aratzio to your news server
alt.aratzio Usenet asshole Aratzio

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