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Holger Dansk

8 mars 2005 04:05:472005-03-08
This is a good place to send Senator Barbara Boxer, Senator Nancy
Pelosi, Senator Harry Reid and Senator Ted Kennedy.



8 mars 2005 06:44:112005-03-08
Holger Dansk wrote:

Just as this would be a good place to send the Speaker of the House, the
Senate majority leader, Robert Byrd, Wolfowitz, Rumsfield, C Rice and
Carl Rove.

Holger Dansk

8 mars 2005 07:12:392005-03-08
I agree that Robert K. K. K. Byrd should go and also Senator Joe Biden,
Howard Dean and Diane Feinstein.

I think it's Rump-felt instead of Rumsfield.


Holger Dansk

8 mars 2005 08:03:582005-03-08
I forgot Senator (I have a plan.) John Kerry. Of course, he should go



8 mars 2005 08:21:362005-03-08
Holger Dansk wrote:

I agree. He should go to the White House and take over.

Holger Dansk

8 mars 2005 11:05:442005-03-08
He couldn't take over anything. Not even a lemonade stand. That was
his biggest problem other than being a traitor and war criminal.

He was always pointing that finger and saying, "I have a plan." He
never said what his plan was about anything because it didn't exist.

He belongs in the slammer, but the statute of limitations prohibit

His wife even took back her maiden name.



8 mars 2005 12:04:242005-03-08
Holger Dansk wrote:

Yes he did say what his plan was. You just closed your ears and mind and
didn't listen. You had come to the foregone conclusion the he didn't
have a plan and the actual truth couln't sway you from your beliefs.

I told you once before, you are evil. As long as you keep pursueing the
evil path you will continue to be evil.

John Y. Iselin

8 mars 2005 12:16:242005-03-08
Shut up, dumbass.


8 mars 2005 12:33:422005-03-08
John Y. Iselin wrote:

>I need to shut up since I'm such a dumbass.
The Way is a void,
Used but never filled:
An abyss it is,
Like an ancestor
From which all things come.

It blunts sharpness,
Resolves tangles;
It tempers light,
Subdues turmoil.

A deep pool it is,
Never to run dry!
Whose offspring it may be
I do not know:
It is like a preface to God.
--Tao Te Ching.


8 mars 2005 06:50:412005-03-08

It would be a better place for Bush. After all, he made them our ally in
"the war on terrorism" despite their being one of the most repressive
governments on the planet.

Holger Dansk

9 mars 2005 18:55:552005-03-09
Tell me what his plan was about anything. I mean anything. He never
said what it was. All he did was criticize Bush.

Do you think it's rational to say that I'm evil when I tell you the
truth about things and how they really are? If you can't see that
Boxer, Pelosi, Kennedy, and Reid have mental problems then it's time
for you to go to a psychiatrist and tell him/her about it.

Look at these people's body English, and their eyes when they talk
total nonsense. Sometimes I think maybe they know that's what they are
doing, but they are doing it to get votes because they have such a
nutty constituency. They may just want to get re-elected at any cost.


Please do that, and tell me about the result.



9 mars 2005 19:19:372005-03-09
Holger Dansk wrote:

Did you even take a moment to read his web site? His plan, at least in
outline form, was there for everyone to read. But even beyond that the
most important piece of his plan was simply to get Republicans out of
the White House. That was abundantly clear right from the start.

The problem is that you don't tell the truth at all. You make broad
sweeping generalizations, you completely avoid anything that even
approaches a detail and you have this inane pretense that you have
sufficient qualifications to judge the psychological state of
individuals who are successful politicians - something you cannot claim.
The most you can really claim is that you know how to chop down a tree.
Big deal.

If you want examples of mental imbalance, all you have to do is look at
your hero Bush. Virtually every time he opens his mouth to say something
that isn't tightly scripted on a teleprompter in front of him he makes
an ass of himself by saying things that are ridiculous. Entire web sites
have been created with a lengthy list of quotes that show his relative
lack of intellectual ability. The last person in government who had the
same problem was another Republican by the name of Dan Quayle. A pattern
emerges. Lack of genuine education leads to the inability to speak
intelligently in public. Are you going to actually sit there an deny
that Bush has problems when speaking extemporaneously? If so, it is no
wonder that you don't understand the very nature of evil. I've told you
time and time again that you have problems on an intellectual level and
I can't even shame you into actually taking time to read anything beyond
a junior high school level.

How much did your parents have to contribute to the colleges you
attended to guarantee that you received a degree? I had to work my way
through college and didn't have the advantage of having parents who
could just buy a degree.

Holger Dansk

10 mars 2005 04:21:472005-03-10
"get Republicans out of the White House" That's not a plan to do
anything. It's just criticising the opposition.

"pretense that you have sufficient qualifications to judge the
psychological state of individuals who are successful politicians -

something you cannot claim." It's ludicrous to think that you have to
be a psychiatrist to tell if someone is emotionally disturbed. You do
not have to be a singer to tell if someone is a bad singer or be an
author to tell if someone is a bad writer or a dancer to tell if
someone is a bad dancer. That's ridiculous.

"Virtually every time he opens his mouth to say something that isn't
tightly scripted on a teleprompter in front of him he makes an ass of

himself by saying things that are ridiculous." Talking pretty is fine,
but Bush has valuable content in what he says. which is far more
important. Kerry never had any content wuff a pooty.

"Are you going to actually sit there an deny that Bush has problems

when speaking extemporaneously?" He has personality which is much
better than speaking like a robot.

You think Democrats are intellectuals or pinheads. We need someone who
has lots of common sense to be our President, and not someone who sits
around discussing what he thinks is the meaning of "Paradise Lost".

" I've told you time and time again that you have problems on an

intellectual level." Good. The last thing I want to be is an

"How much did your parents have to contribute to the colleges you
attended to guarantee that you received a degree? I had to work my way
through college and didn't have the advantage of having parents who

could just buy a degree." You poor little old thing. I see that you
love to criticise people with money. Lots of Democrats love to do
that. It's such a redneck low class thing to do.

By the way, yesterday they had a memorial service at Darlington in the
chapel by the lake for the two boys, who you described as snotty noses,
who died on a canoe and kayak trip in the Gulf of Mexico about 5 miles
from the mouth of the Suwanee River. Did or does that make you happy?



10 mars 2005 11:01:532005-03-10
John Y. Iselin wrote:

>I am a LOSER. I Like being a kornholer.

On tiptoe your stance is unsteady;
Long strides make your progress unsure;
Show off and you get no attention;
Your boasting will mean you have failed;
Asserting yourself brings no credit;
Be proud and you will never lead.

To persons of the Way, these traits
Can only bring distrust; they seem
Like extra food for parasites.
So those who choose the Way,
Will never give them place.
--Tao Te Ching

John Y. Iselin

10 mars 2005 10:27:242005-03-10
> But even beyond that the most important piece
> of his plan was simply to get Republicans out
> of the White House. That was abundantly clear
> right from the start.

LOSER. Like you, kornholer.


10 mars 2005 08:44:362005-03-10
Holger Dansk wrote:

So there is some type of glory in being uneducated and having opinions
that are utter nonsense? I suppose that comes under the heading that
when people don't know any better they vote for ugly women as beauty
queens. But, I suppose it is worth noting that you do seem to raise
stupidity to a formidable art.

People who are born to privilege don't appreciate what it means to work
their way through life. They just get handed everything on a silver
platter and expect the rest of the world to believe everything they say.
It doesn't work like that in the real world. Regular people have to
actually study in college since they don't have someone behind them to
just buy the degree. You certainly didn't take advantage of college to
get an education, that is pretty apparent.

You are one person out of millions who observe politicians. Some of
those people actually are qualified to make judgments about the
mental/emotional state of people like politicians. You really won't find
any of them that agree with you regarding your assessment. None at all.
That leaves your opinion as one that is a shining example of one that is
both incorrect and ill conceived. At the very least if you are going to
have a dumb opinion, at least have one that at least a few other people
would support. You are wrong. Everyone knows you are wrong. You cannot
defend your opinion from facts. It is time to put your hand down and
move to the back of the room.

I also notice you dodged the issue that your sole qualification in life
is chopping down trees. The truth hurts apparently. We never need fear
that you will ever be in a position of trust and responsibility, so that
is a great relief to society at large.

Holger Dansk

10 mars 2005 15:50:112005-03-10
I know that I'm right so I certainly have no reason to, as you say,
defend my opinion. If some people think I'm wrong, that's fine.
People used to think the world was flat, etc.

I think what may happen to these people that I mentioned is that they
begin saying, not what they believe, but what they think people want to
hear. After doing that for years they no longer know what they
believe, and continue just saying what they think people want to hear,
particularly what their constituents want to hear. They become, in
some ways, like wild animals. Watch Barbara Boxer when she is
performing in the Senate. She frantically searches through her papers
and notes like an animal pacing back and forth rapidly in its cage.
She, evidently, does not realize what her actions are. Her total mind
and spirit are devoted to supporting some sick stand that she has,
evidently, all because she wants to get re-elected. All, because of
her constituents who have gone bananas, but she doesn't realize it,
anymore than she realizes what, and why she is doing what she is doing.
It's a form of psychosis or of being psychotic. If you watch her, you
can not help but feel sorry for her.

I wonder when and how many years it takes someone to get like that?



10 mars 2005 16:25:432005-03-10
Holger Dansk wrote:

You can't even distinguish between neurosis and psychosis and you expect
us to believe you? A person with a real education rather then an
expensive piece of paper would know that there is a difference between
the two. But that's the problem. You don't really take time to learn
anything. You just throw words around regardless of the commonly
accepted usage of those words. I'd generally agree that most politicians
have some version of neurosis, but even McCarthy in his worst moments
wasn't psychotic and probably wasn't taking the 1950's versoin of

I've challenged you on this before and I will repeat it. Pick up a book
on Abnormal Psychology and actually read it cover to cover. For once in
your life learn something other then the destruction of forests. You'd
be surprised that there are actually people who are experts in other
areas and have published their knowledge so that it is available to the

Just as you think you are right I know absolutely that you are
absolutely wrong. In fact you would need to learn a lot to just become
merely wrong. I doubt that you have sufficient moral character or
intellectual capability to actualy reach the point where your opinion
could actually be something that other people might consider an opinion
that might be worthy of consideration. But, I know you are hopeless.
Since you are an old man now your ability to actually acquire knowledge
is severely limited. It would probably be difficult to keep you from
drowling on the book.

Holger Dansk

11 mars 2005 06:25:142005-03-11
I'm adding Al Gore to the above list.

Are you saying that you do not think that any of these people either
have a defective contact with reality or have lost contact with
reality? If you don't then you should go and see a psychiatrist and/or
psychologist at your earliest convenience.

Look at the way you are behaving. You say, "doubt that you have
sufficient moral character", "I know you are hopeless," "you are an old
man", (as if you have something against age) "your ability to actually
acquire knowledge is severely limited", "learn something other than
the destruction of forests," "a person with a real education rather
than an expensive piece of paper," etc., etc.

Stand back and take a close look at your own behavior. What is this
hate you have for people with money? What makes you dislike older
people? What makes you criticize the moral character of someone you
know absolutely nothing about? Why do you think you know anything
about my education?

What's going on with you to make you feel and act this way?



11 mars 2005 06:49:402005-03-11
Holger Dansk wrote:

You throw that term "lost contact with reality" out like you know what
you are talking about. First of all, that is purely a layman's concept.
Someone with actual knowledge in the field of psychology/psychiatry
wouldn't use such a term in an assessment. The only reason that the term
even exists is so that the uneducated (like you) can have a reference
point. If you had taken time to open a few books when you were in
college you would understand that you really don't know what you are
talking about. Maintaining that you are right about this matter is along
the same lines as believing that Ted Bundy was innocent. There is not a
single other person on the planet who would agree with your assessment.
Not that you have ever cared about having correct opinions - you boldly
announce your erroneous opinions and show what a fool you are to the
entire world (or at least that part of the world that reads this NG).
There is one, and only one, reason you do not like the individuals you
have named. They are not Republicans. And if you are stupid enough to
believe that everyone else doesn't recognize this, you are really
fooling yourself. But perhaps you really enjoy being that type of fool.

As to the rest, I can only observe what you post here. The evidence of
lack of education is pretty obvious. You may not think it shows through,
but it does. It is also obvious that you are a loyal sock puppet of
Republicans and automatically adopt the party line and are incapable of
thinking for yourself. That isn't just an opinion, the evidence could be
gleaned from hundreds of messages you have posted.

On the point of you being evil - It is my opinion. I'll stick by my
opinion in the absence of any evidence to the contrary. I suspect you
are quite capable of, and perhaps have already committed, acts of evil.
You aren't about to convince me otherwise, so my opinion stands as stated.

Holger Dansk

11 mars 2005 08:02:212005-03-11
"There is one, and only one, reason you do not like the individuals you
have named. They are not Republicans."

That's not true at all. You are really confused. If there were some
Republicans acting like they do, then I would include them. Do you
know of a Republican who has a defective contact with reality?

Joe Lieberman is a pretty nice person, and he's not a luny. He is the
best person that the Democrats had, but they, evidently, didn't like

"The evidence of lack of education is pretty obvious."

Why are you so preoccupied with the amount of education that I have?
Or, that anyone else has, for that matter? A degree is kind of like a
license to learn. My dad once pointed out to me a man in our home town
named Claud that made all As at GA Tech. He said, you have to know how
to use what you learn. You see, Claud has never amounted to a tinker's

"I suspect you are quite capable of, and perhaps have already
committed, acts of evil.
You aren't about to convince me otherwise, so my opinion stands as

You think that I might try to convince you that I haven't committed
evil acts? He, he, he, he, he. That's laughable. How totally

So, you are going to avoid my question: Do you believe that any of
those people that I listed have a defective contact with reality?

Why don't you want to answer it? You must know that they all do?


Al Melvin

11 mars 2005 08:42:492005-03-11
> Pick up a book on Abnormal Psychology
> and actually read it cover to cover.

Might we see a picture you in it Stall?
I bet you made it into the book of Abnormal Physiology, also.
"The man with the two foot rectum."

Al Melvin

11 mars 2005 08:46:442005-03-11
> There is not a single other person on the planet
> who would agree with your assessment.

Meglomaniac Kornholing Cocksucking Stall
now speaks for the whole world.
And why not? His world is small.


11 mars 2005 13:55:402005-03-11
Holger Dansk wrote:

No they don't. They hold opinions that do not coincide with yours, so
you judge them as being psychotic when you really don't even understand
the nature of physhosis. People who are not in touch with reality do not
have long-standing careers as politicians because the either withdraw
from society totally or else they engage in aberent behavior that will
eventually result in institutionalization or criminal behavior. Active
psychotics are generally not able to hold regular jobs. While I will
allow that sometime the behavior of Republican politicians is truly
bizarre, I wouldn't classify them as psychotic. Assholes, perhaps, but
not psychotic.

Also, stop pretending to know something that you don't. The whole
"contact with reality" is strictly a non-professional term. It is
meaningless for the same reason that terms like "nervous breakdown" and
"crazy" are meaningless. They are used by people who don't know what
what they are talking about when then want to pretend they know
something about abnormal psychology. They, like you, merely show their
ignorance about the subject.

At least we both agree that you are evil.


11 mars 2005 13:57:542005-03-11
Al Melvin wrote:

>>There is not a single other person on the planet
>>who would agree with your assessment.

>I'm a meglomaniac Kornholing Cocksucking pathetic excuse for a person
>speaking to the whole world.
>And why not? My mind is small.


The movement of the Way is a return;
In weakness lies its major usefulness.
From What-is all the world of things was born
But What-is sprang in turn from What-is-not.


On hearing of the Way, the best of men
Will earnestly explore its length.
The mediocre person learns of it
And takes it up and sets it down.
But vulgar people, when they hear the news,
Will laugh out loud, and if they did not laugh,
It would not be the Way.

And so there is a proverb:
"When going looks like coming back,
The clearest road is mighty dark."
Today, the Way that's plain looks rough,
And lofty virtue like a chasm;
The purest innocence like shame,
The broadest power not enough,
Established goodness knavery,
Substantial worth like shifting tides.

Great space has no corners;
Great powers come late;
Great music is soft sound;
The great Form no shape.

The Way is obscure and unnamed;
It is a skilled investor, nonetheless,
The master of accomplishment.
--Tao Te Ching


11 mars 2005 13:59:212005-03-11
Al Melvin wrote:

>>Pick up a book on Abnormal Psychology
>>and actually read it cover to cover.

>I know plenty of them with pictures of me in them?
>I made it into the book of Abnormal Physiology, also.
>"The man with the two foot rectum and the pea-sized brain."

The Way begot one,
And the one, two;
Then the two begot three
And three, all else.

All things bear the shade on their backs
And the sun in their arms;
By the blending of breath
From the sun and the shade,
Equilibrium comes to the world.

Orphaned, or needy, or desolate, these
Are conditions much feared and disliked;
Yet in public address, the king
And the nobles account themselves thus.
So a loss sometimes benefits one
Or a benefit proves to be loss.

What others have taught
I also shall teach:
If a violent man does not come
To a violent death,
I shall choose him to teach me.
--Tao Te Ching

Holger Dansk

12 mars 2005 10:19:002005-03-12

These people also think they know what they are talking about. I have
lots of company.

> Someone with actual knowledge in the field of psychology/psychiatry
> wouldn't use such a term in an assessment. The only reason that the
> even exists is so that the uneducated (like you) can have a reference

> point. If you had taken time to open a few books when you were in
> college you would understand that you really don't know what you are
> talking about.

You know absolutely nothing about me and/or my knowledge or experience
with psychosis and psychiatry.

My wife was in a mental institution in Florida and her psychiatrist,
who was married and had two children, fell in love with her and asked
her to marry him. The hospital asked him to resign. I sued him and
the hospital for malpractice. I read a few books then about psychiatry
and, weekly, flew down to see a psychologist there. I flew to Topeka
Kansas and talked to Robert Menninger of the Menninger Clinic, the
psychiatric treatment and training center of the world. And you going
to tell me something about psychiatry. :-)

F Scott Fitzgerald had a similar experience with his wife, Zelda. A
psychiatrist asked Zelda to marry him. When Zelda was in the Highland
Mental Institution near Asheville, NC, and Scott came to see her he
used to play bridge with my great aunt who live in Asheville.

>Maintaining that you are right about this matter is along
> the same lines as believing that Ted Bundy was innocent. There is not
> single other person on the planet who would agree with your
> Not that you have ever cared about having correct opinions - you
> announce your erroneous opinions and show what a fool you are to the
> entire world (or at least that part of the world that reads this NG).

> There is one, and only one, reason you do not like the individuals
> have named. They are not Republicans. And if you are stupid enough to

> believe that everyone else doesn't recognize this, you are really
> fooling yourself. But perhaps you really enjoy being that type of

If you think the above people are totally in contact with reality,
then, don't walk, but run to the nearest psychiatrist because you have

> As to the rest, I can only observe what you post here. The evidence
> lack of education is pretty obvious.

Why would you care how much education I have.

>You may not think it shows through,
> but it does. It is also obvious that you are a loyal sock puppet of
> Republicans and automatically adopt the party line and are incapable
> thinking for yourself. That isn't just an opinion, the evidence could
> gleaned from hundreds of messages you have posted.

I like the republicans, but I always vote for the man, and not the

> On the point of you being evil - It is my opinion. I'll stick by my
> opinion in the absence of any evidence to the contrary. I suspect you

> are quite capable of, and perhaps have already committed, acts of
> You aren't about to convince me otherwise, so my opinion stands as

That's laughable. You think I would try to convince you or anyone else
that I'm not evil. Not anyone has ever said that I was evil. :-)



12 mars 2005 12:00:382005-03-12
Holger Dansk wrote:

Well, if we go by the definitions on the web pages you cited then most
Republicans are psychotic since they can think clearly.

But, if you do have the experiences you described then you should simply
know better. Your accusations of psychosis in politicians you do not
like is simply ludicrous. While I am sorry that you had to go through
that situation with your wife, I must simultaneiously condemn your
assertions about psychosis in politicians simply because you do not
agree with them.

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