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Leaving fliers on your mailbox - the law?

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Greg H

Nov 11, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/11/99
Question for anyone who really knows the answer:

What are the laws, either locally, or Federally, that prohibit people from
placing fliers for services or products on your private mailbox? I'm pretty
sure that there's definately a law that keeps people from placing things
INTO your box unless it has proper postage on it, but am not sure what the
laws are regarding all of these "people" who staple, tape, things onto your
box, or the post it's on.

Anyone know what the details on this is?

- GH


Nov 11, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/11/99
Years ago, the Post Office sent me a bill,
when they found my flyers in a few mail boxes.
I paid it promptly.

Greg H

Nov 11, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/11/99
I'm curious about some more details regarding that. Are you saying that
you had put some fliers on residential mailboxes, and through citizen
complaints, the post office was able to bill you for it? Was it a fine, or
a "bill"?

How did they determine what to bill you, if they didn't know how many you
had distributed?

- GH

Ashburn <> wrote in message

The Crayfish

Nov 11, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/11/99
On Thu, 11 Nov 1999 19:04:57 -0500, "Greg H" <>
wriggled free of the leather straps and managed to scrawl:

>Question for anyone who really knows the answer:
>What are the laws, either locally, or Federally, that prohibit people from
>placing fliers for services or products on your private mailbox? I'm pretty
>sure that there's definately a law that keeps people from placing things
>INTO your box unless it has proper postage on it, but am not sure what the
>laws are regarding all of these "people" who staple, tape, things onto your
>box, or the post it's on.
>Anyone know what the details on this is?

Perhaps the USPS will side with you under this US Statute:


18 USC Sec. 1725 01/05/99




Sec. 1725. Postage unpaid on deposited mail matter


Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits any mailable matter such
as statements of accounts, circulars, sale bills, or other like
matter, on which no postage has been paid, in any letter box
established, approved, or accepted by the Postal Service for the
receipt or delivery of mail matter on any mail route with intent to
avoid payment of lawful postage thereon, shall for each such
offense be fined under this title.

Or, if you can somehow classify this as "injuring" your mailbox, the
following Georgia state code applies:

16-7-27 G
*** CODE SECTION *** 10/15/99


(a) It shall be unlawful for any person willfully or maliciously to
injure, tear down, or destroy any mailbox or receptacle intended or
used for the receipt or delivery of mail or willfully or maliciously
to injure, deface, or destroy any mail deposited therein.

(b) Any person who violates this Code section shall be guilty of a

>- GH

"The other white meat" * Eat more skineless chicken!
What's "skineless" mean?
Donate FREE food to hungry people at:
Get your FREE anti-spam service:

Christian Walters

Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
I'm glad I'm not the only one who's annoyed by this.

You go through all the trouble of stopping the newspaper service and
all that when you leave town, then all of a sudden Dominos Pizza
decides to advertise that you're not home to clean off your box.

I don't know if there are any laws in place, though...

On Thu, 11 Nov 1999 19:04:57 -0500, "Greg H"
<> wrote:

>Question for anyone who really knows the answer:
>What are the laws, either locally, or Federally, that prohibit people from
>placing fliers for services or products on your private mailbox? I'm pretty
>sure that there's definately a law that keeps people from placing things
>INTO your box unless it has proper postage on it, but am not sure what the
>laws are regarding all of these "people" who staple, tape, things onto your
>box, or the post it's on.
>Anyone know what the details on this is?

>- GH


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
Call a postmaster, should be a number for several in Atlanta area
in the blue pages of the phone book.

Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
It's definately a No-No. The US Postmaster owns your mailbox, and only
stuff permitted by a proper stamp can be put into or affixed to, the

Usually I don't care, particularly if the flier is a civic assoc
flier, or some
neighborhood announcement. I get a little ticked at the constant
advertisements by commercial enterprises.

Any local Postmaster can quote you chapter and verse.

On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 00:04:57, "Greg H" <>


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

Greg H wrote:
> I'm curious about some more details regarding that. Are you saying that
> you had put some fliers on residential mailboxes, and through citizen
> complaints, the post office was able to bill you for it? Was it a fine, or
> a "bill"?

A bill. I used to drive around putting my fliers in mailboxes.
I learned, early, that I had to *follow* the mail man. One day,
I put my fliers in BEFORE the mail man delivered. So, I think,
it was the mail man that busted me. I eventually went to tacking
them to the posts. No more problems.
I'm not in the same business but I still use fliers.
Now, I pay somebody $225 to deliver five thousand.

It is a good, inexpensive way to advertise.
I usually make my money back the first day.
People do read and use them.

> How did they determine what to bill you, if they didn't know how many you
> had distributed?

I think they charged me for the whole sub-division.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
Well, SOME people read and use them. I make a point of only reading the name of
the business that foisted this trash on me. Then I throw away the flyer and make
a point of avoiding that business. Flyers are more nuisance than anything else.
They mostly end up as trash blowing around the neighborhood.

Ashburn wrote:


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
On Thu, 11 Nov 1999 23:27:12 -0500, The Crayfish
<> wrote:

>Anyone know what the details on this is?

Well, evidently, it's okay to put something on the box if it doesn't
damage it, but unlawful to put something in the box.

In the case of USPS versus Cock Robin, a postal worker had shot and
killed Cock Robin's son, Cock Robin Jr., with his Smith and Wesson
Super Robin Blaster BB gun, for shitting in the mail box. Cock Robin
said that his son would never have shit in the box if a raccoon had
not opened the door the night before, so therefore, it was the
raccoon's fault that his son had shit in the box. After all, it is
okay to shit on top of the box. He said his son apparently got
confused thinking the box was a bird feeder. Cock Robin won the case.
The raccoon is suing the USPS on the grounds of entrapment contending
that a Honey Baked ham was delivered in the box and the smell of the
ham stayed after it was removed, and it being dark and all, the
raccoon thought the box was a garbage can when he pulled open the

I'm sorry. I couldn't resist. :-)

Seriously, if you don't damage the box, I don't think there is any law
against putting something on the box. You can slide a flyer in
between the flag and the box.


I thought I saw a putty cat.

Tweety Bird, Putty Cats, Chap. 1, page 1, 1962.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
jim wrote:
> Well, SOME people read and use them.


>I make a point of only reading the name of
> the business that foisted this trash on me.
>Then I throw away the flyer and make
> a point of avoiding that business.

Whoop tee do.

>Flyers are more nuisance than anything else.

They are a money maker for me.
They are a money saver for the people that hire me.
If they are a nuisance to you - who cares?

> They mostly end up as trash blowing around the neighborhood.

Nasty neighborhood you live in.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
Don't know if this is an urban legend in-the-making or not, but a
friend in NY told me of a neighbor whose house was burglarized while
he was out of town, and the homeowner sued a business that had tacked
a flyer on his mailbox while he was away.

According to my friend, the homeowner won the suit and collected

Like I said, I don't know if it was a true story or not, but if I was
on a jury on a similar case, I'd side with the homeowner.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

Let's say it is true. The odds are that I will win
the lotto and be struck by lightning, on the
same day, before I'm sued for putting flyers out.

Lloyd R. Parker

Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
to wrote:
: It's definately a No-No. The US Postmaster owns your mailbox, and only

: stuff permitted by a proper stamp can be put into or affixed to, the
: mailbox.

You can attach a newspaper delivery box to the POST your mailbox is on,
though, can't you? So the POST may not be controlled by the USPS.

: Usually I don't care, particularly if the flier is a civic assoc

: flier, or some
: neighborhood announcement. I get a little ticked at the constant
: advertisements by commercial enterprises.
: Any local Postmaster can quote you chapter and verse.
: On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 00:04:57, "Greg H" <>
: wrote:
: > Question for anyone who really knows the answer:
: >
: > What are the laws, either locally, or Federally, that prohibit people from
: > placing fliers for services or products on your private mailbox? I'm pretty
: > sure that there's definately a law that keeps people from placing things
: > INTO your box unless it has proper postage on it, but am not sure what the
: > laws are regarding all of these "people" who staple, tape, things onto your
: > box, or the post it's on.

: >
: > Anyone know what the details on this is?
: >
: >
: > - GH
: >
: >
: >

Lloyd R. Parker

Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
Ashburn ( wrote:
: Greg H wrote:
: >
: > I'm curious about some more details regarding that. Are you saying that
: > you had put some fliers on residential mailboxes, and through citizen
: > complaints, the post office was able to bill you for it? Was it a fine, or
: > a "bill"?
: A bill. I used to drive around putting my fliers in mailboxes.
: I learned, early, that I had to *follow* the mail man. One day,
: I put my fliers in BEFORE the mail man delivered. So, I think,
: it was the mail man that busted me. I eventually went to tacking
: them to the posts. No more problems.

Are these posts on private property? If so, illegal. Are these posts on
the public right-of-way? If so, probably illegal (depends on the city or
county). Are these utility poles? If so, illegal.

: I'm not in the same business but I still use fliers.

: Now, I pay somebody $225 to deliver five thousand.

: It is a good, inexpensive way to advertise.

: I usually make my money back the first day.
: People do read and use them.

: > How did they determine what to bill you, if they didn't know how many you


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

S.C. wrote in message ...
>Where my parents live there is a "thrifty nickel" type newspaper that
>attached hooks to mailbox posts in their delivery area. A few people
>complained (one of my parents' neighbors put a sign saying "NO HOOKS"
>on their mailbox post) but other than that, they've been hanging
>papers on those hooks for years, and TTBOMK the USPS has never billed

The relevant question to me (and maybe to the original poster)
is: if I put up a sign saying "NO HOOKS" or maybe "NO
SOLICITATIONS" and someone puts an ad up anyway,
do I have a legal claim against them?


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
I don't think so. It has been a long time since I called
a Postmaster, and even then he did not want to be
very specific.

But I hung up the phone with two clear impressions:

1) Anything affixed to the box or pole is a No-No if it
doesn't have a stamp.

2) If the carrier for your route is cool, then there is
not a problem from their perspective.

(I think the carriers get upset primarily when junk
interfers with their stuffing mail into the mailbox. So,
likely they don't care about stuff affixed to the pole.)

I delivered civic flyers to about 800 homes for a long
time, and except for 2 homes, all were Ok with it,
including a varied mix of carriers. The 2 homes had
to have their stuff put on their porch.

I don't much care for the commerical stuff though, but
it doesn't annoy me enough to complain.

On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 15:27:33, (Lloyd R. Parker)

Jeff Henjes

Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
Have the guts to tell us what your business is Ashburn so we ALL can
avoid you. I'm tired of coming home and seeing shit hanging on my
doorknob, shoved into the door frame, etc. Some dog shit cooking
Chinese place or half assed pizza place flyer. I automatically know
if it's tacked to my door the business that put it there is usually
low rent.

Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
Just out of curiosity, what percentage of the flyers
generate a response?

On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 13:32:37, Ashburn <>

Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 15:30:15, (Lloyd R. Parker)

> :

> : Greg H wrote:
> : >
> : > I'm curious about some more details regarding that. Are you saying that
> : > you had put some fliers on residential mailboxes, and through citizen
> : > complaints, the post office was able to bill you for it? Was it a fine, or
> : > a "bill"?
> :
> : A bill. I used to drive around putting my fliers in mailboxes.
> : I learned, early, that I had to *follow* the mail man. One day,
> : I put my fliers in BEFORE the mail man delivered. So, I think,
> : it was the mail man that busted me. I eventually went to tacking
> : them to the posts. No more problems.
> Are these posts on private property? If so, illegal. Are these posts on
> the public right-of-way? If so, probably illegal (depends on the city or
> county). Are these utility poles? If so, illegal.

I live near a university, and get tons of these flyers.

I have wondered about installing a 2nd mailbox, marked

Hopefully, that would keep everyone honest, and my
mail neatly sorted from the junk and other flyers.

I wonder if that would be Ok, as it would be installed
adjoining the regular mailbox which is on public
right of way.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

Jeff Henjes wrote in message ...

>Have the guts to tell us what your business is Ashburn so we ALL can
>avoid you

Why should they do that? If I owned a business and someone said I won't
frequent your business if you tell me it's name, I sure as hell wouldn't
give them the name of it. Hopefully it's the dry cleaners you use once a
month or the pet store you go to. That would be hilarious, you keep on using
it, never knowing who owns it and getting your panties all in a wad over a
stupid thread in a NG, LOL.

Ashburn, DON"T TELL HIM.

Christian Walters

Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
Spoken like an apartment-dweller.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

Christian Walters wrote in message
>Spoken like an apartment-dweller.

Idiotic people making stupid assumptions again.

If someone has a problem with somebody doing something illegal, then they
should go through the correct authorities to take care of it. They shouldn't
expect to get it resolved in a NG.

Christian Walters

Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 12:13:08 -0500, "Stuart" <> wrote:

>If someone has a problem with somebody doing something illegal, then they
>should go through the correct authorities to take care of it. They shouldn't
>expect to get it resolved in a NG.

Part of the process of stopping someone with the law is gathering
information. That's what the NG thread was initially.

Jeff's comment was just highlighting selfish assholes like Ashburn who
litter our streets and property, endanger our homes when we're out of
town, and scoff when we bring these things to their attention.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

Christian Walters wrote in message

>On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 12:13:08 -0500, "Stuart" <> wrote:
>>If someone has a problem with somebody doing something illegal, then they
>>should go through the correct authorities to take care of it. They
>>expect to get it resolved in a NG.
>Part of the process of stopping someone with the law is gathering
>information. That's what the NG thread was initially.

OK, I'll concede you that. But if he *really* wanted to do something about
it all he needed to do was call the USPS and ask to speak to an inspector,
or gather the fliers and take them to a post office.

Jeff Henjes

Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 11:37:42 -0500, "Stuart" <> wrote:

>Jeff Henjes wrote in message ...
>>Have the guts to tell us what your business is Ashburn so we ALL can
>>avoid you
>Why should they do that? If I owned a business and someone said I won't
>frequent your business if you tell me it's name, I sure as hell wouldn't
>give them the name of it. Hopefully it's the dry cleaners you use once a
>month or the pet store you go to. That would be hilarious, you keep on using
>it, never knowing who owns it and getting your panties all in a wad over a
>stupid thread in a NG, LOL.
>Ashburn, DON"T TELL HIM.

Don't worry, I'm not holding my breath. With Ashburn's attitude in
the previous post it's a given people like him have no balls, they're
weasels in everything they do.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
Jeff Henjes wrote:
> Have the guts to tell us what your business is Ashburn

Guts? What would you know about that?

I use three different flyers:
1. General Home Contractor - additions, decks, sun rooms...
2. Electrical Design and Installation
3. Landscape Design and Installation

I start a job, on Monday, because somebody read my flyer (#2).
Total price= Three thousand five hundred dollars.
Materials= one thousand five hundred dollars.
Profit= two thousand dollars. (for a weeks work)
Not too shabby, eh? I have made five thousand a week (#3).
Plus, this is just "phase one". I'll will probably make
over five thousand there this month. She read my flyer.
Other people have, also. I'm booked till X-mas.

> so we ALL can avoid you.

Don't pop a vessel. I live in N.Va.

>I'm tired of coming home and seeing shit hanging on my
> doorknob, shoved into the door frame, etc.

God, you sound like a pathetic whiner.
Let's make it a Federal fucking crime.

> Some dog shit cooking
> Chinese place or half assed pizza place flyer.

Too bad. You miss all of the specials and free stuff.

> I automatically know
> if it's tacked to my door the business that put it there is usually
> low rent.

The house I'm working at is worth three quarter
of a million dollars. Colin Powell lives a few
doors down. Low rent? Right.

Jeff Henjes

Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
You're a total pathetic liar.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
to wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, what percentage of the flyers
> generate a response?

Without going through my books, here is my guesstamate:

I paid to have five thousand flyers put out three months ago.

I may have received 100 calls (probably less).
Two percent. And that's good.

From those calls I probably got 80 jobs.

The $325. advertising investment was recovered
on the first job.

For the small business owner, only one form of
advertising is better - referrals.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

"Lloyd R. Parker" wrote:

> Are these posts on private property? If so, illegal. Are these posts on
> the public right-of-way? If so, probably illegal (depends on the city or
> county). Are these utility poles? If so, illegal.

I know, Lloyd. But since nobody is enforcing the laws
already on the books, would somebody PLEASE make more
laws that will not be enforced? Please........


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
On 12 Nov 1999 10:27:33 -0500, (Lloyd R. Parker)

>You can attach a newspaper delivery box to the POST your mailbox is on,

>though, can't you? So the POST may not be controlled by the USPS.

This whole discussion really boils down to what is pragmatic instead
of what is against the law. If you don't put things inside the mail
box or on the handle that the mailman (to hell with using mail person)
has to pull down to open the box, then you are probably not going to
have any problems putting things on or around the box. Just don't
make the mailman's life more difficult.

The USPS has more to do than run all over the place trying to run down
a person that is simply putting flyers on box or on the post and not
interfering with their mail delivery. That's just common sense.

It is unfortunate that it causes some littering problems and makes
some people mad. Some people wake up mad every morning. Hehehe.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

Christian Walters wrote:

> Jeff's comment was just highlighting selfish assholes like Ashburn who
> litter our streets and property,

I live where my fliers are delivered.
I have NEVER seen any of my fliers
litter any streets or property.
You are quick to recognize the truth
of whatever you make up.

> endanger our homes when we're out of
> town,

Please, nobody is that large of a pussy.
Have the same people who pick up your mail
and newspapers take the fliers off your box too. Duh.

>and scoff when we bring these things to their attention.

Scoff? Are you sure?


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

Are you man enough to apologize?
Or at least admit that you were wrong?


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 08:38:13 -0600, Ashburn
<> wrote:

>Let's say it is true. The odds are that I will win
>the lotto and be struck by lightning, on the
>same day, before I'm sued for putting flyers out.

One can only hope.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

Jeff Henjes wrote:
> You're a total pathetic liar.

I have no reason to lie.
The figures were right in front of me.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

"goldtopŽ" wrote:

> On 12 Nov 1999 16:22:29 GMT, wrote:
> >Just out of curiosity, what percentage of the flyers
> >generate a response?

> It's fairly low but it generates enough income to generally make the
> flyer distribution profitable. It it weren't, we'd never see them
> hanging on our mailboxes, doorknebs, etc.
> As a general rule I don't knowlingly patronize any business that
> litters on my property.

I don't litter.

> As far as businesspeople like Ashburn are
> concerned, these are the same folks who raise the stupid arguments
> about their right to free speech and all that garbage that goes along
> with distributing flyers.

Please. Give me a fucking break.
I do it because it works.
(free speech my ass)

> They're too cheap to purchase conventional
> advertising, when it comes right down to it.

Yo, Einstein. Flyers are not the only form of
advertising I use. Just one....

Christian Walters

Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 13:41:56 -0600, Ashburn
<> wrote:

>Please, nobody is that large of a pussy.
>Have the same people who pick up your mail
>and newspapers take the fliers off your box too. Duh.

I stopped getting the newspaper because they were bad about holding my
service when I'm out of town. Nothing like coming home to 8 molding
newspapers in your driveway. Might as well leave the front door open.

I get the post office to hold my mail, too. They've been good about

So, who do I call to get my fliers held?

Christian Walters

Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:05:23 -0600, Ashburn
<> wrote:

>Atlanta doesn't have a rag that's worth a dime anyhow.

Can't argue there.

>Yeah! Proof that government works!!!

No wonder you didn't go to college.

>Do you have a neighbor that would
>help you with your phobia.

Actually, no. The one guy that lives next to me is home even less
than I am.

>If not, the fliers are the least
>of your problems.

It's worth it to not have to live next to a contractor.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

Christian Walters wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 13:41:56 -0600, Ashburn
> <> wrote:
> >
> >Please, nobody is that large of a pussy.
> >Have the same people who pick up your mail
> >and newspapers take the fliers off your box too. Duh.
> I stopped getting the newspaper because they were bad about holding my
> service when I'm out of town. Nothing like coming home to 8 molding
> newspapers in your driveway. Might as well leave the front door open.

Atlanta doesn't have a rag that's worth a dime anyhow.

> I get the post office to hold my mail, too. They've been good about
> it.

Yeah! Proof that government works!!!

> So, who do I call to get my fliers held?

Call Janet Barbecue Reno.

Everywhere I have lived, somehow, I have
managed to make friends with one or more
of my neighbors. As friends, and neighbors,
we help each other out. That would include
picking up and throwing away any fliers,
if I were neurotic enough to ask.

Do you have a neighbor that would
help you with your phobia.

If not, the fliers are the least
of your problems.

"So, who do I call to get my fliers held?"



Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

Christian Walters wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 16:05:23 -0600, Ashburn
> <> wrote:

> >Atlanta doesn't have a rag that's worth a dime anyhow.

> Can't argue there.

> >Yeah! Proof that government works!!!

> No wonder you didn't go to college.

> >Do you have a neighbor that would
> >help you with your phobia.

> Actually, no. The one guy that lives next to me is home even less
> than I am.

> >If not, the fliers are the least
> >of your problems.

> It's worth it to not have to live next to a contractor.

Well, I think we need a government program
( a summit, at least) to teach people,
like you, how to make at least one friend.
Start there and you can add others when you feel
more comfortable. I DO care.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

caesurae wrote:
> In article <>, Ashburn

> <> wrote:
> > If they are a nuisance to you - who cares?

> yeah! who cares what a fellow amercian citizen thinks!

I not even going to begin to care about the
petty, neurotic ramblings of a flier nazi.
It's so small. It means absolutely nothing to me.
YOU can care about anything you fucking want.

> just give me my
> money and to hell with the rest of you! sheeesh!

Nobody gives me money. I provide products and
service for money. If I don't do a good job I
will not get paid. That has never happened.
Nobody gives me money.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
I notice that you have a "NOSPAM" tag in your e-mail address. Strange
that you would avoid spam on the Internet and be so in love with it in
the paper world. If it's trash in one world, it's trash in the other.

Ashburn wrote:

> They are a money maker for me.

> They are a money saver for the people that hire me.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

jim wrote:
> I notice that you have a "NOSPAM" tag in your e-mail address.

Bravo. You have established that you can read...
(It is an action I took to reduce the spam.
There are actions you can take to reduce
the fliers you get. Running you mouth
like a little sissy is not one of them.)

> Strange that you would avoid spam on the Internet
> and be so in love with it in the paper world.

...but not think. I have no love or hate for
paper spam. It is such a minute and meaningless
little part of my life that I rarely give it
a thought much less an emotion.

> If it's trash in one world, it's trash in the other.

If it is trash to you, then throw it away.
To hard for you? Hire somebody to do it.
(check your mail box-that service may be offered)
I find it hilarious that you get all jacked up
over trash. What a petty little boy you are.

Some peoples trash are other peoples treasures.

Greg H

Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
I've actually heard the same thing, so am not sure whether or not it's a
legend or not, but if my home were broken into because fliers were on my
box, I'd at least talk to a friend of mine who's a lawyer about getting
something started. If anything, to make the news and make the people who
did that think twice.

I was talking about this with a neighbor tonight, and they told me what they
once did with a couple of neighbors some time ago when there was a rash of
flier postings. They went around and collected literally hundreds of these
things, looked up the address (a home business) via the phone number of the
person who was passing these out, and during the night, went to that home,
and completely plastered their mailbox, post, and driveway of all things,
with those fliers. Using glue guns, no less. And surprise.. guess what?
The neighborhood never saw fliers from this business again. Hmmmmmmm. idea?

Alexander <> wrote in message
> Don't know if this is an urban legend in-the-making or not, but a
> friend in NY told me of a neighbor whose house was burglarized while
> he was out of town, and the homeowner sued a business that had tacked
> a flyer on his mailbox while he was away.
> According to my friend, the homeowner won the suit and collected
> handsomely.
> Like I said, I don't know if it was a true story or not, but if I was
> on a jury on a similar case, I'd side with the homeowner.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
In article <>, says...

> ...but not think. I have no love or hate for
> paper spam. It is such a minute and meaningless
> little part of my life that I rarely give it
> a thought much less an emotion.

Well, you sure have given it plenty of time in this thread.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99

Hell, this is a turkey shoot.


Nov 12, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/12/99
Greg H wrote:

> I've actually heard the same thing, so am not sure whether or not it's a
> legend or not, but if my home were broken into because fliers were on my
> box,


> I'd at least talk to a friend of mine who's a lawyer about getting
> something started.

Like what? A homosexual affair?

>If anything, to make the news

CNN, 60 minutes, Hardball?
It will help if you're black.

> and make the people who did that think twice.

The flier bandits are shaking in their bandanas.

> I was talking about this with a neighbor tonight, and they told me what they
> once did with a couple of neighbors some time ago when there was a rash of
> flier postings.

Two cowards conspiring?

>They went around and collected literally hundreds of these
> things, looked up the address (a home business) via the phone number of the
> person who was passing these out, and during the night, went to that home,
> and completely plastered their mailbox, post, and driveway of all things,
> with those fliers. Using glue guns, no less. And surprise.. guess what?
> The neighborhood never saw fliers from this business again. Hmmmmmmm. idea?

You believe that?
Voted for Klinton twice, did you?


Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99
flyers, missed spelled fliers in my last post. didn't use the
"7 8 and 9" keys to check how that word was spelled.

On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Ashburn wrote:

> Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 07:32:37 -0600
> From: Ashburn <>
> Newsgroups: atl.general
> Subject: Re: Leaving fliers on your mailbox - the law?
> jim wrote:
> > Well, SOME people read and use them.
> Exactly.
> >I make a point of only reading the name of
> > the business that foisted this trash on me.
> >Then I throw away the flyer and make
> > a point of avoiding that business.
> Whoop tee do.
> >Flyers are more nuisance than anything else.

> They are a money maker for me.
> They are a money saver for the people that hire me.
> If they are a nuisance to you - who cares?

> > They mostly end up as trash blowing around the neighborhood.
> Nasty neighborhood you live in.


Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99
they better not staple anything on my mailbox, i have a plastic one
and they would be wasting there time putting flyers on mine anyway, i am
blind and couldn't read it anyway.

On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, The Crayfish wrote:

> Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 23:27:12 -0500
> From: The Crayfish <>

> Newsgroups: atl.general
> Subject: Re: Leaving fliers on your mailbox - the law?

> On Thu, 11 Nov 1999 19:04:57 -0500, "Greg H" <>
> wriggled free of the leather straps and managed to scrawl:
> >Question for anyone who really knows the answer:
> >
> >What are the laws, either locally, or Federally, that prohibit people from
> >placing fliers for services or products on your private mailbox? I'm pretty
> >sure that there's definately a law that keeps people from placing things
> >INTO your box unless it has proper postage on it, but am not sure what the
> >laws are regarding all of these "people" who staple, tape, things onto your
> >box, or the post it's on.
> >
> >Anyone know what the details on this is?
> Perhaps the USPS will side with you under this US Statute:
> -CITE-
> 18 USC Sec. 1725 01/05/99
> -HEAD-
> Sec. 1725. Postage unpaid on deposited mail matter
> Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits any mailable matter such
> as statements of accounts, circulars, sale bills, or other like
> matter, on which no postage has been paid, in any letter box
> established, approved, or accepted by the Postal Service for the
> receipt or delivery of mail matter on any mail route with intent to
> avoid payment of lawful postage thereon, shall for each such
> offense be fined under this title.
> Or, if you can somehow classify this as "injuring" your mailbox, the
> following Georgia state code applies:
> 16-7-27 G
> *** CODE SECTION *** 10/15/99
> 16-7-27.
> (a) It shall be unlawful for any person willfully or maliciously to
> injure, tear down, or destroy any mailbox or receptacle intended or
> used for the receipt or delivery of mail or willfully or maliciously
> to injure, deface, or destroy any mail deposited therein.
> (b) Any person who violates this Code section shall be guilty of a
> misdemeanor.
> >
> >
> >- GH
> >
> >
> ==================================================================
> "The other white meat" * Eat more skineless chicken!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> What's "skineless" mean?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Donate FREE food to hungry people at:
> Get your FREE anti-spam service:
> ==================================================================


Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99
the carriers don't like my talking book tapes i get from the library for
the blind, i know that.

On 12 Nov 1999 wrote:

> Date: 12 Nov 1999 16:20:54 GMT
> From:

> Newsgroups: atl.general
> Subject: Re: Leaving fliers on your mailbox - the law?

> I don't think so. It has been a long time since I called
> a Postmaster, and even then he did not want to be
> very specific.
> But I hung up the phone with two clear impressions:
> 1) Anything affixed to the box or pole is a No-No if it
> doesn't have a stamp.
> 2) If the carrier for your route is cool, then there is
> not a problem from their perspective.
> (I think the carriers get upset primarily when junk
> interfers with their stuffing mail into the mailbox. So,
> likely they don't care about stuff affixed to the pole.)
> I delivered civic flyers to about 800 homes for a long
> time, and except for 2 homes, all were Ok with it,
> including a varied mix of carriers. The 2 homes had
> to have their stuff put on their porch.
> I don't much care for the commerical stuff though, but
> it doesn't annoy me enough to complain.
> On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 15:27:33, (Lloyd R. Parker)
> wrote:
> >
> > : It's definately a No-No. The US Postmaster owns your mailbox, and only
> > : stuff permitted by a proper stamp can be put into or affixed to, the
> > : mailbox.


Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99
In article <>, says...

You've had pretty easy pickings so far.

Let's see how you fare as time goes on.

Now shouldn't you be out driving your SUV and putting flyers up?

Good luck, Newbie.


Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99
that why i don't have my address set to nospam, i have a delete key. i am
blind, and all i have to do is hit the "d" key in pine, and it is gone.

On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, jim wrote:

> Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 18:13:14 -0500
> From: jim <>

> Newsgroups: atl.general
> Subject: Re: Leaving fliers on your mailbox - the law?

> I notice that you have a "NOSPAM" tag in your e-mail address. Strange

> that you would avoid spam on the Internet and be so in love with it in

> the paper world. If it's trash in one world, it's trash in the other.


Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99
August wrote:

> You've had pretty easy pickings so far.

For sure.

> Let's see how you fare as time goes on.


> Now shouldn't you be out driving your SUV and putting flyers up?

Why, as a matter of fact,......NO.
I don't drive an SUV. I own a half ton pick-up.
I don't put up flyers. I pay someone to do that.

> Good luck, Newbie.

Yeah. Right.

Greg H

Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99
At least learn to spell the president's name, "Assburn"

Ashburn <> wrote in message


Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99
Ashburn wrote:
> jim wrote:
> > Well, SOME people read and use them.
> Exactly.

Then let those few people SUBSCRIBE to the damn things.

>> a point of avoiding that business.
> Whoop tee do.

I am almost to the point of contacting the businesses to register a
complaint about the unwanted trash being deposited at my place.

> >Flyers are more nuisance than anything else.

> They are a money maker for me.
> They are a money saver for the people that hire me.
> If they are a nuisance to you - who cares?

Because it is my house. I should be viewed as a customer by the
companies who solicit my business through these flyers, and in a way I
should also be considered an indirect customer by you (if you deliver
these annoying things).

These unwanted flyers taped, stapled, and tacked to my mailbox post are
nothing less than an annoyance to me. They are just garbage that I have
to remove or chase down in the yard to throw away. Same goes for this
advertisement disguised as a legit newspaper that lands rolled up in my
driveway a couple of times a week. I travel fairly often, and besides
being a trash annoyance, it is also a security hazard. Like someone else
mentioned, you go to all the trouble to hold your mail and newspaper,
and this trash keeps piling up in your driveway or on your mailbox.

It is outright rude and inconsiderate to falsely believe that you just
have a right to dump this garbage on my property.

Just my opinion... idiotic insults will likely be ignored.


Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99
In article <Pine.GSO.4.10.9911130108500.19184-100000@cluster2>, says...

> that why i don't have my address set to nospam, i have a delete key. i am
> blind, and all i have to do is hit the "d" key in pine, and it is gone.

Listen man, *EVERYONE* knows you're blind.

Give it a rest.


Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99
In article <>, says...

> > Now shouldn't you be out driving your SUV and putting flyers up?
> Why, as a matter of fact,......NO.
> I don't drive an SUV. I own a half ton pick-up.

My mistake.

> I don't put up flyers. I pay someone to do that.

Excellent. You're management material!

> > Good luck, Newbie.
> Yeah. Right.

You're gonna need it.


Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99

Greg H wrote:
> At least learn to spell the president's name, "Assburn"

I have zero respect for him, Dregs.


Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99

EJ wrote:
> Ashburn wrote:
> >
> > jim wrote:
> > > Well, SOME people read and use them.
> >
> > Exactly.
> Then let those few people SUBSCRIBE to the damn things.

Shhhhhh! Copy write that baby.

> >> a point of avoiding that business.
> > Whoop tee do.
> I am almost to the point of contacting the businesses to register a
> complaint about the unwanted trash being deposited at my place.

Knock yourself out, spunky.
Your complaint may meet their flyer at the land fill.

> > >Flyers are more nuisance than anything else.
> >
> > They are a money maker for me.
> > They are a money saver for the people that hire me.
> > If they are a nuisance to you - who cares?
> Because it is my house.

Post a 24 hr. flyer guard. Armed and dangerous.

> I should be viewed as a customer by the
> companies who solicit my business through these flyers,

Loser Economics 101?
Stalin School Of Business?
Alpha Gore's Guide To Greatness?
You are a customer ONLY when YOU CHOOSE to pay
for a product or service. Until them you are a(n)
.............................(fill in the blank).

> and in a way I
> should also be considered an indirect customer by you (if you deliver
> these annoying things).

I consider anybody who gets jacked up over fliers
a petty, sniveling, whining, little baby. Therefore,
a person not worthy of my talents.

> These unwanted flyers taped, stapled, and tacked to my mailbox post are
> nothing less than an annoyance to me.

So? Is the fucking world supposed to stop
because YOU are annoyed? Poor widdle boy.

>They are just garbage that I have
> to remove or chase down in the yard to throw away.

My God! That DOES sound absolutely overwhelming.
I would suggest that you pay somebody to do that.
(check the flyers for that service)

>Same goes for this
> advertisement disguised as a legit newspaper that lands rolled up in my
> driveway a couple of times a week.

Those bastards. There is where you could start your jihad.
Maybe you could spike their printing press.

>I travel fairly often, and besides
> being a trash annoyance, it is also a security hazard. Like someone else
> mentioned, you go to all the trouble to hold your mail and newspaper,
> and this trash keeps piling up in your driveway or on your mailbox.

The problem is not the fliers.
It's your social skills or your neighborhood.
If you can't get a friend or neighbor to take
care of that petty shit, your problem has nothing
to with this thread. Who cuts your grass? Who waters
your plants. Who feeds your dogs, cats, fish, birds???
Which one of your neighbors have you done a favor for?
(does that one hurt?) I have "good deed equity"
with my neighbors. We watch each others back.

> It is outright rude and inconsiderate

My customers have always thanked me for a
professional job and have happily paid me.
They would disagree with you. I care what
my customers think. They give me referrals.
I don't give a flying fuck about your
petty ass protest. You are not a customer.
You are a(n) ...........................

> to falsely believe that you just
> have a right to dump this garbage on my property.

I never dump or litter.
I have no right to set a hair on your property.
I'm just an outlaw. I break the speed limit, too.
Rolled through a stop sign, today.
(granted, they are more serious offenses)

> Just my opinion... idiotic insults will likely be ignored.

Are you going to ignore the fact that you
can't or won't ask a friend or neighbor to
help you with your flyer CRISIS?
Look for a deep sadness underneath
that anger.


Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99

August wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
> > > Now shouldn't you be out driving your SUV and putting flyers up?
> >
> > Why, as a matter of fact,......NO.
> > I don't drive an SUV. I own a half ton pick-up.
> My mistake.
> > I don't put up flyers. I pay someone to do that.
> Excellent. You're management material!

I AM management. I'm CEO material.

> > > Good luck, Newbie.
> >
> > Yeah. Right.
> You're gonna need it.

Luck has nothing to do with it.
(but I do like it and I will take it. Thanks.)

Greg H

Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99
I somehow have a feeling that someone of your class has zero respect for
absolutely anyone but yourself, so that is of no surprise. He's the ELECTED
(twice) president. Show respect for the position, if not for the man.

Ashburn <> wrote in message


Nov 13, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/13/99
Greg H wrote:
> I somehow have a feeling that someone of your class has zero respect for
> absolutely anyone but yourself, so that is of no surprise. He's the ELECTED
> (twice) president.

Now, how did I know you voted for Klintoon twice? Psychic?
No. You present yourself as a spineless moron.

>Show respect for the position, if not for the man.

What position is that?
The "jerk off in the waste basket" position?


Nov 14, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/14/99
In article <>, says...

> August wrote:
> >
> > In article <>,
> > says...
> >
> > > > Now shouldn't you be out driving your SUV and putting flyers up?
> > >
> > > Why, as a matter of fact,......NO.
> > > I don't drive an SUV. I own a half ton pick-up.
> >
> > My mistake.
> >
> > > I don't put up flyers. I pay someone to do that.
> >
> > Excellent. You're management material!
> I AM management. I'm CEO material.

Sweet! CEO of a paper Spam operation.

Your mother must be very proud.


Nov 14, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/14/99
In article <>, says...

> Greg H wrote:
> >
> > I somehow have a feeling that someone of your class has zero respect for
> > absolutely anyone but yourself, so that is of no surprise. He's the ELECTED
> > (twice) president.
> Now, how did I know you voted for Klintoon twice? Psychic?
> No. You present yourself as a spineless moron.

Oops! Generalization. Those are good in debates.

I voted for William twice myself. And I'm pretty damn sure I'm not a
spineless moron. Maybe someone with different political beliefs than you,
but not a spineless moron.

> >Show respect for the position, if not for the man.
> What position is that?

I'm pretty sure he means the presidency but it could be what yo mentioned

> The "jerk off in the waste basket" position?

If that's true, I think it's a damn shame. The President should never
have to jerk-off into a waste basket. Not when there's interns around.

What's this country coming to?


Nov 14, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/14/99

No. The people I hire to distribute my fliers run a spam operation.
A very profitable one, too. I'm in the home improvement business.
You seem quick to recognize the truth of whatever you make up.
Now, THAT must make your mother very proud. "My boy. The liar!"
Does she believe lying is a sign of your "creativity"?
Alpha Gore or Gorby Bradley could use you on their campaign trail.

> Your mother must be very proud.

Yes. About many things. The list is long.

PS. Did you get your shed installed? I would have done
it for two hundred dollars, if I lived in the area.
I hope you got a better deal than that. :-/

Greg H

Nov 14, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/14/99
">Now, how did I know you voted for Klintoon twice? Psychic?
No. You present yourself as a spineless moron.<"

And you, bud, showed that you don't know how to R E A D. What, you mother
didn't buy you books as a kid ?? I never said that ** I ** voted twice for
Clinton. As a matter of fact, I didn't even vote the first time around
because I wasn't thrilled with what I heard from either side at all. I **
did ** vote for him second term, however. Why?

Well, a spine had nothing to do with it. I was able to walk to the polling
booth without teh aid of crutches or a stretcher, so, I must have had a very
sturdy spine, but thanks for asking. The fact it, the man has done a pretty
good job as president. A hell of alot better than the guy who now can't
remember his name... uh... what was that name? And oh yeah, the guy who
raised a coke addict (who's running now).

As far as a husband, and a man goes... Clinton is probably gets at best a
"D-" grade. I don't know any woman who'd want to be married to Clinton the
man. However, I didn't vote for Clinton the man. I voted for Clinton the
president. Oh he lied. Gee... now THAT'S a first for a president. :-P
How many of you guys who have cheated ( and you have ) would tell it all on
t.v.? If you said "none of us" then give yourself a cookie. If you're
still cutting him down... oh, you must be Republican, cause as we all know,
Republicans are honest, family loving politicians who have never lied to
Americans, right? (double :-P now).

So, Assburn... R E A D. Respect the position of president, even if you
can't stand the man. I'd bet some $$ that throughout your life you just
hated whoever was your leader at that time anyway (parents, teachers,
police, etc.) but that's your issue.

- GH

Ashburn <> wrote in message

> Greg H wrote:
> >
> > I somehow have a feeling that someone of your class has zero respect for
> > absolutely anyone but yourself, so that is of no surprise. He's the
> > (twice) president.
> Now, how did I know you voted for Klintoon twice? Psychic?
> No. You present yourself as a spineless moron.

> >Show respect for the position, if not for the man.
> What position is that?


Nov 14, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/14/99

August wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...

> > Greg H wrote:
> > >
> > > I somehow have a feeling that someone of your class has zero respect for
> > > absolutely anyone but yourself, so that is of no surprise. He's the ELECTED
> > > (twice) president.
> >
> > Now, how did I know you voted for Klintoon twice? Psychic?
> > No. You present yourself as a spineless moron.

> Oops! Generalization. Those are good in debates.
> I voted for William twice myself. And I'm pretty damn sure I'm not a
> spineless moron. Maybe someone with different political beliefs than you,
> but not a spineless moron.

Sorry. My mistake. Boop, boop, boop. (I'm backing up.flame off)

> > >Show respect for the position, if not for the man.
> >
> > What position is that?

> I'm pretty sure he means the presidency but it could be what yo mentioned
> below....

> > The "jerk off in the waste basket" position?
> >

> If that's true, I think it's a damn shame. The President should never
> have to jerk-off into a waste basket. Not when there's interns around.

My sentiments exactly. (It is true, btw)

> What's this country coming to?

Our values are becoming skewed. Whacked out! Insane!
I value getting a bj much more than a pud pulling session.
Call me a fucking loony tune.(flame on)


Nov 14, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/14/99
In article <>, says...

> My sentiments exactly. (It is true, btw)

What's true, btw?


Nov 14, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/14/99
In article <>, says...

> > Sweet! CEO of a paper Spam operation.
> No. The people I hire to distribute my fliers run a spam operation.
> A very profitable one, too. I'm in the home improvement business.
> You seem quick to recognize the truth of whatever you make up.

It's something I've ben working on.

> Now, THAT must make your mother very proud. "My boy. The liar!"

I already told you. I don't have a mother.

> Does she believe lying is a sign of your "creativity"?
> Alpha Gore or Gorby Bradley could use you on their campaign trail.

You're gonna have to stop talking in code.

> > Your mother must be very proud.
> Yes. About many things. The list is long.

Yes. Probably near the magnitude "The Vatican List of Celibate Priests "
or "Royal Family's Guide to Good Marriages" or even "Jerry Garcia's Guide
to Beating Drug Addiction"

> PS. Did you get your shed installed? I would have done
> it for two hundred dollars, if I lived in the area.
> I hope you got a better deal than that. :-/

I decided to do it myself. So yes, I got a better deal than that.

Thanks for asking though....


Nov 14, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/14/99

The most powerful man in the world
deposits his baby batter in a basket.


Nov 14, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/14/99

August wrote:
> In article <>,
> says...
> > > Sweet! CEO of a paper Spam operation.
> >
> > No. The people I hire to distribute my fliers run a spam operation.
> > A very profitable one, too. I'm in the home improvement business.
> > You seem quick to recognize the truth of whatever you make up.
> It's something I've ben working on.
> > Now, THAT must make your mother very proud. "My boy. The liar!"
> I already told you. I don't have a mother.

The subject of mothers never came up between
us before. Did you ever have one?

> > Does she believe lying is a sign of your "creativity"?
> > Alpha Gore or Gorby Bradley could use you on their campaign trail.
> You're gonna have to stop talking in code.

No. And I'm not going to show you the
secret handshakes either. Besides, is
it not better to understand than to
be understood?

> > > Your mother must be very proud.
> >
> > Yes. About many things. The list is long.
> Yes. Probably near the magnitude "The Vatican List of Celibate Priests "
> or "Royal Family's Guide to Good Marriages" or even "Jerry Garcia's Guide
> to Beating Drug Addiction"

No. It's more like "Two Volumes shy of a full set of Encyclopedias".
But, I'm still a young man. Granted, Jeffrey Dalhmer's mom probably
thought,"He's such a good boy."

> > PS. Did you get your shed installed? I would have done
> > it for two hundred dollars, if I lived in the area.
> > I hope you got a better deal than that. :-/
> >
> I decided to do it myself. So yes, I got a better deal than that.



Nov 14, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/14/99
In article <>, says...
You have evidence of this?

And not something you heard on Boortz or Limbaugh....


Nov 14, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/14/99
In article <>, says...

> > I already told you. I don't have a mother.
> The subject of mothers never came up between
> us before. Did you ever have one?

You're not very observant.


Nov 14, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/14/99

August wrote:
> > > What's true, btw?
> >
> > The most powerful man in the world
> > deposits his baby batter in a basket.
> >
> You have evidence of this?

That would not be something I keep on
my hard drive.

> And not something you heard on Boortz or Limbaugh....

No. It's probably in the Star Report or Lewinski's
testimony. It used to frustrate the hell out of
his fat assed slut intern. Maybe, I'll source it latter.
(Probably not) But for now, bedtime.

billy's baby batter basket

Bet you can't say that real fast - ten times.


Nov 14, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/14/99

No doubt.


Nov 15, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/15/99

Jeff Henjes wrote:
> You're a total pathetic liar.

The names have been changed to protect the innocent
people who read my fliers.
43213 XXXXX ASHBURN VA. 20147
PHONE: 703-729-XXXX o FAX: 703-729-XXXX
November 5, 1999
101 xxxxxxx Road
McLean VA 22102
Dear xxxxx:
Thank you for the opportunity to present an estimate on the lighting
enhancements for your home.
The following table presents the materials and labor costs for your
Item Description Cost
6 cabinet lights @ 50.00 each 300.00
1 - Dimmer Switch @ 15.00 15.00
TOTAL 315.00

Description Cost
Install under cabinet lights - 3 lights @40.00 120.00
Install over cabinet lights - 3 lights @ 75.00 225.00
Fix phone line 20.00
Move disposal switch 25.00
Replace dimmer switch 15.00
TOTAL 405.00

The following table presents the materials and labor costs for your
Master Bedroom.
Item Description Cost
8 recessed light fixtures @ 41.25
Includes (recessed fixture, trim and halogen lamps) 330.00
2 - Dimmer Switches @ 37.50 75.00
2 - Circuit Breakers @ 15.00 30.00
Wire for additional circuits 50.00
TOTAL 485.00

Description Cost
Install 8 recessed lights @ 66.25 ea 530.00
Wiring additional circuits 200.00
TOTAL 730.00

The following table presents the materials and labor costs for your
Family Room.
Item Description Cost
9 recessed light fixtures @ 41.25
Includes (recessed fixture, trim and halogen lamps) 371.25
1 - Ceiling Fan Dimmer 25.00
2 - 600 watt dimmers @ 37.50
1 - 1000 watt dimmer @ 75.00 75.00
2 - Circuit Breakers @ 15.00 30.00
Wire for additional circuits 25.00
TOTAL 526.25

Description Cost
Install 9 recessed lights @ 66.25 ea 569.25
Wiring additional circuits 200.00
Replace fan dimmer 20.00
TOTAL 826.25

Room Material Labor Total
Kitchen 315.00 405.00 720.00
Master Bedroom 485.00 730.00 1215.00
Family Room 526.25 826.25 1352.50
TOTALS 1326.25 1961.25 3287.50

Please call me at your earliest convenience to discuss the details.



Nov 15, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/15/99
No attacks, please. I am just trying to understand why people get so very
upset about flyers/menus. It seems like it's almost enough to get people's
blood boiling. Something is crammed in my door every day when I arrive
home. It usually goes straight to the trash. Sure, it can be annoying, and
I do understand being upset if you are not home and an accumulation of
flyers gives that away. But is this issue really worth getting irrate over
& blowing your blood pressure sky high?

-----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News ==---------- The Largest Usenet Servers in the World!
------== Over 73,000 Newsgroups - Including Dedicated Binaries Servers ==-----


Nov 15, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/15/99
A flyer delivery center informed me that you cannot post/hang/mount ANYTHING
to the actual mailbox. However, the mailbox post is fair game. I don't
know if that is a truthful statement or not, but that is how they operate
without incident.

> On Thu, 11 Nov 1999 19:04:57 -0500, "Greg H"
> <> wrote:
> >Question for anyone who really knows the answer:
> >
> >What are the laws, either locally, or Federally, that prohibit people
> >placing fliers for services or products on your private mailbox? I'm
> >sure that there's definately a law that keeps people from placing things
> >INTO your box unless it has proper postage on it, but am not sure what
> >laws are regarding all of these "people" who staple, tape, things onto
> >box, or the post it's on.
> >
> >Anyone know what the details on this is?
> >
> >
> >- GH


Nov 15, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/15/99
On Mon, 15 Nov 1999 12:40:49 -0500, "Erin" <> wrote:

>No attacks, please. I am just trying to understand why people get so very
>upset about flyers/menus. It seems like it's almost enough to get people's
>blood boiling. Something is crammed in my door every day when I arrive
>home. It usually goes straight to the trash. Sure, it can be annoying, and
>I do understand being upset if you are not home and an accumulation of
>flyers gives that away. But is this issue really worth getting irrate over
>& blowing your blood pressure sky high?

Actually the issue seems to have turned into a trollfest with this
Ashburn dude calling everyone a sissy who doesn't agree with him, thus
inciting further posts.

Just your typical everyday atl.general blue-collar redneck flamewar...

(As Alexander posts the message, a beat up white Chevy work van pulls
up in front. Ladders dangling from the roof, and an "Ain't Skeered"
sticker on the rear window, the van comes to an abrupt stop in front
of the mailbox. A withered, tattoed arm lunges out and sticks another
flyer on the mailbox! The van, valves rattling, speeds away...)


Nov 15, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/15/99
On Sun, 14 Nov 1999 23:49:06 -0600, Ashburn
<> wrote:

>August wrote:
>> > > What's true, btw?
>> >
>> > The most powerful man in the world
>> > deposits his baby batter in a basket.
>> >
>> You have evidence of this?
>That would not be something I keep on
>my hard drive.


>> And not something you heard on Boortz or Limbaugh....
>No. It's probably in the Star Report or Lewinski's
>testimony. It used to frustrate the hell out of
>his fat assed slut intern. Maybe, I'll source it latter.
>(Probably not) But for now, bedtime.

Ok. I didn't think so.

Lloyd R. Parker

Nov 15, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/15/99
Erin ( wrote:
: No attacks, please. I am just trying to understand why people get so very
: upset about flyers/menus. It seems like it's almost enough to get people's
: blood boiling. Something is crammed in my door every day when I arrive
: home. It usually goes straight to the trash. Sure, it can be annoying, and
: I do understand being upset if you are not home and an accumulation of
: flyers gives that away. But is this issue really worth getting irrate over
: & blowing your blood pressure sky high?

I don't mind. It's a whole lot better than the idiots who call you up
wanting this and that.

While we're on this, does anybody else just toss the little piece of paper
with missing children on it that comes in the mail about once a week?

David Meyers

Nov 15, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/15/99
Ashburn <> writes:
> jim wrote:

> >Flyers are more nuisance than anything else.

> If they are a nuisance to you - who cares?
> > They mostly end up as trash blowing around the neighborhood.

> Nasty neighborhood you live in.

Maybe the Flier assholes can be shut down by getting
them on charges of illegal dumping, or littering.

Unless, perhaps, they feel like going back and
picking up the garbage they spread.

They're in the same category as telemarketters.



Nov 15, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/15/99
On 15 Nov 1999 14:55:08 -0500, (Lloyd R. Parker)

>While we're on this, does anybody else just toss the little piece of paper
>with missing children on it that comes in the mail about once a week?

I look at the picture if the thing isn't mixed in with other junk

I wonder how effective those things are.


Nov 15, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/15/99

David Meyers wrote:
> Ashburn <> writes:
> > jim wrote:
> > >Flyers are more nuisance than anything else.
> > If they are a nuisance to you - who cares?
> >
> > > They mostly end up as trash blowing around the neighborhood.
> > Nasty neighborhood you live in.
> Maybe the Flier assholes can be shut down by getting
> them on charges of illegal dumping, or littering.

Go for it, spunky. I would love to see the look
on the D.A. when you present him with your
solution to the FLIER CRISIS. I'm sure he would
*try* not to laugh in your stupid face. I doubt
he could do it.

> Unless, perhaps, they feel like going back and
> picking up the garbage they spread.

So, you live in a nasty neighborhood too?
Shut your mouth, get up off your lazy ass,
and clean your slum up. Nobody else will.
I have NEVER seen garbage, of any type,
in my neighborhood. I guess that the
closer a person lives to the Mason Dixon
Line the cleaner the sub divisions are.
Why do you think that is, nasty ass?

> They're in the same category as telemarketters.


The Sanity Inspector

Nov 15, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/15/99
to (Lloyd R. Parker) shared with usenet this thought:

>While we're on this, does anybody else just toss the little piece of paper
>with missing children on it that comes in the mail about once a week?

Sadly, I do. "Sadly" because I don't have a good memory for
faces, especially children.

The dignified don't even enter in the game.
--The Jam


Nov 15, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/15/99
Alexander wrote:

> Actually the issue seems to have turned into a trollfest with this
> Ashburn dude calling everyone a sissy who doesn't agree with him, thus
> inciting further posts.

Not true, Einstein. I was trying to point out
the benefits that business people get by
advertising with fliers. Because of these
benefits, fliers are here to stay. So all
of the complaints by the whining, sissy pukes
is moot. They would serve themselves better
if they shut their traps, got off their lazy
asses, cleaned up their nasty neighborhoods,
and take certain actions to reduce the amount
of fliers they receive.

> Just your typical everyday atl.general blue-collar redneck flamewar...

You're an arrogant little piss ant.
If it was not for us craftsmen
and trades people where would you
be pitching your tent?

> (As Alexander posts the message, a beat up white Chevy work van pulls
> up in front. Ladders dangling from the roof, and an "Ain't Skeered"
> sticker on the rear window, the van comes to an abrupt stop in front
> of the mailbox. A withered, tattoed arm lunges out and sticks another
> flyer on the mailbox! The van, valves rattling, speeds away...)

(Alexander wants to run out his door and confront the blue-collar
rednecks. "Stop putting trash on my mailbox! Leave and never
darken this neighborhood again!", he wants to scream. But he
is confronted with the reality that he, Alexander, is a coward.
So our hero posts on the usenet.)


Nov 16, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/16/99
And exactly what part of my post isn't accurate (besides the part
about the van)?

By the third word of your response, you're already calling me names.

By the third sentence, you're calling everyone sissies again.

Sounds like a flamewar to me.

As far as 'craftsmen and trades people' go, I have plenty of respect
for them, except when they get on usenet and prove to the entire group
their level of immaturity, such as you have done.

The best part about it is that I'm thoroughly enjoying this, while
you're obviously getting your panties in a wad about it!

Lighten up, dude. Enjoy the insults while you can, before everyone
killfiles you.

Lloyd R. Parker

Nov 16, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/16/99
Ashburn ( wrote:
: Alexander wrote:
: > Actually the issue seems to have turned into a trollfest with this
: > Ashburn dude calling everyone a sissy who doesn't agree with him, thus
: > inciting further posts.
: Not true, Einstein. I was trying to point out
: the benefits that business people get by
: advertising with fliers. Because of these

They get benefits from calling you at all hours too. Doesn't mean we like
either approach.


Nov 16, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/16/99

Gee, what else don't you like?
Spill the beans, Lloyd. I care.
Maybe you can vote for the candidate that promises
"to deal with the FLYER CRISIS!!!!!!" Somebody that
"feels your flyer pain".


Nov 16, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/16/99
Alexander wrote:
> And exactly what part of my post isn't accurate (besides the part
> about the van)?

That was bullshit, TOO?

> By the third word of your response, you're already calling me names.

Einstein, Einstein. (one name)

> By the third sentence, you're calling everyone sissies again.

Only the petty, little bitches
with their petty, little complaints.

> Sounds like a flamewar to me.

Your cognitive disability is showing.
Try a longer skirt to hide it.

> As far as 'craftsmen and trades people' go, I have plenty of respect
> for them, except when they get on usenet and prove to the entire group
> their level of immaturity, such as you have done.
> The best part about it is that I'm thoroughly enjoying this, while
> you're obviously getting your panties in a wad about it!
> Lighten up, dude.

For me, this turkey shoot has been
nothing but frequent flyer smiles.

>Enjoy the insults while you can, before everyone
> killfiles you.

I shall miss your retarded retorts.

The Crayfish

Nov 16, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/16/99
On Tue, 16 Nov 1999 11:01:48 GMT, (Alexander)
wriggled free of the leather straps and managed to scrawl:

>Lighten up, dude. Enjoy the insults while you can, before everyone
>killfiles you.

Too late -- I added the "Ashburn" kill filter this evening...

"The other white meat" * Eat more skineless chicken!
What's "skineless" mean?
Donate FREE food to hungry people at:
Get your FREE anti-spam service:

Greg H

Nov 16, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/16/99
If your business can't do well by word of mouth, and PROPER advertising, and
you have to result to hiring kids to do your sneaky, dirty work, your
business is already doomed. Get a real job.

- GH

Alexander <> wrote in message

> And exactly what part of my post isn't accurate (besides the part
> about the van)?

> By the third word of your response, you're already calling me names.

> By the third sentence, you're calling everyone sissies again.

> Sounds like a flamewar to me.

> As far as 'craftsmen and trades people' go, I have plenty of respect
> for them, except when they get on usenet and prove to the entire group
> their level of immaturity, such as you have done.
> The best part about it is that I'm thoroughly enjoying this, while
> you're obviously getting your panties in a wad about it!

> Lighten up, dude. Enjoy the insults while you can, before everyone
> killfiles you.

> On Mon, 15 Nov 1999 21:19:37 -0600, Ashburn

> <> wrote:
> >Alexander wrote:
> >
> >> Actually the issue seems to have turned into a trollfest with this
> >> Ashburn dude calling everyone a sissy who doesn't agree with him, thus
> >> inciting further posts.
> >
> >Not true, Einstein. I was trying to point out
> >the benefits that business people get by
> >advertising with fliers. Because of these


Nov 16, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/16/99

Greg H wrote:
> If your business can't do well by word of mouth, and PROPER advertising,

Obviously, you are a master business man.
(sucking cock for beer money?)

> you have to result to hiring kids to do your sneaky, dirty work, your
> business is already doomed.

Now I'm hiring kids to do sneaky, dirty work?
Imagination or psychosis?

>Get a real job.

And pay taxes? Fat fucking chance.


Nov 16, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/16/99

The Cockfish wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Nov 1999 11:01:48 GMT, (Alexander)
> wriggled free of the leather straps and managed to scrawl:

> >Lighten up, dude. Enjoy the insults while you can, before everyone
> >killfiles you.

> Too late -- I added the "Ashburn" kill filter this evening...

Don't let the door hit ya,
where the Good Lord split ya.

> ==================================================================
> "The other white meat" * Eat more skineless cock!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> What's "skineless" mean?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Donate FREE cock to hungry people at:
> Get your FREE anti-pussy service:
> ==================================================================


Nov 16, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/16/99

Greg H wrote:
> I'm not new to having a business, and know many people who do own their own
> businesses.

Whoop T Dew.

>None of whom resort to fliers (unless they mail them) to
> advertise.

Double Whoop.

>They all do very well because word of mouth, running ads, and
> their own good business sense make them do so well.

Great sentence, sport.

>They place people who
> own businesses and stuff fliers on mailboxes and cars as the "Jerry
> Springers" of business owners.

So the standard for business owners is being set
by what some half wit, who lives in or near Atlanta,
thinks his friends think?
( chorus:)
Drudge ain't got notin' on you.
CNN in your back yard, too.

One thing could make me stop IMMEDIATELY.
The day I put flyers out and NOBODY CALLS.
That would stop most fliers except for
our new Russian immigrants (pc enough?)
They are some stupid m.f.ers.


Maybe to you, Bill Gates.
Today, I worked at an $800,000 (500,00 Atlanta market)home.
The man of the house is at Harvard arguing about more IMF
money for Pakistan. They were smart enough to read my flier
and take advantage of my Low, LOw, LOW PRICES!!!
Nobody pays until they are 110% satisfied!!!
She paid me in cash and gave me a tip. She asked
me if I was willing to go to Md., to work at her
father's house. Gee, I wonder what she meant by that?
And just think, she could have used the yellow pages.

> What's with the comment about "sucking cock for beer money"?

You would most likely fuck that up, too.
Let's face it spunky.
You're a nine to fiver.
(nothing wrong with that)
Amway is the only business you have been in.
After you strong armed your parents, siblings,
close relatives, and your one friend - you quit.


Nov 16, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/16/99

August wrote:

> On Tue, 16 Nov 1999 08:22:45 -0600, Ashburn
> <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >Greg H wrote:
> >>
> >> If your business can't do well by word of mouth, and PROPER advertising,
> >
> >Obviously, you are a master business man.
> >(sucking cock for beer money?)

> The fag-lames are getting a bit old.

Damn. And that was the first time it was ever really appropriate.

> Hopefully you'll grow out of them..

Grown. From now on all of my attempts at humor
will be confined to Russian Immigrants.

> Until then, please try something different.

If I try something different then I won't be
able to fag-lame...trying to trick me?

Greg H

Nov 17, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/17/99
I'm not new to having a business, and know many people who do own their own
businesses. None of whom resort to fliers (unless they mail them) to
advertise. They all do very well because word of mouth, running ads, and
their own good business sense make them do so well. They place people who

own businesses and stuff fliers on mailboxes and cars as the "Jerry
Springers" of business owners. Sleezy.

What's with the comment about "sucking cock for beer money"? Wow... you
sure do think about "sucking cock" alot, don't you? Something you wanna

Ashburn <> wrote in message

> Greg H wrote:
> >
> > If your business can't do well by word of mouth, and PROPER advertising,
> Obviously, you are a master business man.
> (sucking cock for beer money?)


Nov 17, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/17/99
On Tue, 16 Nov 1999 08:22:45 -0600, Ashburn
<> wrote:

>Greg H wrote:
>> If your business can't do well by word of mouth, and PROPER advertising,
>Obviously, you are a master business man.
>(sucking cock for beer money?)

The fag-lames are getting a bit old.

Hopefully you'll grow out of them..

Until then, please try something different.


Nov 18, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/18/99
On Wed, 17 Nov 1999 10:16:26 -0500, "Greg H"
<> wrote:

>None of whom resort to fliers (unless they mail them) to

I'm Al Gore, and I think grass roots are much better than fliers. You
can't grow fliers, smoke fliers, and you can't eat fliers. Try some
grass roots today.

All together now!!!

Grass roots!!! Grass roots!!! Grass, grass, grass roots!!! :-)


I thought I saw a putty cat.

Tweety Bird, Putty Cats, Chap. 1, page 1, 1962.

Jim Patterson

Nov 18, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/18/99
On Tue, 16 Nov 1999 22:01:24 -0600, Glenn <>

>Let's face it spunky.
>You're a nine to fiver.
>(nothing wrong with that)
>Amway is the only business you have been in.
>After you strong armed your parents, siblings,
>close relatives, and your one friend - you quit.

With all the junque on this thread, i must say the above commentary is
very interesting.


"There are things we do not understand.
Yet they exist nonetheless." -- Lt. Worf

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