Augusta Linux User Group

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Hey, the Augusta Linux User Group is now on Google Groups. Whether you're a seasoned vet or a newbie the doors always open and so is the group :)

Meetings located downtown Augusta at (The 816 Broad St. Augusta, GA 30904

Heres a little about Linux:

Where can I get this and what are you doing to my computer?
-How to get Linux and its many distros.

  • Linux in a Free and Open Source Operating System that will pretty much run on anything.
  • The actual Linux kernel or heart of the OS was written by Linus Torvalds. The rest of the packages were written by various developers from around the world.
  • Don't worry, were not breaking your computer. Many of the distros are actually live CDs. Its like test driving a car before you buy it. Simply pop in the CD/DVD, do a restart, and your test driving Linux. Do a restart, pop the CD/DVD out and you're back to normal.
  • There are a tone of sites that offer the different distros. Some are dedicated to a specific distro and others showcase a whole bunch.


OK so I installed this thing, so now what?
-Navigating and using directories.

Now a days, Linux has two types of user environments, the CLI (Command Line Interface)  and the GUI (Graphical User Interface).  Navigating through the GUI is pretty much point and click where as the CLI is solely text based. Some of the commands that you would use to navigate the CLI are as follows:
  • cd : Changes to a specific directory. For example, “cd ~” or “cd /var/www”.
  • ls : Lists the contents of a specific directory. For example “ls -a” or “ls /var/www”.
  • pwd : Stands for “Print Working Directory”.  It does just that. It prints your current location to the screen.
  • cp : copies fliles/directories from one location to another or in the same location. For example, “cp -v /var/www/index.html ~/Desktop/index.html”
  • mv : Moves a file from one place to another. This command does not copy but alters the title of the original file. Its also known the renaming command. For example, “mv -v /var/www/index.html /var/www/index.php”

So where’s the C: drive? psst! There isn’t one.
-Brief intro to how Linux uses your hard drive.

  • Unlike Windows XP/Vista, Linux commonly uses the EXT3 files system. One of the key things to remember without getting too technical is Linux views all of your directories as part of one giant folder not a drive.