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Senator McCain promised to award 300 millions dollars for the invention of energy accumulator that displays attributes of the Oscillatory Chamber (JP)

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Jun 26, 2008, 11:37:46 PM6/26/08
This 'green' car battery of a new generation, which is to become the
salvation of humanity, and for the invention of which Senator McCain
promised to award 300 millions dollars, was already invented in 1984 -
it is called the Oscillatory Chamber and it is described
comprehensively on the totaliztic web page "oscillatory_chamber.htm".

The presidential candidate of 2008 in the USA, Senator John McCain, on
Tuesday 24 June 2008 publicly promised that he is to award a prize of
300 millions USA dollars to this inventor who invents the beneficial
for the natural environment accumulator of energy of a new generation,
applicable for propelling cars. His promise was immediately announced
throughout the world. Already the next day it was repeated by almost
all television news in the world, and by a number of newspapers. For
example, in New Zealand it was published in the article "McCain offers
$394m for greener car battery", from page B1 of New Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post" ( ) issue dated on
Wednesday, June 25, 2008.

As a kind of curiosity I would like to explain at this point, that I
already invented on 3 January 1984 just such an accumulator of energy
of a new generation that is hugely beneficial for the natural
environment. It is called the Oscillatory Chamber and it is described
on the totaliztic web page "oscillatory_chamber.htm"). Its exact
descriptions, together with the history of its invention, are provided
in chapter C from volume 2 of the monograph [1/4] distributed free of
charge, amongst others, via the totaliztic web page "xext_1_4.htm".
This "Oscillatory Chamber" is just an extraordinary accumulator of
energy of a new generation applicable, amongst others, for propelling
electric cars. After all, the amount of energy which it is able to
accumulate in the volume and weight of the present car battery,
suffices for propelling a car for several thousands of years.
Furthermore, it does NOT generate any pollution. It stores energy in
the purest form of a pulsating magnetic field. This pulsating field
allows for an easy withdrawal of this energy via ordinary transformer
wiring, and also allows the direct use of this energy for propelling
cars. It is just because of such a wide range of applications of the
Oscillatory Chamber, and also because of the enormous commercial
potential of this device, that many researchers - such as the Italian
research group which shows their video of the Oscillatory Chamber
under the address
undertook research and development of a prototype of the Oscillatory

Of course, the announcement of the Senator McCain indicated above, has
the value mainly as a moral (i.e. not financial) support for research
and development on the Oscillatory Chamber. After all, as for now it
is still just a promise. On the other hand, even just being a promise,
still it has a huge value as an emphasis of the weight and urgency of
the technical implementation of the idea of Oscillatory Chamber. After
all, it realises to everyone that the development of situation with
crude oil deposits on the Earth unavoidably leads to the situation
that one day the "Oscillatory Chamber" becomes an absolute necessity
for the humanity. This day is nearer everyday that passes. In turn
during this critical time it becomes valuable like gold the expertise
of researchers who have already some experience in research and
development of the "Oscillatory Chamber". Therefore I personally would
recommend to everyone who has access to appropriate prototyping
capabilities and to ability to carry out laboratory research, to join
these researchers who already work on the development of the
"Oscillatory Chamber". An investment of the interests in this
extraordinary accumulator of energy surely one day must turn to be
hugely beneficial.

So how we know that the Oscillatory Chamber really can be build:

Our planet is full of people that are highly incompetent, sceptical,
and deprived of creative abilities. For them practically almost
everything seems to be impossible. Perfectly on their subject writes
the motto from the back cover of the book [2P4] by Richard Milton,
"Forbidden Science", Fourth Estate (6 Salem Road, London W2 4BU),
London, 1994, ISBN 1-85702-302-1, 265 pages, pb. On the back cover
this book states, amongst others, quote: "In this fascinating and well-
argued book, Richard exposes a curious feature of many professional
scientists: they are averse to new ideas' - Focus."). In turn a good
illustration of the action of such sceptics deprived the imagination
is the fate of the airplane of Wright Brothers (for details see the
totaliztic web page "mozajski_uk.htm"). Namely, the main newspapers
ignored the reporting about the historic flight of the airplane of
Wright Brothers in 1903 because the Journal "Scientific American"
suggested that this flight was a swindle. In the result, for five next
years the authorities in Washington D.C. still would NOT believe in
the actual flight of the machine heavier than air. Unfortunately, just
such people typically decide about undertaking new directions of
research and development. So it is NOT difficult to predict that they
will do everything in their power to block possible developmental
works on the Oscillatory Chamber. Therefore, in order to anticipate
the repetition of their old argument formulated according to the
template "flying machines heavier than air never can be build", only
that in the newer wording of the type "the Oscillatory Chamber never
can be build", below I am going to provide facts which confirm that in
spite of criticism and claims of such sceptics deprived of
imagination, still the Oscillatory Chamber can be build. Here are
these facts:

1. First prototypes of the Oscillatory Chamber, which confirmed that
the principles of operation of this energy accumulator are correct and
can be implemented technically, were already build on the Earth. For
example, a Polish hobbyist who wished to remain anonymous, build the
prototype of the Oscillatory Chamber which generated a rotating spark
- see "Fig. #D1" above. Descriptions of his experiments are provided
in subsection C8.2 from volume 2 of monograph [1/4]. A similar
prototype of the Oscillatory Chamber with already rotating stream of
sparks build also Italian investigators. Their prototypes are already
shown on video in Internet - see a video from the address .

2. In ancient times a working prototype of the Oscillatory Chamber was
already build on the Earth. In the Bible (see the web page
"bible.htm") it is described under the name of the "Ark of the
Covenant". Subsection S5 from volume 14 of monograph [1/4] provides a
wealth of evidence in support of the fact that the "Ark of the
Covenant" actually was a working Oscillatory Chamber. A well-known
example of such evidence is the name "Levites" for priests who carried
the Ark, and whom the powerful magnetic field of that Oscillatory
Chamber being repelled by the natural magnetic field of the Earth,
sometimes used to lift into the air and forced to "levitate".

3. There is a huge body of evidence which confirms that Oscillatory
Chambers are already used in UFO vehicles as sources of energy and
propelling forces for these extraterrestrial starship. Numerous items
of this evidence are described and illustrated in subsections S1 to S6
from volume 14 of monograph [1/4] (available free of charge through
the totaliztic web page named "xext_1_4.htm"). These items include
e.g. reports of eye-witnesses who actually saw operational Oscillatory
Chambers on decks of UFOs. In turn in Internet are available
photographs which document the presence of Oscillatory Chambers in UFO
propulsion systems. For example, the characteristically shaped burning
of the vegetation left by a UFO Oscillatory Chamber is shown in "Fig.
7" from the web page "ufo.htm" - about hostile UFOnauts and their
technology. In turn photographs of Oscillatory Chambers from ascending
UFOs are shown as "Fig. #C9abcd" from the web page "explain.htm" -
about the scientific interpretation of authentic UFO photographs in
the light of the "Theory of Magnocraft". Since UFOnauts were able to
build the Oscillatory Chamber, this device surely can also be build by
humans from the Earth.

The explanations presented above document that the 'green' accumulator
of energy able to work as a car battery of a new generation, which is
extremely beneficial for the natural environment, and which by Senator
Mc Cain is valued at 300 million dollars, was already invented in
1984. These explanations are taken from item #D2 of the totaliztic web
page "eco_cars.htm".

(Normally I would provide here a list of addresses to the web page
"eco_cars.htm" on web sites of totalizm. Unfortunately, starting from
May 2008, someone managed to sabotage my Google profile in such a
manner that now I am unable to provide any link to web pages of
totalizm on my threads. Therefore, these readers who wish to review
the web page "eco_cars.htm" and see further descriptions of the
Oscillatory Chamber or other technical solutions for the problem of
deficiency of fossil fuels on the Earth, should type the key words
"Jan Pajak oscillatory_chamber.htm", "Jan Pajak free_energy.htm" or
"Jan Pajak eco_cars.htm" (but without quotes) to the
search engine, and then visit any address of the totaliztic web pages
that this search engine is to provide. In turn from menus of every
totaliztic web page there are links to every other web pages. So it is
enough to find one of web pages the names of which are listed in these
post, and then from it every other my web page can be visited.)

Please notice that links to the web page "eco_cars.htm" can also be
found on blogs of totalizm which are accessible through the following

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

Jun 27, 2008, 2:17:39 AM6/27/08
On Jun 26, 11:37 pm, wrote:
> This 'green' car battery of a new generation, which is to become the
> salvation of humanity, and for the invention of which Senator McCain
> promised to award 300 millions dollars, was already invented in 1984 -
> it is called the Oscillatory Chamber and it is described
> comprehensively on the totaliztic web page "oscillatory_chamber.htm".

Good Ghod, give us all a break from a daily diet of nonsense posts
like this one.

The only question in my mind is if you are a normal but ADHD kid
posting from mom or dad's computerm if you are an adult posting from
Internet facilities made avaible to you at public expense, while being
confined to a mental hospital or a prison.

Keep repeating to youself the mantra, "Al Gore Invented the Internet."
Then after 50 repetitions, move to "Stan Meyer invented a car that
runs on water and the evil powers in control are keeping this

Take a hint, and simply go away from posting crap on the sci
newsgroups. Some crazy alt newsgroup would welcome your posts, but
not any newsgroup that I can imagine in the sci hierarchy.

Harry C.

Jun 27, 2008, 11:19:46 PM6/27/08
On Jun 27, 6:17 pm, "" <> wrote:

> Good Ghod, give us all a break from a daily diet of nonsense posts
> like this one.
> The only question in my mind is if you are a normal but ADHD kid
> posting from mom or dad's computerm if you are an adult posting from
> Internet facilities made avaible to you at public expense, while being
> confined to a mental hospital or a prison.
> Keep repeating to youself the mantra, "Al Gore Invented the Internet."
> Then after 50 repetitions, move to "Stan Meyer invented a car that
> runs on water and the evil powers in control are keeping this
> secret."
> Take a hint, and simply go away from posting crap on the sci
> newsgroups.  Some crazy alt newsgroup would welcome your posts, but
> not any newsgroup that I can imagine in the sci hierarchy.
> Harry C.

Well, the opinions that we are expressing are the best reflection of
our intellectual level and our value as humans.

With the totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

P.S. I should mention that other threads diascussing the subject of
future energy supply for cars include


Jun 28, 2008, 11:26:24 PM6/28/08
> 2. In ancient times a working prototype of the Oscillatory Chamber was
> already build on the Earth. In the Bible (see the web page
> "bible.htm") it is described under the name of the "Ark of the
> Covenant".

> 3. There is a huge body of evidence which confirms that Oscillatory

> Chambers are already used in UFO vehicles as sources of energy and
> propelling forces for these extraterrestrial starship.

I'm convinced!

Jun 29, 2008, 7:12:31 PM6/29/08
> future energy supply for cars include
> and
> .- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Friend, just me that if the material you post is indeed a "reflection
of your intellectual level", that's sort of pathetic. Then too, the
world needs more qualified ditch diggers and pot scrubbers.

Harry C.

Jun 30, 2008, 12:17:44 AM6/30/08
On Jun 30, 11:12 am, "" <> wrote:

> Friend, just me that if the material you post is indeed a "reflection
> of your intellectual level", that's sort of pathetic. Then too, the
> world needs more qualified ditch diggers and pot scrubbers.
And how this your comment contributes towards solving the energy
crisis that the humanity is just starting to experience and that is
NOT going to go away just because some people do a lot of complaining,
accusing others, yet sitting on their own hands.


Jun 30, 2008, 9:05:09 PM6/30/08

<> wrote in message

> As a kind of curiosity I would like to explain at this point, that I
> already invented on 3 January 1984 just such an accumulator of energy
> of a new generation that is hugely beneficial for the natural
> environment. It is called the Oscillatory Chamber and it is described
> on the totaliztic web page "oscillatory_chamber.htm").

I like Jan's web site. It is highly entertaining. He highlights work by
others which is fine.

But he says of 9/11, 'Or, perhaps, it was not a "collapse" at all, but an
evaporation of this building by a UFO vehicle that remained invisible to
human eyes?' I wonder if those planes hitting the towers and the resulting
fires had anything to do with the collapse?

Jan, you are barking mad. You clearly need processional attention. Keep up
the web site though. Don't let me stop the good work.

Fabulous indeed.

Jun 30, 2008, 10:47:25 PM6/30/08
On Jul 1, 1:05 pm, "News" <killef...@invalid.invalid> wrote:

> Jan, you are barking mad. You clearly need processional attention.  Keep up
> the web site though. Don't let me stop the good work.
> Fabulous indeed.
Another comment which is a perfect example of the attempt to
"persecute for views". How it is that we all supposedly agree that
people cannot be persecuted for what they believe, but still some
individuals write comments like the one above? To be more interesting,
these are just views like the one expressed in my initial post that
caused the editors of the "Scientific American" to condemn the flight
of Wright Brothers as a fake - now the entire world laughs from these
comments, but at that time they did a lot of damage. (Actually because
of these comments, Wright Brothers for many years would NOT allow
their airplace to be shown in any American museum.) Furthermore, how
the above comment contributes towards solving the present energy

Jun 30, 2008, 11:05:01 PM6/30/08
In sci.physics wrote:

> On Jul 1, 1:05?pm, "News" <killef...@invalid.invalid> wrote:
> ...
> > Jan, you are barking mad. You clearly need processional attention. ?Keep up

> > the web site though. Don't let me stop the good work.
> >
> > Fabulous indeed.
> ...
> Another comment which is a perfect example of the attempt to
> "persecute for views". How it is that we all supposedly agree that
> people cannot be persecuted for what they believe, but still some
> individuals write comments like the one above? To be more interesting,
> these are just views like the one expressed in my initial post that
> caused the editors of the "Scientific American" to condemn the flight
> of Wright Brothers as a fake - now the entire world laughs from these
> comments, but at that time they did a lot of damage. (Actually because
> of these comments, Wright Brothers for many years would NOT allow
> their airplace to be shown in any American museum.) Furthermore, how
> the above comment contributes towards solving the present energy
> crisis?

You are confused.

You aren't being persecuted, you are being called a lunatic.

Jim Pennino

Remove .spam.sux to reply.

V for Vendicar

Jul 1, 2008, 8:39:34 PM7/1/08

"News" <kill...@invalid.invalid> wrote

> But he says of 9/11, 'Or, perhaps, it was not a "collapse" at all, but an
> evaporation of this building by a UFO vehicle that remained invisible to
> human eyes?' I wonder if those planes hitting the towers and the
> resulting
> fires had anything to do with the collapse?

You fool! They were just holographic projections from those alien space

Jul 1, 2008, 11:44:27 PM7/1/08
On Jul 1, 3:05 pm, wrote:

> You aren't being persecuted, you are being called a lunatic.
> Jim Pennino
Supposedly "hate emails" should NOT be allowed here. How you are
getting away with the above. Scientific discussion is NOT an excuse to
missbehave like that.

I suppose, if one day I have these 300 million dollars, I could afford
1 million to trace down you and others who use Internet for spreading
such "hate emails". After all, good computer forenzingcs detectives
should be able to establish who you are.

V for Vendicar

Jul 2, 2008, 12:16:32 AM7/2/08

<> wrote

> I suppose, if one day I have these 300 million dollars, I could afford
> 1 million to trace down you and others who use Internet for spreading
> such "hate emails". After all, good computer forenzingcs detectives
> should be able to establish who you are.

That's how we intend to indentify the RepubliKKKan denialist traitors in
order to bring them to justice and public execution.


Jul 9, 2008, 6:36:48 PM7/9/08

"V for Vendicar" <> wrote
in message news:47Aak.13484$

They were? I feel so foolish. :(


Jul 9, 2008, 6:38:29 PM7/9/08

<> wrote in message

No one is hating you at all. We all like you despite being barking mad.

Jul 9, 2008, 6:55:04 PM7/9/08
In sci.physics wrote:

> On Jul 1, 3:05?pm, wrote:
> ...
> > You aren't being persecuted, you are being called a lunatic.
> ...
> > Jim Pennino
> ...
> Supposedly "hate emails" should NOT be allowed here. How you are
> getting away with the above. Scientific discussion is NOT an excuse to
> missbehave like that.

I doubt anyone hates you.

More likely most pity you for your mental illness.

> I suppose, if one day I have these 300 million dollars, I could afford
> 1 million to trace down you and others who use Internet for spreading
> such "hate emails". After all, good computer forenzingcs detectives
> should be able to establish who you are.

> With the totaliztic salute,
> Jan Pajak

Like I said, a lunatic.


Jul 9, 2008, 6:36:48 PM7/9/08

"V for Vendicar" <> wrote
in message news:47Aak.13484$

They were? I feel so foolish. :(


Jul 9, 2008, 6:38:29 PM7/9/08

<> wrote in message

No one is hating you at all. We all like you despite being barking mad.


Jul 10, 2008, 2:21:05 AM7/10/08
News wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> No one is hating you at all. We all like you despite being barking mad.

Gee News, and I thought you were all into magic physics.....


Jul 10, 2008, 9:11:15 AM7/10/08

<> wrote in message

To be fair, some of Jan's web site is intersting. Time travel is possible in
theory. But other bits? Wow! Entertaining though.


Jul 10, 2008, 9:08:54 AM7/10/08

"DB" <> wrote in message

I am into anything that works - laws of physics I don't care too much about
as they can get in the way.


Jul 10, 2008, 12:19:14 PM7/10/08

Yeah, I know there is a satire alert underway, but quite frankly I'm
not convinced.

I'm not going to be convinced until I see an "oscillatory chamber"
running on the table in front of me and I personally get to examine
it's parameters. But here is where the difference between me and the
rest of the so-called 'scientists" out there becomes significant: I am
WILLING to examine the device and give it a fair and honest test. I'm
not ready to reject ANYTHING out of hand because it goes against the
faith-based religious dogma taught at our schools and universities.
And I'm certainly not going to take the "standard" route of
"debunking" any claims of new devices by asserting that the inventors
are insane. First of all, I don't have the mental health credentials
to make such an assertion and secondly, why would I assert that
something doesn't (or can't) work when I haven't examined it myself.
These actions would only paint me as the incompetent fool.

Allow me to point out that in electromagnetics resistance,
capacitance, and inductance are EACH determined only by the GEOMETRY
of an object. Hence any object in space, especially conductive objects
are all CIRCUITS! Who is to say that such a circuit might not have
strange and useful properties. Only a total fool would say that is

But those musings do NOT change the fact that the proof of any
proposed "free energy" device is in the operation and testing. I don't
care how pretty it lights up, if it doesn't produce more energy than
it uses, it ain't a "free energy" device! All the "reasonable"
theories in the world about how it "might" work mean nothing.

And while we are at it, let's ponder for a minute the McCain scam of
giving $300 million dollars for the rights of the "green battery"
which if cheap and effective, is clearly going to be worth something
closer to the GDP of a major country. Maybe *I* should gather some
investors and offer $500 million?

Jul 10, 2008, 1:05:04 PM7/10/08

Bozo the Clown was entertaining and just as relevant.

Jul 11, 2008, 10:54:06 PM7/11/08
On Jul 11, 4:19 am, Benj <> wrote:

> But those musings do NOT change the fact that the proof of any
> proposed "free energy" device is in the operation and testing. I don't
> care how pretty it lights up, if it doesn't produce more energy than
> it uses, it ain't a "free energy" device!  All the "reasonable"
> theories in the world about how it "might" work mean nothing.
I see that your knowledge of the subject of "free energy" is as "open-
minded" as your views. The point is that working prototypes of "free
energy devices" already do exist and they do work! More details about
these working devices is on the totaliztic web page "free_energy.htm"
which you should be able to find, amongst others, at the address:

With thew totaliztic salute,
Jan Pajak

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